Hunting Chris Ryan



Anyone see this?

Top stuff.

Chris ryan is put into a jungle and told to retrieve a package and has 4 soldiers tracking him.

Over 4 days he had to get the package and get taken out. It was very close at the end.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Yeh saw it. Thought it was very good.

Poor bastards getting trench foot, looked like their feet had been stuck in a foot spa for a month :p


Absolutely brilliant stuff.

Extremely interesting and well worth a watch.

Bit unfair that the hunter force kept being told 'where' he was, and that they should have been 'killed' in that boobytrap - but still some clever work by Ryan to avoid capture.

Very close at the end, was good to see him get away.

Found it funny that the Navy SEAL (quote; "the US version of the SAS"), had to be taken out and given medical attention :D

All good.


Was a good watch but i felt the end was set up.

They had 2 boats around the shore and they even saw the rescue boat coming.. idiots!


I was wondering how they're meant to actually stop him. Do their guns fire paintballs to signify a kill/capture? Do they have to physically grab him?

I thought it was a great program but seeing as it was the first in the series, you knew they'd do one where he just made it.


I liked this as much as I like the new white chocolate maltesers, which is a very high honour to bestow.

I thought that mankey footed US guy was actually the one was the best brains on him, he was always one step ahead of the rest even if he didn't cope so well physically. I wish beardey american guy was a distant relative, and I could get presents from him for christmas, like a garotte or a necklace made from gook ears, and all my friends would be very jealous. He was fantasticly YAR looking.


Originally posted by Damini
I wish beardey american guy was a distant relative, and I could get presents from him for christmas, like a garotte or a necklace made from gook ears, and all my friends would be very jealous. He was fantasticly YAR looking.

You scare me, you really do.....

But yeah, the 'unfit Yank' did seem to have his head screwed on when it came to the tracking, which was a bit of a bugger for the British bloke who was meant to be from the Pathfinders.

And I think they have to actually physically grab him, because if it was merely to shoot him, I'm almost certain the bloke in the boat was close enough to open fire.


Watched it for about 10 minutes and had to turn it off as the bloke just annoyed me too much. Like "This is how I'm going to get through here and avoid that and I'm very skilled at everything so I'll do this aswell" and got bored, watched Lovejoy on UK Gold or whatever for almost 1 minute then TV got switched off for the night :mad: It was just him saying what to do in given situations into a little handicam and bored me silly :(

And like the Derren Brown program the other week, you know he's not going to get shot/killed/maimed/tortured or anything as that wouldn't be allowed to happen.


I don't normally watch TV, but this programme was recommended to me, I actually taped it and when I watched I never touched the FF once !

A bit dragged out, but very good at showing the nitty gritty aspects of working in hostile environments, and they way Ryan led his trackers on several misdirections was excellent, considering they were supposed to be experts.

The pathfinder and recon guys were really smart spotting signs of Ryan's passage, but they needed a lot of help in the end.

I got the feeling one aspect that was not shown was the traditional animosity between the brits and the yanks :) I am sure they had a few more "disagreements" than were actually revealed :)


I thought the yank who needed treatment did pretty well. There's no point pushing yourself past your limits in a situation like that. He stopped, admited he was unwell, got treatment and was right as rain the next day instead of colapsing somewhere in the jungle and being pulled out altogether.

It was funny tho when they got dropped off in the wrong place. They weren't happy. I bet that pilot and his navigator got an earfull. :)


heh I liked the line ' I noticed something was wrong just as I landed, when I realised I was underwater'.

Heh dropped in the middle of a swamp. :D


Was a very good program. I especially like it when he boobby trapped the entrenching tool to see if they would follow their trainging and not pick it up.

Glad to see they didn't, I mean I have little enough confidence in American troops without them being able to remember simple field trainging :D

Also, was it just me, or when Chris was hiding in the bushes by the river and the HF were floating past, the camera that was looking at Chris was not his camera, but one of the TV ones. Surely the HF would have spotted them and realised where he was.


Originally posted by whipped
Was a very good program. I especially like it when he boobby trapped the entrenching tool to see if they would follow their trainging and not pick it up.

Glad to see they didn't, I mean I have little enough confidence in American troops without them being able to remember simple field trainging :D

Also, was it just me, or when Chris was hiding in the bushes by the river and the HF were floating past, the camera that was looking at Chris was not his camera, but one of the TV ones. Surely the HF would have spotted them and realised where he was.

I thought exactly that! It was in a clearing as well :s


Originally posted by whipped
Also, was it just me, or when Chris was hiding in the bushes by the river and the HF were floating past, the camera that was looking at Chris was not his camera, but one of the TV ones. Surely the HF would have spotted them and realised where he was.

Na, the camera had a big 'CHRIS IS NOT WITH US! HONEST! GO AWAY!' sign above it ;)

I think them being dropped off in the wrong place was deliberate, as it *could* happen to a hunter force. I think it also gave Chris that amount of time to perhaps get closer to the extraction point. Although I would like to point out, the helicopter crew were American :D


Originally posted by whipped
Also, was it just me, or when Chris was hiding in the bushes by the river and the HF were floating past, the camera that was looking at Chris was not his camera, but one of the TV ones. Surely the HF would have spotted them and realised where he was.
It was all rigged :p


Originally posted by Jonaldo
It was all rigged :p

Yeah, you knew that cos you watched it all...............oh wait, you didn't.

Fuck off back to Lovejoy :)


On again tonight is it ? The "Arctic" one where he nearly dies ???


Well lets hope they dont send more "Elite" navy seals.

Oh the shit americans will spout in order to play themselves up.

Good to see that man with the biggest beard on earth, because all spec ops have those for ease of maintenance in the field ;)


Made an effort to watch it tonight but it's just annoying.

The only reason why the hunter party is close to him the whole time is because they have people telling them exactly where he is and where he's headed. The just happened to know when and where he'd cross the river and where he was going, and when he was in town and looking for him. Even tried to make the end exciting by letting them know where and when the helicopter pick-up was. Just plain irritating.

The main reason he could complete it was because they rescued him and kept him warm on the first night.

Not good Television at all in my opinion. Oh well, I am very critical of things I watch anyway.


He'd have done an awful lot better if he could ski.

However it must take some balls to go back out after getting pretty close to death the night before. He did look like he was in a heap of trouble at that point in the show.

Testin da Cable

I watched it after you lot made me curious. Pretty cool, those lads know their stuff heh. imo it's slightly too flashily done, I feel it would be better to portray the action in a more gritty fashion. other than that...nice proggy :)


Ah well at least he hasn't written a book detailing his "exploits" in the SAS. That must be a first at least.


He has.

'The One That Got Away'

And in all honesty, I think he should have written the book, his story is far more interesting than McNab's.


McNab is an arrogant *beep* who actually did squat.


I've met Andy McNab at a BBC do. He was alright. Chris Ryan's story is more interesting though - being in the SAS and getting caught isn't something to shout about I would have thought.

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