I don't bloody believe it they're at it again




Yet again the EQ power machine rolls into gear with another sodding story on the BBC web site technology section.

Wtf are they paying these people to keep getting this amount of publicity on one of the widest read web sites in the world???

More importantly why the hell is my taxpaying money being used by the BBC to continually pander to the egos of Sony and their stupid pigging EverCamp(tm).


Because more people play EQ that daoc ?

I don't know, but EQ certainly has a much higher profile than DAOC. I believe that the BBC report the news, not make it. Their "journalists" in the technology department may play EQ, and if they do, programs like ShowEQ are big news, so they report. Sadly, DAOC is pretty un-newsworthy tbh, not much happens, things run smoothly, we'll have no cheating here, this is a local game, for local people etc, etc...

Should there be any major newsworthy happenings in the world of DAOC, why not spam the BBC with the details?


Ches, good idea I'm gonna e-mail them about the PVP server right now

"Bloodlust as 5000 people attempt to log and kill each other on new online server!!!"


I thought the same Chesnor, for awhile, but then I noticed that EQ stories are more common than stories for every other game ever made by man!

True, as I read the beeb's news section every day including the tech stuff.

Reason for all this EQ stuff?

My best guess is not some sneaky deal with sony, just that some tech geek who has to sub stories for the beeb spends too much time online :D

Maybe we should tell his boss that we're onto him? :p

Uncle Sick(tm)


Too precious... Google + bbc propaganda = see above... :rolleyes:


maybe now theyll feature DAOX :rolleyes:

Mythic goes to war with small group of programmers in lawsuit worth a shedload of cash!!!11


Well you see I have insider knowledge

Originally posted by old.chesnor
I believe that the BBC report the news, not make it. Their "journalists" in the technology department may play EQ, and if they do, programs like ShowEQ are big news, so they report.

You would think so yes. However, I am a journalist Ches and have been for more than 14 years and never, in a billion more, would a games company fighting against hackers be considered newsworthy anywhere except on a trade magazine web site or in a games magazine!

My view concurs with yours along the lines of someone in the BBC Tech news team plays EQ (excepting that irritating annoying woman who did the review of her first 'online' gaming experience and set back female gaming a million years) and that's how all these EQ stories are getting onto their site.

I also wouldn't put it past the Sony publicity people to know that the BBC site is one of the widest read in the world and that it would be a good idea to push a few press releases/demos/free trial runs etc etc at the Beeb journos.

Right, now to spam my contacts at the BBC and find out who the little bugger is that's getting all the free stuff ;)


lets all send in super stories about daoc! :)



Exotic races?


sorry played everyquest,hated it,thought it was a heap of steaming crap, trashed account but not before going crazy and telling everyone they were a Mo'fo'

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