I can't build a war mattock.


soylent green

I've just started a char on the pvp server,when i got too lvl 5 i took him into cam to start crafting.I started doing weapon tasks and was told to build a bronze war mattock.So i drag the icon for the war mattock over too my quick bar, and then look in my metalworking folder for the bronze war mattock head but it s not there, i scroll down to the next page hoping too find it there but its not. so where is the war mattock head gone.

I,ve just checked my main on excal server and he can't build items that are the last item at the bottom of each page on all of the crafting skills. I do no how to build items my main has 530 wc.
has anyone else had or got this problem.


I think I've read about this problem in the US patch notes. I'm pretty sure it's fixed in a later patch, but I don't remember which.

Generic Poster

What you do is, click an item or two above the war mattock to see their sub-lists... this pushes the war mattock down to the next page. You go to the next page, click on the war mattock and you will see it's sub-list.


aye you just gotta open another item and then check the 2nd page to see all the other items in the mattock list... 1 or 2 items are not in view when they go past the 1st page border.. It's indeed fixed in the next patch.


happens to me when making chain armor too..

simply opening a few sub windows solve it though

soylent green

yep that worked, thx for all your help lads.

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