i h8 the new crosshair



i know the crosshairs have been like this since "whenever" but im used to FIXED crosshairs.i can work with the recoil as i have something to go by.but this expanding crosshair is really doing my head in, i cant aim 4 shit now. are you allowed to add fixed crosshairs,or is that classed as cheating?


nm , you cant add fixed crosshairs its hardcoded into the game


Try short bursts instead of prolonged automatic firing. In real life long bursts of automatic fire would fuck your gun up pretty quickly anyway and massively increase your chances of a stoppage.

Half-second bursts are the key ;) (oh except for p90 at point-blank range and Para of course :)


ummm i arent a newbie granny i think its pretty obvious how to do short bursts:D
its just i was used to my crosshairs not expanding thats all

[Edited by ED209 on 19-09-00 at 01:12]


better get used to them expanding then eh?



The crosshair is supposed to simulate the decreased accuracy of the gun as you continue to fire. People would whinge like mad if they didn't expand, allowing players to seemingly blast away and hit nothing. Then again, they still do... lost count of the number of times I've hear "I shot him 15 times in the head and he didn't die!!!!!"

There's a very good reason that the MP5 has a "3 round burst" setting on it, on fully auto it bounces around all over the shop. Assault rifles (ie M4, AUG) are even worse. I always tend to go for a double tap (ie two rapid shots) with a rifle - if you hit them with the first bullet, you're going to hit them with the second bullet, and most likely they'll go down.



well CS sorta over exagerates the flick up of weapons, pistols would flick up loads, but assult rifles with shoulder mounts wouldnt much for 2 reasons,

1. The front of the weapon is heavy
2. The force of the bullet is on the same plane as the main anchor point - the shoulder.

now gotta wait for the people with no idea to post crap about how it does happen, when in fact it doesnt, but hey, believe the movies and games if ya want...


i wrote this when 7.1 just came out and i was playing shit.you can ignore it know im back to kicking ass


Sorry frankie, you are utterly, completely wrong. What causes the recoil from a gun? It's basic physics principles. The higher the exit velocity from the barrel of the gun, the higher the energy used up. More exit energy = more reactionary energy the other way. You're right to say that by holding the weapon up to the shoulder, there is less recoil than there would be holding it at the waist, but even allowing for this assault rifles buck all over the place.

The 'silencer' on the front of the M16 (of which the M4 is merely the updated, modified version) is not a silencer at all. It's a suppressor. Its primary purpose is not to make the gun quieter, but to stop the barrel bouncing around all over the shop.

I don't believe movies and games (in which, ironically, the guns dont bounce around at all, so that didn't make much sense) - I just believe the laws of physics.


Originally posted by Stu-
I don't believe movies and games (in which, ironically, the guns dont bounce around at all, so that didn't make much sense) - I just believe the laws of physics.

Also they tend to have a million bullets in each clip :)


I have fired a Steyr Aug back in New Zealand and yes, it bucks around. Single fire it's not a huge ammount, didn't get a change to try full-auto (hehe), but I definately se it being much worse.

That being said I know an ex-infantry friend was told to empty his clip into a target in under 20 seconds or something, so instead of tap tapping away he just went full auto and proudly put the gun down, (all bullets on target I believe). The sarge couldn't bawl him out since he had said to get it all done fast etc etc..

From my own experiences and stuff I think CS does a pretty damn good job of modeling this aspect. burst firring is reasonably accurate, full auto is messy, esp at range, single shots are pretty accurate.


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