i believe congrats are in order



to the mids, the new owners of thidranki.

a shame to see it go on aolns last night, but it was a very sucessful raid, even if you seemed to shag the start when you looked like you forgot the ram kit again :)

i am so sorry to stomach who i kiled 3 times within 5 mins, but i have to keep killing to make you all worried, and you were kinda an easy target when i knew your hp, but sorry mate :)

just when you think its gonna be yours for a while, it slips from under your fingers :)

see you with a ram team soon ;)


yepp, raid worked out fine.

we kinda started without the ram team, pulled guards etc.

Nice jobb by all mids who where there.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

/linah, critblade.


Good job to all the middies, great to finaly see some healing classes and a LOT of new names there also.

WTG Middies :D


Sorry to dissapoint you, Midgard, but after a manic late night raid, Thidranki is back in the hands of it's most frequent owners.



/em pads Usor on the head :p

My account went huggabugga so no daoc for me for a while :mad:


To Middies: Ouch now thats got to hurt :D

P.S Get your ass back here mitsu !!!

Vodac: Scout:2x
Plutaris: Minstrel :4x


Lol! That means that my sm will get instakilled the moment I log on, cause I logged in the keep... :p


Hey you albs!

Do you know how hard we fought to get that keep? We have had many failures trying to raid you... but we atleast have had some real fun... I think it's very low of you to raid a keep when there aint many defenders online... We mids have been trying to be so "polite" to attack you during the peek times... and then you just go take it back like that...

Well, it is war, and there are no rules in war... but you can still be a honored enemy, and fight when the both sides are online.

Gratulations to your new keep, but don't expect to have it for too long... I guess we are gonna try to take it back someday soon, but I surely hope that no organizer puts it during a night... if it is during a night, I wont participate in it.

Thank you my worthy foes!


What do you mean when there was little defense?

Prowler here, we had a good night last night, apart from gonna take the keep back and not having rams, delayed us by 30mins, but we got it sorted.

The whole attack took us about 40-45 mins max, we had very good teamwork and organisation, especially on about a 2hours notice max for a raid, and we were up against about 8 middies or so, can remember, i was in with my cleric rezzing (vengeance) but we done well, especially when i remember about 7 of us holding the keep a few nights ago for 3-4 hours of a siege, with no healer/rezzer, and you middies never took it.... close, but no cigar.

But i'm so happy to have the keep back :), hopefully thats a big enough taunt to get yous to try again..... and again..... and again....

I'm sure we won't complain about yous attacking us low on manpower, 'cause we know we can hold it against yous :).

Enough of my bragging, see yous later ;-)


Now there are lot of new players as i understand on our side fighting in Thidranki. So you just wait until our brave warriors learn more then you will yet again fear the might of Midgård.

And btw we hold of you guys for 3 hours with no healers, 6 chars of witch 3 where tank with not much use until you broke thru the gates, i manage to get back to the keep about 10 times and got into it almost with no damage done to me.

well gratz to your keep taking.

But remeber you will loose it again, dont forget that.


Originally posted by nightcrawl

I think it's very low of you to raid a keep when there aint many defenders online... We mids have been trying to be so "polite" to attack you during the peek times... and then you just go take it back like that...

Pot... kettle... black... Relic raids at 4:30 am, is all I'm gonna say on this matter.

I was actually informed about the raid at 1am, turned up to discover we didn't have any rams or aught ready, so spent the next half hour getting them ready for everyone. After I've gone to that effort, I ain't gonna call a raid with 20+ people off because there are only 8 defenders. Likewise, I won't bitch if the middies take a defended keep at 3 in the morning. I'll just take it back the next day ;)


hmm grats i suppose,

Not a whine of any sort just an observation, i can perfectly understand people doing relic raids etc in the early morning and accept it completly, what i dont understand is why a worthless BG keep would be so important to you youd stay up late / wake up early to take it.

personaly i see the bg as an area to have a little play and fun nothing serious and tbh i think raiding the keep like that just isnt fun.

but anyways Grats on the take hope you had fun ill maybe see you there for my last 18 rp :)


As ulukin said, a BG keep aint any big thing... It is a place to have fun. Actually, the BG has been the most fun time for me ever, and i Have played for quite long now... i was about to give DAoC up, but then on the last day of my subscription the game was patched, and I got into the BG.... and damn that was fun :)

And what I am feeling sad most for, is that I didn't have a chance of being there, protecting the keep.

The fact that albs took it off us so fast annoys me... I want to try to defend the keep during a raid with my hunter....but I've never been given the chance to do it :)

But what the heck! This will bring us more fun!
I have been organizing some earlier raids with my mate Grimmfaxe in thidranki... 2 of them actually... 21:00 CET on last Friday and last Saturday... Both of them failed, but damn it was fun! You don't need to win to have fun! Only the fact that you snipe some albs is enough :)

Congratulations again to the keep mates :)

Edit: Oh, just noticed...ulukin... why haven't you said you are Meruna, old guildmate? :)


Generally speaking, it's more fun having the central keep. That way you can avoid the having people camp your own PK rigramole :rolleyes:

And do it yourself instead :clap:


yeah I quite enjoy camping at our pk tbh great fun watching 3/4 infils use the same tactic over and over again ie one tank sits close to pk and the said 3/4 infils wait for someone to try gank him i usually just walk round and gank one of the straglers or wave at them :p

but anyway passed 350 rp now so no more thid for me :(
maybe we should set a date for all hibs/albs/mids to invade murd and have some fun there if enough from each realm show up it might start a little interest in the area.

p.s maybe im a mind reader but i can see if this happens 30+ albs going the night before at 4 am to take the keep ready for it :p


Yea, I find it funny to be camped at mpk too... funny to sneak around the ones camping us and picking off them resting people that sit in the back... preferably to point & laugh at them before they go down :)

I rather be camped than being the one who camp someone else :)
Cos it is kind hard to get behind someone that stands by a pk :)

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