I have a question?



Can a group of midgard & albions meet up for duel with healers and kill each other over and over again?
Is this allowed or not?


Originally posted by Woodmansee
Can a group of midgard & albions meet up for duel with healers and kill each other over and over again?
Is this allowed or not?

It can be done :)

But remember u cant communicate to each other in game, so use irc ;)

Brannor McThife

Woody...strange that you would ask this. As this very thing has been posted about by Mythic themselves...

I'm sure someone will post the quote, but basically.

Yes, it's allowed, but is frowned upon as RP farming. AND, should another group happen upon your duels, they have every right (and are encouraged it seems) to slaughter one (or both) sides.

Personally, I like duels for one reason only. To test my abilities against an enemy armsman/hero/fighter class. I couldn't care less about the RP, but that's the problem, you still get RP for the kills.

This will be a never ending debate. I like duels, but disagree with farming.



I would like some duels, but dont want to be frowned upon :mad:


I don't see it as RP farming and I find this a false claim (please don't start a flamewar). It is about who is better, who has better tactics etc... exactly the same as in RvR.
So you could say that if a person alone in Yggdra meets a enemy realm member who is also alone and he kills him he has commited RP farming. :confused:
I couldn't really care if someone is dueling, of course if the person messages me that it is a duel I will not intefere, maybe just /cheer on the side.


There's definitely a diffrence between RP farming and duels...

My definition is this:
A duel is a structured fight - only one person on each side fighting, everyone else keeps their weapons close but not drawn.

RP farming is where one side kills everyone but the healer, who rezzes them all - then the other side kills everyone on the first side bar the healer. Usually with no resistance whatsoever (not even in combat mode)

Rinse and repeat. (and puke)


Originally posted by fingoniel
There's definitely a diffrence between RP farming and duels...

My definition is this:
A duel is a structured fight - only one person on each side fighting, everyone else keeps their weapons close but not drawn.

RP farming is where one side kills everyone but the healer, who rezzes them all - then the other side kills everyone on the first side bar the healer. Usually with no resistance whatsoever (not even in combat mode)

Rinse and repeat. (and puke)
Funny how RvR is all RP farming almost, except duels with this idea. Because healers usually stay alive :D
But otherwise of course healers should be killed aswell, naturally.
A duel imho is not RP farming.... ust the same idea as two individuals happening to face off except it was setup.


Why not have ????


Think about it - it would take some work - yes - essentially a new zone could be tacked onto the whole portal thing - ampitheatre - here each character becomes a champion for their realm. You get NO realm points for each kill - but you get say a ranking on a champions list. You can challenge people from other realms to gladatorial combat and maybe even have a viewing area where people can watch the fights.

We have Duels which most people seem to want, and Mythic dont have to worry about rp farming. This way when people duel in rp giving areas - it can be called rp farming without any concerns.

I know its a rough idea - but I think it could be a really 'fun' cool way of making the PvP (proposed) server or even normal servers a little different. After all a Death match server where you run around - die - run around - die is going to bore quite a few people quite rapidly. This way we also get some form of character development (champion rank could be added to the char info) - we get a new forum of structured player vs player combat that can't interuppted by people looking to gain 'easy' realm points and lower levels get a way of learning how to RvR in a relatively risk free environment (i.e. - you can always refuse that challenge from the huge purple troll with glowing axe)

Just my thoughts on a possible solution - I am sure they can be improved - what do you guys think?



Hmm... interesting...

given the time period - a portal to rome? (or perhaps farther to byzantium - not sure how knacked the roman empire would be by this time ...

then again it's medieval arthurian - so later than the Briton King he was probably spun from - Guess the romans are gone :)

oh well :) I just wanna portal to the mainland europe - go pillaging or something.

(wonder if that would be like a stress ball - send a raiding party to Paris, where no doubt there'd be a GOA tavern or such :) I'm sure some of the flamers on here would be carrying torches)


Then again they have talked about setting up arenas inside main cities of various realms. But that is between members of the same realm. Maybe one in the frontiers would be great.
But I bet some fart will make up a way to snipe them from the outside or something :p
They should make a code that makes them invulnerable to players outside of the duel.

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