Hybrid Pole Template from a novice!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 6, 2004
I would be really grateful if any of you knowledgable people could cast an eye over this template for me. As you can see its poorly presented ( I dont have any high tech template programmes) but I would like advice on any gaping holes in it.

The only spellcrafted item is the Arms, i think the stats are possible but it would need an overcharge. I am having a break at work ATM and cant remember the name of some itens im afraid. All criticism welcome..

Many thanks



Hybrid Pole Template

Sword/Shield equipped

Strength: 101/100
Constitution: 101/101
Dexterity: 85/86
Quickness: 65/75
Hits: 376/380

Body: 26/26
Cold: 22/26
Heat: 22/26
Energy: 5/26
Matter: 21/26
Spirit: 29/26
Crush: 23/26
Thrust: 23/26
Slash: 27/26

Parry: 3/11
Slash: 11/11

Cap Increase
Strength: 25/26
Constitution: 29/26
Dexterity: 11/26
Quickness: 0/26
Hits: 180/200

TOA Bonus
Armour Factor: 40/50
Style Damage: 4/10
Melee Damage: 8/10
Melee Combat Speed: 9/10
Fatigue: 9/25

Polearm equipped

Strength: 101/101
Constitution: 101/101
Dexterity: 55/86
Quickness: 77/75
Hits: 376/380

Body: 26/26
Cold: 22/26
Heat: 22/26
Energy: 5/26
Matter: 21/26
Spirit: 29/26
Crush: 14+3+5 (22/26)
Thrust: 17+5 (22/26
Slash: 19+2+5 (26/26

Parry: 3/11
Slash: 11/11

Cap Increase
Strength: 26/26
Constitution: 29/26
Dexterity: 11/26
Quickness: 0/26
Hits: 180/200

TOA Bonus
Armour Factor: 20/50
Style Damage: 8/10
Melee Damage: 8/10
Melee Combat Speed: 6/10
Fatigue: 9/25

Chest (GOV):
Style Damage: 4
Strength (Cap Increase): 5
Strength 18
Dex (Cap increase) 5
Dex 15
Melee Damage: 4
Hits 40

Arms (Crafted):
(Quality: 100)
Constitution: 16
Heat 11%
Quickness: 28
Thrust 3%

Head (The Winged Helm):
Imbue: 28.0
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 15
Matter: 5%
Spirit: 5%
Hits: 40
Armour Factor: 10
Fatigue: 5

Legs (Maleficent Darkspire Silvery Greaves):
Imbue: 28.5
Constitution: 24
ALL melee weapon skills: 3
Hits: 56
Constitution (Cap Increase): 8
Melee Combat Speed: 1
Hits (Cap Increase): 24

Hands : Cant remember name
Constitution: 21
Strength 22
Strength cap 6
Hits: 48
Hit cap 48

Feet (soot smudged):
Strength 18
Strength cap 6
Con 18
Con cap 7
Hits 40

Right Hand (Battler):
Strength : 15
Dexterity : 15
Slash: 6
Crush: 6
Melee speed : 3
Melee Damage: 4
A/F 10

DEX: 15
All Melee 3
Cold: 6%
A/F 10

Neck (Ancient CN):
Crush: 10%
Thrust: 10%
Body : 10%
Spirit : 10%

Cloak (Shades of Mist):
Imbue: 25.0
Strength: 15
Quickness: 15
Parry: 3
Stealth: 3
Armour Factor: 10
Melee Combat Speed: 5
Fatigue: 4

Jewel (Eerie Darkness Stone):
Imbue: 37.0
Body: 5%
Cold: 5%
Heat: 5%
Energy: 5%
Matter: 5%
Spirit: 5%
Crush: 4%
Thrust: 4%
Slash: 4%

Belt (cant remember name?????):
Strength Cap: 8
Quickness: 22
All Melee 2
Slash 9%

Left Ring (Morai ??):
Con: 24
Con cap 8
Hits 40
Hit cap 64
Spirit 4%

Right Ring (Arcane strength ring):
Strength 25
Dex: 25
All Melee 3
Hits 72

Left Wrist (Band of stars):
Con Cap 6
Dex Cap 6
Hit Cap 44
Matter 5%
Body 5%
Spirit 5%

Right Wrist (Ebon Hide bracer):

slash :6%
Matter : 6%
Body 6%
Heat 6%
Cold 6%

Champ Pole

Strength 12
Quickness 12
All Melee 4
Style Damage 4
Melee damage 4
Strength cap 8


Belgorian LVL 50 Armsman
RR9-ML10-CL5-Guildmaster of LOE and
thoroughly nice chap!


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
looks nice, however a few things

- missing bonuses to polearm, essencial
- I see your melee resists are quite low when switching to polearm (which is more important than wielding s/s as lower defense). drop the magic resists in your sced piece (you have fury anyway and 16%? from being an armsman) and pump up the melee. Thinking of crush more than anything as plate is weak to crush. Most mid tanks using this dmg type wont help you at all :)

best of luck m8. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 6, 2004
Template gives plus 11 all melee, forgot to put that in post:( Your point regarding melee resists is great :) I hadnt even thought about my defences being lowered etc etc when polearm is out (sad heh:) )




Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Belgorian said:
Template gives plus 11 all melee, forgot to put that in post:( Your point regarding melee resists is great :) I hadnt even thought about my defences being lowered etc etc when polearm is out (sad heh:) )



As far as i remember i think the all melee weaponskill bonuses only effect the base weaponspec, slash/crush/thrust etc so you will still need to imbue polearm unfortunatly. I am about 99% sure of this, will need a second confirmation tho ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Arumos said:
As far as i remember i think the all melee weaponskill bonuses only effect the base weaponspec, slash/crush/thrust etc so you will still need to imbue polearm unfortunatly. I am about 99% sure of this, will need a second confirmation tho ;)

It works on 2-handed and polearm as well..

What it doesn't work on is dual wield, crit strike etc.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Golena said:
It works on 2-handed and polearm as well..

What it doesn't work on is dual wield, crit strike etc.

ok thanks, wasnt sure :)

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