I can't say I'm impressed...



One thing I enjoy occasionally, is Roleplaying my character. I jump on as Spug, and slip into the Kobold Language, its quite fun really, and theres a few friends who do it too, together we have quite a laugh. This is our chosen method of play, one of the ways we enjoy the game, much like Power Levellers enjoy leveling, and crafters enjoy the odd meal between crafting items.

Last night, I heard one of my friends was specifically asked not to roleplay, that it annoyed members of a guild. Whats wrong with some people? really? I used to ask that members of the guild didnt use LOL in guild chat, as it bugged me, it wasnt a demand, merely a request, and certainly one I wouldn't think to impose on people not within the guild.

Come on people, learn some tolerence to other playstyles.


Agree Spug... what people seem to forget sometimes is that this is a MMORPG... it has RP in there folks.

And that stands for R O L E P L A Y I N G and not Realm Points :rolleyes:

Toodle Pip :)


Irritated me immensely when I heard, she ended up leaving the group she was in bceause of it...


There are two ways you can look at this.

Yea, it's an MMORPG, but the game doesn't exactly encourage roleplayers so the player base isn't going to be full of dedicated RPers. In the same way that it annoys most RPers when they aren't met with an in character response to their RPing (IE "Good day adventerer!" "lol lo m8"), it can also annoy people who play to gain Realm Points and talk to your average 'Joe Bloggs' ingame.

Both should be respectful of each other IMO, but if one group doesn't want to be around the other that's their choice and both parties should respect that and either stop/start RPing or leave the group.

S'the way I see it anyway.


The problem here, wasnt that it was a single group, but a large alliance thing. as as the result of some intollerent idiot, a friend of mine left the meet...

as I said, I'm all for live and let live, you want to talk l33t, go ahead, I can understand it, and live with it, after all, its your choice... But demanding someone doesnt roleplay is just wrong.


I'd give em, but she wont tell me for fear I'll go roleplay at em


I agree Spug <waves>. I've also heard someone calling on someone else to stop doing it in a quite big chatting group during some Midgard defence. Some of the request went something like 'why don't you speak english?', which coming from one kobold to another (who was speaking clearly I thought, just with some roleplayed extra 's') seemed an interesting statement. I missed my chance to ask the non-roleplaying one why he spoke like a norseman when he was a kobold.


I would say racking down on a roleplayer is rather retarded, since he actually uses his wit.

Compared to your average: hi m8 itamz plz roflplz omg !11!

I might be biased tho, since I like roleplay. But, due to the server situation cant be arsed doing it.

Anyway, go roleplayers, since it IS a roleplaying game. It just happens to be filled with CS-kids, a shame really.


dictonary for kobold language is there something like that?

i wanna learn :)


No dictionary as such, and we actually call it the darktyde language, claiming darktydes were seperated from most kobolds, and developed slightly differently...

but we refer to self in the plural "we" and to all others as it

ie, we sees it, and greets it...

what does it want from us?

you get the idea :p


Sung to roleplay is to have a good time, so use your "1337" roleplaying 5k1llz to tell people what you think about the way they speak.

I remeber one time when I grouped with some people, trolls and dwarfs and a few norsemen. And we roleplayed our chars, it was great fun. But then again it fairly easy to roleplay a not to smart dwarfen thane.

Eh? Wash did ya say ta me lad? eh? Barkeeper bring me lad here another ale and keep them werewolfs comming so they can fell the back of me hammer.

One of the reasons I chanced to hibiland (besides from not wanting to play my main dwarf anymore) was that when ever I ended up in a group it was full of kids who ran around not knowing what they where doing half the time, and the rest of the time they where leet speaking. (thank god that many of the older players of the game know what to do and when to speak what)
I use a little leet myself from time to time, but if some one roleplayed near me i'd jump the wagon right away.

/em runs away to hibiland


i wish i could RolePlay

Hearing me roleplay is like a choir of drunk men sing :rolleyes:


Not very easy to RP, i know very few that really can. And its very funny to conversate with someone who does :D


it's not as hard as some people think to RP, you dont have to use 'thee's and thou's' you just need a background for your char and personality to play (some people RP there own personality in game).

Although i really enjoy RP'ing i think some server's are better than others, i once RP'd in a group i was in and i got laughed at for it :rolleyes: go figure.

but the game doesn't exactly encourage roleplayers

i dont think it's the game, its mainly the players, as you can play the game as you like, the game doesnt stop you from RP'ing, but the reaction's from some players can (although i still RP).


Originally posted by old.Spug

but we refer to self in the plural "we" and to all others as it

ie, we sees it, and greets it...

what does it want from us?

you get the idea :p


My...preciouss.... ;)


I think RP'ing is cool, I havent done it, coz I dont know how, but would happily join in if my group was RP'ing, I must say I havent seen many players do it, very few.. perhaps those that do keep it amongst themselves...

I think it is well lame to try and stop people RP'ing or to laugh at them... its kinda rude..

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