I Cannie See!!



Been playing daoc for awhile now at the start i suffered with being able to see mobs right in front of me at in game nightime, but finally found out about powerstrip which has worked great for several months... Until this morning.

Worse ive ever see it infact its so dark i can only see the glowy green text in my chat box nothing else, desktop brightness is fine etc and ive messed around with a few things with no success as well as the obvious ie reinstalling powerstrip.

Got the feeling this is a computer problem rather that a software problem plz god dont be.


If everything's fine on destop and in other apps then I'd say it's almost certainly not a hardware problem and must be a software issue.
Try uninstalling powerstrip and testing it without, then reinstall it and see if that makes a difference.


Still no luck guys although thx for the replys, i opened second account in shrouded isles window mode, no powerstrip and it was perfect /shrug but still in full screen its as black as this background.

Main used accounts on classic mode so any other suggestions will be much appreciated, /edit Currently playing with daox in classic mode so ive found a solution but i hate windowed and the problem hasnt be fixed. This has also reviled the fact that ive never needed powerstrip so very confusing.


try newer gfx drivers, or perhaps older ones if your runnig on the latest.

dont fix it if it aint broken!

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