I don't get the DAoC community. I really don't.



Here's how it goes.

Subpages are down and people whine like there's no tomorrow for every day they are down.

Ok that's nothing new.

They ask for information, something so they can sleep a bit better knowing that atleast it's being fixed.

They finally inform that they got hacked(or something like that) and people take out their axes -once- more to bash GOA on the head shouting "Why the hell did you get hacked?!?"

Is it just me or does this seem a bit silly? I'm not sure about this, but i do believe cops don't run into a bank and bash with their rubberclubs at the bankladies shouting "Why the hell did you get robbed you twats!"

I think it's mostly the newpeople who do the crying and whining, while the older(1.5+ years in DAoC) players are just sitting back, having a drink and going: "Weeell...that's GOA for ya..."

Have fun flaming or giving your comments on this.


flame flame
whine whine
more flames
more whines

now what to do?


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Is it just me or does this seem a bit silly? I'm not sure about this, but i do believe cops don't run into a bank and bash with their rubberclubs at the bankladies shouting "Why the hell did you get robbed you twats!"

No, that's what the insurance companies will ask.

All of this is merely speculation as to the reason why they got hacked. With GOA's track record everyone assumes it was incompetence on GOA's part, which to be honest is probably not far from the truth.

I think a more fitting question in this case would be: 'There's a perfectly good lock on the vault so why didn't you use it!'


If the service was free I could understand your point of view. However, I pay £8 per month for the privilege of playing so I feel entitled to complain when I think I'm not getting value or a decent level of service for my money.


Well I understand the DAOC community ... I really do ... the major problem with GOA imho is that they are so bad on giving info to there customers. If information is passed out in a quick way to the customers they would probably half all the whines.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Here's how it goes.

Subpages are down and people whine like there's no tomorrow for every day they are down.

Ok that's nothing new.

They ask for information, something so they can sleep a bit better knowing that atleast it's being fixed.

They finally inform that they got hacked(or something like that) and people take out their axes -once- more to bash GOA on the head shouting "Why the hell did you get hacked?!?"

Is it just me or does this seem a bit silly? I'm not sure about this, but i do believe cops don't run into a bank and bash with their rubberclubs at the bankladies shouting "Why the hell did you get robbed you twats!"

I think it's mostly the newpeople who do the crying and whining, while the older(1.5+ years in DAoC) players are just sitting back, having a drink and going: "Weeell...that's GOA for ya..."

Have fun flaming or giving your comments on this.

Don't you mean customers, what have Police got to do with people whining?

This is a lot more than just the bloody subscription pages being down, customers account information have been compromised. Wouldn't you whine and cry if your Bank got hacked, your account details changed and then you are told it could take a week to prove you are who you say you are?

Agreed people do whine way to much on this board, sometimes to the detriment of the DAOC community but this issue in my opinion does warrant as much crying as possible :)

Kharok Svark

Information is the Key :)

When I used to do support, you could be working away at a problem for a customer for hours. You finaly fix the issue phone them back and you get "Why couldn't you have done that / told me hours ago".

However have the customer on the phone during / before fixing the problem, you can say things like "Server looks like it's one fire." and "Hmm, I think your PC's gonna blow" and they are just happy it's being looked at.



Well right now i must say everyone that whimpers about GOA.. you all sound a bit married to them :=)

so just keep your heads clear and this wont take to long we can hope :=)

i dont even remember what mail i registerd my account on.. and u dont see me fretting around shouting about some hours offtime from the game...

but sure flood the forums with stuff i think all players feel..


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Here's how it goes.

Subpages are down and people whine like there's no tomorrow for every day they are down.

Ok that's nothing new.

They ask for information, something so they can sleep a bit better knowing that atleast it's being fixed.

They finally inform that they got hacked(or something like that) and people take out their axes -once- more to bash GOA on the head shouting "Why the hell did you get hacked?!?"

Is it just me or does this seem a bit silly? I'm not sure about this, but i do believe cops don't run into a bank and bash with their rubberclubs at the bankladies shouting "Why the hell did you get robbed you twats!"

I think it's mostly the newpeople who do the crying and whining, while the older(1.5+ years in DAoC) players are just sitting back, having a drink and going: "Weeell...that's GOA for ya..."

Have fun flaming or giving your comments on this.

i want your children irl


Re: hehehe

Originally posted by chigs
...so just keep your heads clear and this wont take to long we can hope :=)
Yup, you're right.

I asked GOA about the jewel crafting which was announced for 2002. All they could tell me was they didn't know and that we would be informed on the official website.

Did you read anything, cause I didn't ? Well, I asked this question only 2 months ago, so maybe it's too soon yet.

Like you said, let's hope this wont take too long...


as much as the knackered subs page pissed me off, i'm quite happy its come to this, rather than having no info about the situation i can actually see something being done.

sure its sucks coz of downtime, sorry everyone else cant play, but if it takes a day a week or a month, as long as they get it working who the hell cares?

the people whining about compensation? here's an idea, you find out who hacked the server, and beat your missed lvling / RPing out of the little shit...

i dont want or expect any free days play from this, since my lil bro been playing free for a week as it is :D


i'd much rather the servers were down for a day and protected against future hacks, than find anarchy on the servers as someone hacked it and dumped 5 apocs at pkb or something....


I see one problem with the "GOA will fix it, stop whining it's only a game" opinion,

They have my credit card details!

If they have been hacked, and my card details have gone anywhere, I sure as hell will not be giving my details to this company again ;)

Second, although people may be complaining that they can't play, and want to cancel their accounts etc etc, they should be able to have the ability to cancel their accounts if they want to!

Without a subs page or even a valid email address with which to reach GOA, they cannot even stop the payments.

My payments go through as credit card payments, which cannot be stopped unless I go through the company who has my details. Which in this case, is a company I can't reach, and who have recently been hacked!

Why the hell should I have to report my card stolen, just because GOA dont know how to run a business?

A simple email address for use when the Rightnow or whatever else is down, that we can use, would be the usual answer.

Even on Ultima Online if I had a problem I could phone the USA and cancel! I cant even phone them in france with these people!

I for one wont be cancelling my account yet, because at the moment theres nothing else to play. But TRUTH from GOA about whether our details Name, Address, Email, Credit Card etc have been stolen, would be nice. And a VERY GOOD APOLOGY. Because to my knowledge, I damn well havent had my details hacked with any other company that has my details!


Hope they sort it out, and we can get back to playing :)

ps. i dont want any free time, just make sure my subs details go to me! :p


GOA don't have your CC info - they do have your address info I think...

incase you weren't paying attention when you paid your subs but everything you pay for is routed through Bibit, a secure payment gateway.


but i do believe cops don't run into a bank and bash with their rubberclubs at the bankladies shouting "Why the hell did you get robbed you twats!"


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