I dont believe it! theres still hope for some!



Today its been 5 weeks since lost password, and no replies to mail,(whines again)

Made another wine on BW cos still cant cancel account etc account prob deleated.. blah blah,

This morning I registered and logged on to goa.com chat room and told them all they suk! Trouble is they all spoke french, doh!

This afternoon I spend nearly three and a half quid sending a letter registered to france, GOA headqurters, Was thinking twats probably won't be able to read it.

Whilst I was at work a reply came thru from SUBS imagine my disbelief!!!!!!

When she phoned I thought the wife was havin a larf!

I think the Frogs eat too many snails, i mean 5 weeks for a reply :)

Any way ther is still hope.

Will play out my subs,now its cancelled, but then im off to SWG maybe we could make a GOA appreciation guild ....

cya'll soon .


Its not all doom and gloom, there prolly busy clearing the backlog, just be patient, sending loads of emails will just slow things down - they do read them, and I guess the'll respond to everyone eventualy.

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