I apologize for killing 2 groups in barrows



I have just manged to kill 2 whole grous in barrows, due to inexperience in Barrows. I hope that the affected players can find it in their hearts to forgive me for this catastrophy.

I was further saddened to get threats of bad rumors about me, well I can understand that you were pissed at me, I would have been too. But I did not know any better

If you feel there is anyway I can make it up to you please say so.

My deepest regrets



plzzzzzz tell what you have done?:clap:

sh1t happends sometimes..


we were at some bridge in barrows. there were 2 groups and I yelled that I would do anything for money ( im a tank = expensive). A certain high lvl who was soloing said to me that I would get 50g if I jumped in the pit that the bridge went over. So I did, but unfortunately I did not see that the High 'lvl just managed to say "don´t jump". Well down I went. And apparantly the mobs downstairs went upstairs to kill all that there was.



Well that's the most stupid place in barrow's to fall down tho
and i woulen't had been so happy either!
Next time you'll know!
Did you get your 50G?:rolleyes:


don´t care about gold anymore, I just want the players to under stand that I did not know any better.

Very depressed right now




wouldnt worry i bet every1 here has got some1 killed at some point or other ;)

the number of pygmy pulls that go wrong and lead to roaming pygmy armys is uncountable ;P


But these guys where sooo pissed, they actually believed that I intentionally wanted to kill them.
In their minds there was no doubt about that idiot Erhard:(



Cheer up m8!
trust me not 1 of the high lvl's in this game haven't been doing something real stupid, at some point. And still does..
We all have been new in this game..


tbh ppl will be pissed straght away ;)

but if their still pissed after an hour or so sod em, their not worth grouping with. ;)


and aikmores right ;) every1 does stupid things

tell em about the time u stripped naked and went t buy a horse from the aggresive yarleys :E


omg i had forgot that one!!

well yes i did go naked yaerleys once and had forgotten they were aggressive to me! that resultet that they almost 1 hit killed me and all the players who helped me could never take the horse from there again! well after they died ;) i know some of them have been trying to kill tons of boogey's but the yarls aint that easy to get friends with again!!


Btw. it was huma's idea to go naked around! :clap: :clap:


idd i know the feeling mate

Some ppl just cant see reason, they rather kick u and kick u harder, some ppl just seem to like that, its like a drug to them, and reasoning is a waste of breath.

Dont take this too personal mate, some ppl seem to forget its a game,



Thank you all for your support, I feel a little better. But I guess the harshness of the word they used really got to me. Especailly about them mentioning that I would never get a group again in lyonesse, went straight in. But I still feel that I am gonna answer a lot of questions when I log in again.



Hmm Tijl. its funny you mention it because I
/send one of them telling him that I did not know they would aggro all in the dungeon, but he merely replied quote; "Not interested" unquote. An exellent example of ppl not even wanting to reason.



lol, nice one :)

Dont worry friend, we're all human and make mistakes. Did i mention that i put +10int as start.spec on my paladin in Beta? :clap:


Congo the smite-cleric did a similar thing in the middle 30's, we stood at the downslope to the lizzys and fighting them. He fell down TWICE and pulled em all & killed us all :m00:

Shit happends


Thanks Tilde and you all, but I think most you who replied here are very high level and very experienced. The problem is that the ones who will lay ear to this in-game will probably be at my level range and between your experience level amd mine, therefore I still believe it will have devastating consequenses for my character. Maybe I´m just being too pessimistic.



Dont worry m8 soon will you and your friends be laughing at this!


Hope you're feeling better about this

Here's a few more words of encouragement. I'veon a few occasions posted things on boards that have been misinterpreted by other players (I rarely write personal attacks but often they are interpreted as such).

My advice is that if a few words in game don't fix it then chances the person is not one who's opinion you should worry about, you won't ever want to group with them. I doubt anyone about level 40 or so could honestly say they've not either dragged mobs to someone else and caused deaths or had the same happen to them if we all ignored each other since then everyone would be playing solo ;)


Wanna hear stupid? I played my char on my other comp and hadn't updated the quickbar in ages...was playing a lvl 20 sorc with like lvl 12 spells...man were ppl pissy with me for not making the mezzes and only doing 10 dmg! lol. I played that way for 2 days tho before I realized, Duh Dreama ya fecking noob!


Dont worry about it you had no way of knowing it would pull em all.

Everybody do mistakes, and i am sure you will have no problem finding groups even after this. MAybe it be even easyer becose alot of ppl will now have read your story and will rememebr your name and your side of it :)


LOL Sharielle :)

It happens.. Sometimes people think all enemies only attack when you attack them.. Sorry to say but some attack targets when their previous one is away/dead. They stop, stand there and when there is someone in range they attack it (I think even a paladin chant is enough to aggro it). Sure I would have run to the exit as well.. It's just bad luck when it happens.


Heh, after it happened, Tijl messaged me that something bad had happened in Barrows and that he regretted it deeply.

When he told me what happened i had a good laugh (giving someone 50G to jump into a deathtrap is kinda funny), but i can understand that people who are exping dont want useless deaths :rolleyes:

If they're mad because they died, that's understandable. If they continue to be mad after you apologised and explained it, that's their problem.

Don't worry about it too much Erhard and Tijl, people will all laugh at this in hindsight.


Originally posted by Galieran
Thank you all for your support, I feel a little better. But I guess the harshness of the word they used really got to me. Especailly about them mentioning that I would never get a group again in lyonesse, went straight in. But I still feel that I am gonna answer a lot of questions when I log in again.


Don't worry too much Erhard.. believe me, you WILL get groups in lyonesse, a few people screaming at you won't make a difference on the 80-120 people in Lyonesse, especially after you explain things.

Also, people holding a grudge over you even in the days after it happened aren't worth being depressed over. Apologize to them once or twice, point them to this thread and be done with it :)

And i can believe things are expensive at earlier and medium levels and you'll do anything to get your hands on some cash ;)

Message me ingame and i'll craft some nice armor for you at no charge. (i had a good laugh when Tijl explained things to me, that's payment enough)



Yo , Well dont worry , go next to Tanglers and say u r in to group and u will Cripple 1 =)

2 groups is little compared that....

then wait when u r dead and start bodycount, under 4 groups, bad luck, over 5 group, nice job =)

And Quate from Gwalmar
"Pallys die only when God is bored"


no biggy mate, shit happens as someone said before.

Pcm and some other paladin where xping by the celts and lichs.

Our group was exping somewhat near and then we saw that they died to a lich, so we start moving there to rescue them and cleared the celt room and was just about to rez when 2 liches spawns and interupts my spell, no biggy... we started to kill them and then the celts start to spawn o_O

So there we had about 4-5 celts and 3 leechs and some other weird ass mob so down we went, one of the clerics kinda made it so he started to cheese it and died by the echos... and then the groups there thought they could take on a few lich or two... well, the celts kinda wanted to be part of the game so bye bye 2 groups at echos aswell, then some poor guys went down to echos and got themselfs killed aswell by the liches. Dunno if they attacked them or if the liches just were in the mood to kill ;)

So, shit happens and people have to learn to live with it. Specially in dungeons.


Again thank you all for the encouragement, I think you are right about players being worthless if they are not willing to forgive you. Even after you have tried to apologize and explain that it wasn´t your intention to get anyone killed other than yourself.
I mean who would want to kill 14 players deliberately.

I remember a strange thing someone in the group said in group chat, when I was falling down....something about that I wouldn´t be a prob, becuase he could rezz me from the top. This imo shows that I wasnt the only one who was a newbie there.

I think that the main reason that ppl get extremely mad are that they have set lvl goals each day. And want to get to lvl 50 as quick as possible. I think this is a very bad idea, because it will take most enjoyment out of the game. The game will nolonger be a game but more like a job. I play to have fun, therefore I´m in no big hurry, I´ll probably get to 50, or maybe never, dont really care.
I think that ppl should play with patience and discover all of the wonderous things in the game. And I guess this will go in our guild recruitment policy..

Again many thanks to you all, I was about to delete my character, because of this, but you safed him.

GM, Order Of Camelot


erhard hey i mean first thing it weasnt deliberate if ppl dont see that screw em 2nd thing weve all done stupid things examples i remember are aeing in dungeons and pulluing extra mobs etc etc tell me a wizzy that hasnt done that by accident and killed groups ppl get over it, other things that have happend are ppl camping vigis first time there you see the window you jump to go to the window and pull the huge elementals in the room below, wiped out a group myself doing that. geez serious erhard i play my friar and grouped with you a few times i have no probs grouping with you agaoin its just something that happens. imo if ya wernt ment to die mythic wouldnt of wrote it in too many ppl cry about dieing its part of the game and if ya dont like it dont play it :)

- Pathfinder -

Punctuation is not a criminal offence ^^


I always think Zold has a keyboard that acts a bit different to our 'normal' keyboards... Even though he's english, sometimes we have NO clue what the heck he's saying... LMAO ;)

OOhwell, 2 groups, that's nothing... I managed to kill just about everyone between the house pygmy goblins and catacombs about a month (or 2?) ago... (Never saw that many gravestones in Lyoness, there wasnt a cleric in sight ;))

Just a tip, if your pulling from the 'house pygmy goblins', DO NOT shoot one thats already hurt... I'll repeat, DO NOT shoot one thats hurt ;)

It was in the 'good old' days (about 3 ~ 5 groups doing house goblins, a few ppl doing dunters, and several infront of Catacombs)... Basicly Tangler groups where almost never there, so no one ever saw 20+ goblins run after you... And no one was prepared either... I shoot the one that's hurt, he calls for help, 20+ goblins (I think even some of the goblins near the Arches joined up) and killed all the groups that where near...

Oohwell, was kinda funny, didnt read BW yet, so never got to say, sorry lads :p

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