I can't do it



No matter how much I want to, I cannot press enter (after typing /respec all).

I think I'm gonna need a little enthusiastic push in the right direction to make me respec to enh/rej. I guess I just don't want to completely gimp my char for all eternity, until Mythic decide to gimp it even more without any effort on my part.

Option 1

40 enhance
36 rejuv
4 smite

Option 2

40 enhance
35 rejuv
9 smite

Do I go for the PB AE smite that option 2 gives and sacrifice a grp heal?

Many thanks

Hit ^_^

Option 2

40 enhance
35 rejuv
9 smite

group heal suxxor.

pbae is good for unstelthing sb's/ns's fast.
be sure to get reju48 as a total whit items tho. for 100% stabel healing someone told me.
im using enha40 reju36 smite4 due to watching tv during respec :\

Ckiller ofDust

I love clerics in rvr now have i said that :)


the other choice is

43 smite
other stuff

if yer 43 smite then your spec nuke damage will have improved after the patch (of course yer mez is still fooked)


Well i went from 44 smite to 46 rej

As a BIG fan of smite i went to be an even BIGGER fan of the healing.
I think you can ask different groups i went into RvR with, they sure like a rej cleric way more than a smiter (altough last 2 months before patch i also just healed and mezzed/stunned instead of smiting when in group...but the heals just plain sucked).

I tought i would be gimped forever after respec, but when i see my group winning a battle cause of the +550 heal....well...it makes me feel good :p (+single 100% insta + 100% groupheal + BoF + MCL to get pow back)

The only thing i miss now is the 30sec mezz (got 11sec now), but since it's on a 5 min timer instead of 30 sec + all the insta grouppurge and resists against the mezz...don't think it would make a big difference (9 sec stun is sill in base smite line thank god)

Of course it's your char...but the respec was a good thing for me (even if my char was a smiter at the start, and i tought healing would be boring)

I'm now 46 rej 9 smite 28 enh (first resist buffs) and RvR was never better for me (except i get loads of mid/hibs on me now...could be the Gryphon Knight above my head :p )


I'm going for a balanced (I hope) spec for when I hit 50:

27 enhance
40 rejuv
23 smite

This gets me 2nd lvl spec buffs, and the first level of resist buffs (when they get here)

All but top insta group(75%) and single target instas(80%) 12sec wonder rez and remove mez(again, when it gets here)

And 19sec mez and some DD'ing including some aoe to annoy people repairing doors ;)

I needed a balanced spec, I can't face being a buff bot / rez mule, and I don't want mythic to win by forcing me to respec my points out of smite (I already have the 23 smite). And I would like to be able to kill some blues occasionally.


Kessica has 48 base in rej and has alwasy been specced as a rej cleric, I use the grp heal quite often especially when helping a tree grp and there is no pBT. (yes Im still doing trees despite being level 50, some folks need help to get to 50...) Its very useful. Also the lvl 40 rezz is nice too and these days, if I dont do that rezz, I get complaints lol.

Kess has alwasy been rej, there is nothing better in my mind. I also have 2 buff botts that are 30+ enh and although their buffs are good for casters and scouts, not so good for tanks I have discovered. The additional stat adds when enh is over 20+ dont really justify the additional adds.

Also when enh is very high, you run out of conc very fast. so buffing a full grp is very difficult, and you have to spread your buffs thinly.

You can alwasy tell a smite cleric who has specced to rej. He smites often and never heals till the last minute. Least that is what I have found so far :( And what is worse some of them smite on the 1st mob when there are adds, This is not the way of a rej cleric who is supposed to be there for the good of the grp. Only the last mob should ever be smited by a cleric never, never the 1st, unless you have an uncanny knack of knowing exactly whats going to happen and can see into the future...... If you lose pBT cause youve been smiting and dont have enough pwr left to heal, and folks die, your not working for the good of the grp. Seen it so so many times.....

Its also worth mentioning that a healing cleric should save 2 buffs for him/her self, dex and qui. These will help you heal faster. You dont need guards or con stat buffs, save these for tanks. Trust the tanks to look after you. If they have any shield spec they can guard or protect you. :)

Its also worth mentioning that BIG HEALS DRAW AGGRO when xping, dont heal a tank when he is at 50% health, use mini heals and stay safe, heal early and often and you will live to tell the tale and as an added bonus you wont break mezz either. (Pity thats not true for RvR).

Never assume that a tank is slash, ask them what they and buff accordingly, str for slash, qui/dex for thrusters.

Not trying to teach you to suck eggs here, but some clerics just dont have a clue.

Just my two penneth.


Originally posted by jetsetminer
All but top insta group(75%) and single target instas(80%) 12sec wonder rez and remove mez(again, when it gets here)
Remove mez is here. It was given to primary and secondary CCers not healers though. That's sorcs and minstrels for Albion btw. :p


I think you can ask different groups i went into RvR with, they sure like a rej cleric way more than a smiter

lol it took you this long to figure that out :p ?


Good points kiarra :)

I would totally agree with the smite comment in PvE when working with a group, I almost never smite anything when in a group, my roll is buff and heal and stun.

Having said that having some smite spec is useful for soloing occasionally and rescuing greys ;) Smite can also be useful in RvR to, as I said, annoy people attacking / defending doors with AOE smite, and of course the lovely PA aoe mez - although now nefred with the 5 min timer :(

I have heard that high level buffers run out of conc fast. I can usually use up all 20 buffs without running out of conc, although it's a fine balance. Maybe my spec if jack of all trades and master of none, but I like my cleric, and I think that people who I group with would agree I do a good job of my group support role.


do it or i kick your head in

enough encouragement? :)


remove mez is here. It was given to primary and secondary CCers not healers though. That's sorcs and minstrels for Albion btw.

Hmm... thats odd, I worked out my spec on the character creator on daoc catacombs, and that had remove mez as a cleric skill, I just assummed it was in a later patch....

Character Builder

I know that minstrels and sorc's got it in this patch :p


The cleric I group with is speccing 50 Rej, 20 enhance and i've never seen a better healer, currently 47+10 Rej I believe, however even so when RvRing or exping as a pair in barrows the base-line low level stun is quite handy as even with my slow polearm it gives me almost 2 free swings to get aggro on me completely.
And even the base smites with a mere 4 in it lets her do a little damage to finish things of quicker when in a hurry.

However with end spec of 50+10 rej, mastery of healing, serenity, and wild healing you never need more then 1 cleric in the group.


It's a bug on the Camelot Herald spells.xml - for some reason it puts the mincer cure-mezz in the cleric line.


Thanks for all your thoughts...

In my opinion there is no way I will ever want to be a full rejuv cleric (ie 50 rejuv) as someone noted in a reply.

My current spec is 24rej 47 smite 11 enh (pre 1.52), as this combination, for me, gave me an easy way to xp - grp or solo. And it worked. My smite damage actually cincreased this patch, as I had greater holy fury (43 smite) instead of holy fury, plus 4 smite levels, +13.

As my main focus now is obviously RVR, I don't mind speccing to rejuv and enh. I've always been fascinated by enhancement clerics and the effect they have on a grp, particularly now with the 16% resist buffs.

As I have been primarily smite, I would feel a bit bad removing my ability to PBAE smite, which I think is a vital part in uncovering stealthers, and providing an extra (but small) kick to nmes.

I think 40enh 35rej 9smite is the way I will be looking, as I'm sure 35 rejuv will be plenty to heal to a strong degree, and I was never a fan of the group heals.

Hit ^_^

cant see why you need more then reju36+14.
whit that spec i get 236dex whit the crappy epic armour and over 300 whit none epic armour=cast time is nearly none.
and i heal for 283 on the small heals and 540 whit the big ones.
sure the lvl40 rezz is nice but the cast time is a bit to much.
and going past 40 seems like a real waste of points.
the better buffs the group has on them. the less healing you need doing :)


If I ever respec it will be to
41R - very very very nice heal at 41. I have 42 right now and I don't think there is much point over 41.
27E - You get the last of the first resist buffs. I won't go higher in Enhance. I am not a buff bot. Why? Because if I am alone in a group, I can't give each person many buffs anyhow. If I am with another Cleric, then they normaly have respecced high enhan. Add in the 10 or so buff bots standing outside APK and ... why do it?
22S - The remaining points. Means I can run from APK to AMG alone if I want. Means if I meet a stealther alone, I at least stand a chance. Means I get to have some fun :)

I tried to respec, but I couldn't do it, so I am still a bit gimpy :)

And yes Tazzbe, I liked to group with you before (one of the few clerics who heals ME - very important ;) ), but now I love to group with you :wub:


Well tazz was in our group last night and it was a pleasure.

A scout like mine hits with right buff for 500 on a chain class
mid every 2.5-3 sec. That drops a mid healer in less than 10 sec.
Thats approx same dam as 1 unbuffed scout and 1 smithe cleric hits for in same time, but you have 1 cleric more to help group.

Each kill the group make is because of teamwork, who actually kills is not important :)

1 thing about enh contra revj is that you get the first 200 hp in a battle for free. Means less healing, and also makes the very common cleric and class instas like ip more powerfull.
I think a balanced revj/enh spec with BoF, MCL and purge will
make a cleric feel usefull in group and when you feel usefull in
a group you will enjoy the game.

Did i mention, get purge at all cost, or those overpowered instas
will kill you :)

I would for all non stealther/nuker classes get purge as first ra, then ip,sos, BoF. Its our only defense against insta ae mezz and those 6000 hp heros. Leave the nice, but not crucial ra's until
you have more rp. A lot of the PvP in DaoC is happening with
timeintervals, which gives those nice reactive abilities time to charge.

When you make a group, try to use 3 min to talk about which
people has ip. That gives the cleric a chance to use instas
more effecient. After a fight try to tell status on these instas.
You can check ip by sitting down and pressing it. Also if more than
1 with group heal, try make a order in which to use them.

Since cleric is main healer, he should tell in group chat if his mezzed. That gives a class like paladins a chance to use FH
at the right time, saving that precious sorc or wizzy.


Originally posted by Kagato.
However with end spec of 50+10 rej, mastery of healing, serenity, and wild healing you never need more then 1 cleric in the group.

Maybe true in PvE, but in RvR it's not the case. You can have as much rejuv as you like, but when you have a Hero (or two) with a pointy stick chasing you, and you've used your instas on your casters & your uber mez was resisted *shock*, it's really nice to have someone who can heal you.


Originally posted by kinadold
I would for all non stealther/nuker classes get purge as first ra, then ip,sos, BoF. Its our only defense against insta ae mezz and those 6000 hp heros. Leave the nice, but not crucial ra's until
you have more rp. A lot of the PvP in DaoC is happening with
timeintervals, which gives those nice reactive abilities time to charge.
Uh huh, purge, sos and ip... that's a mere 44 RSPs, so, um, what do you do until you get RR5L4? :p


I had been trying to decide between:

41 rej
35 enh
3 smite


36 rej
37 enh
15 smi

So many options


old.chim aira

i respecced to:
40 enhance
35 rejuv
9 smite

and i must say i'm very happy with this spec. My buffs are very good, since i also have the mastery of the arcane RA, and my healing is still as good as it was before, although i lost 1 point in it. But like tazzbe says, ppl like me in their grp, for my healing and buffing, and occasional stun, not to brag or anything ;)


My respec is working great, (40enh 35rej 9smite). I get complemented on my buffs, which make chars cast time very small indeed. The amount of extra HP I can give with both con buffs is also immense. I have had no problems with the amount of buffs I can cast at present, seems to me like I can cast more than my last spec of 11enh.

My smite is still reasonably powered (base), but obviously not as practical as before for soloing. My mes has saved me on several occasions since the respec, and theres nothing like using your first PBAE to hit for 13 damage ;) The 16% resists have been excellent for grp rvr, and give the cleric an even more vital role.

With 35 rejuv I get great heals, and with the increased heal range of 2000, this becomes even more useful.

I would recommend this spec to all uncertain clerics. If you are a level 50 brinking on the edge of decision, gimme a PM in game and I might let you have a quick go with my account.

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