I have a Scout, now what?

  • Thread starter Madonion Slicer
  • Start date

Madonion Slicer

Hi Guys rolled out a scout last night called him "Draw" manged to get some buffs and lvled to lvl7 in about 2hours, now can anyone tell me how best to spec my points, i know to keep longbow max, but how important is it to spec stealth at this lvl? or should i be putting it all in thrust?

Which is a good bow? do i need more than one?

Which are good arrows? and does the damage type ie some arrows say slash or thrust damage is this effect by my own spec in thrust or slash?

Basically and help you can offer would be great

Also does anyone have any old items that could help me out for sale?

Thanks Guys


not too sure of the common build for a scout - i know at least 40 longbow and 42 shield are desired at lvl 50 ... stealth is useful now, but with stealth nerfs in future patches u might want to reconsider speccing high in stealth (tho we will probably get to respec)

i would recommend to start fletching for your own source of arrows which are available at 490 fletching ... fletching is very fast and cheap till about 500 ;)

if u need a bow i can make u a couple (they'll last u to about 25 or so i think ;)) - just msg me in-game (i'll be on in about an hour or so) ... char name either Insurrextion or Resurrextion :)

Madonion Slicer

Thx for the quick reply, never done a trade skill before so i guess this will add a new element to the game, cool always like to do something new.

Thanks very much for the bow offers, i am always on from about 7pm GMT, as soon as i get home from work so i will try and catch you if i can.


Madonion Slicer

Ok been reading up on Scouts and i have a question, do i need 2 Bows a LongBow and a HuntingBow if so why?

Or am i fine to stick with a decent crafted longbow?


You are only specced ij longbow so only use longbow.
As far as specfing concerned you need to ask yourself with the upcoming 1.48 patch and implementation of battlegrounds do u want to compete on there? if like on the us servers BG is made up alot of stealthers u will need to put into stealth earlier than u would do in normal RvR which in theory u wont need till well into 20's. Ive rolled a scout to do BG so as always , max bow out, have left shield alone for now and put remaining points into thrust and stealth. i will stop putting in thrust after lvl 15 beartooth style anyway then put into stealth.


Both bows are 'long bows' ...

The difference between the two bows is simple, one shoots faster (hunter bow) but has less range(I think) and does less damage per hit... A long bow has more range and does a lot more damage per hit, but is (a lot) slower the a hunters bow...

Why do you need them both then?

A longbow might get you one-shot's on casters...

But against other archers, you want to fire quick, b4 they fire on you (so you interrupt their shots and not the otherway arround)...

So it's largely dependend on the mob (or enemy) your shooting at...

Madonion Slicer

Ah ok so you could say the same is for NPC's that a hunterbow is good for castering NCP and for tombs where speed is more important that range, and the longbow for when i am in open.

Will give it a try and find out what results i get.



"Hi Guys rolled out a scout last night called him "Draw" manged to get some buffs and lvled to lvl7 in about 2hours, now can anyone tell me how best to spec my points, i know to keep longbow max, but how important is it to spec stealth at this lvl? or should i be putting it all in thrust?"

- Bow at max, good, I would wait with stealth a bit, maybe put a few points in now and then, but don't spec in it seriously untill 20-25+ you won't need it. Thrust or slash, your call, what do you want to hunt. Anyway, you should keep your melee at atleast 2/3 of your level. Shield you should put a few points in now and then too, I am going for slam at 42 which seems to be what is right.

"Which is a good bow? do i need more than one? "

- A good bow is one with good quality, dps that fits your level(orange con works), speed after desire. I have used the longbow till 37 and sometimes it might be good to use a huntingbow in dungeons etc to help do damage with your group if you are grouping(You'll do a bit less damage, but range isn't important in a dungeon). Or else you won't have enough time to shoot untill the fight is over). I am not quite sure how the weight of a bow affects the damage(if at all, heard some rumours), but I'm sure someone can fill in on that.

"Which are good arrows? and does the damage type ie some arrows say slash or thrust damage is this effect by my own spec in thrust or slash?"

- The bow damage is calculated as thrust damage, however your melee skill in either thrust or slash has NOTHING to do with your bow damage, you can specc slash and use thrust arrows and vice versa. Even when bow damage is calculated as thrust, the instant your arrow hits a target it calculates teh damage afterr what kind of arrow you use(thrust or slash) so pick your arrows after what you are shooting at. If you are hitting lets say carrion drakes in west downs at level 8 or 9, use thrust arrows, since their armour is weak against it and their attack is weak against your armor type(leather/studded). This means you get an attack bonus against them and they get a penalty against you. And they move slow.

http://daoc.catacombs.com has got a bestiary were you can check out several mobs against what attack you use and what armour you have at a specific level.
Choose your arrows after what you are going to attack.

I would also recommend you to browse the forums at www.critshot.com It's an archer dedicated forum where the scout team leaders in the US are.

Madonion Slicer

Thx mate that is a top post and answered many of my questions, very kind and many thx.


Originally posted by Icy
Both bows are 'long bows' ...

The difference between the two bows is simple, one shoots faster (hunter bow) but has less range(I think) and does less damage per hit... A long bow has more range and does a lot more damage per hit, but is (a lot) slower the a hunters bow...

Why do you need them both then?

A longbow might get you one-shot's on casters...

But against other archers, you want to fire quick, b4 they fire on you (so you interrupt their shots and not the otherway arround)...

So it's largely dependend on the mob (or enemy) your shooting at...

Never knew that about the hunting bow, thnx handy to know

Madonion Slicer

Well i had a pretty good night

Took Up Fletching last night and managed this

Fletching 100
Metal 99
Cloth 99
Wood 99

Also lvled to lvl8 which i know is nothing but the character is only 4 hours old.

And to top it off was taken in by the Shades of Albion and all scout guild, help me with some items and made me feel very welcome.

Thanks to:

Rossco: For tons of help with the tradeskilling and some pukker bows and answering many of my questions.

Aissa: For Taking me into the Guild and help me out.

SoulKeeper: For simply standing next to his vault and find items i could have for free, very nice indeed.

Thanks very much to you all, you have set me on the way to becoming a good scout.


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