I dont really use it but might aswell post again MAcro thingy


Loyal Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
/macro xx /use 5 **


/macro xx /use2 5 **

replace xx with the name you want to give the macro (obviously), and replace ** with the digits that represent the slot you want to use.

0 = right hand
1 = left hand
2 = two-handed
3 = ranged weapon
10 = helm
11 = hands
12 = boots
13 = jewel
14 = vest
15 = cloak
16 = legs
17 = arms
18 = necklace
21 = belt
22 = left bracer
23 = right bracer
24 = left ring
25 = right ring
40-79 = inventory slots

so for example, you want a macro that directly uses a barrel of power (in your first inv slot):

/macro barrel /use 5 40


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
handy if you want to name your use macros (rather than the icons) however there's now an easier way - if you're using the default UI or an updated one you can right click an item for info, and icons for using the abilities are on the small info window. Click and drop on quickbar.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
handy if you want to name your use macros (rather than the icons) however there's now an easier way - if you're using the default UI or an updated one you can right click an item for info, and icons for using the abilities are on the small info window. Click and drop on quickbar.

anyone got an update for derida's ui as it doesnt sure on latest version.


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