Hunting ban UK


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Yup, just like the woman at the big house at the end of my road.. shes rich so shes better than everyone else? o_O Methinks we should go communist and take the hunters money and give it to the poor.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
They have just announced that the government won't oppose a legal move against the ban, which effectivly means the ban could be held off for years during legal wrangling.

This has gone far beyond the original issue of fox hunting, it's now a test of who actually runs this frekin country.

The will of the majority is being squashed for special interest grps, regardless of any personal feelings on the matter, that's what is happening.

They have all the powers they need to prevent appeals against new laws, but they are refusing to use them.
(this may confuse non UK residents that a government would not support a law which it introduced itself, but there you go that's our system)
The simple fact is that fox hunting is performed and supported by the rich and powerfull and our so called democratic government is afraid to upset them.

I'm sure people from Scandinavian countries are thinking

'we shoot problem'


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Is it me or is this thread broken? Looks like #2 is the original thread and #1 is some lost reply. Or something like that.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Its cause I went backwards in time and answered the question before it was asked, im frickin uber.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Just ban the use of weapons with hunting, you want to hunt? stop being a wuss and picking off baby squirrels at 200 paces, go wrestle a fucking bear ;)

And yes, it is being blown out of proportion because lets be honest, thats all the government is good for these days. Fucking up and creating scandel... but hey! Atleast they keep us entertained? Right? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
if they do ban it, ill go burn the house of parliment up, and if they do, it will take years cause they will put it through the european house, and the waiting list for that is at least 8 years. but tbh fox hunting should not be band cause the foxes kill other things, therefor they should die! also kick labour out of it cause there shit :D put toury in :D


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
The simple fact is that there is an election soon, and Labour aren't keen for this issue to dominate the election campaign, as it proably would if they did oppose the appeal. Its not a government wavering on the issue, or daft UK democracy in action. Its a government not wanting rioting toffs on the evening news.

My guess is once they have secured the next term, they will ensure that any appeals will fail (they are doomed to fail anyway, since its the will of Parliament. )

A shrewd, if slightly cynical move imho.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Comes down to who really runs the country the rich or the poor? We're a capitlist country so it's a no contest really. Personally I'm against it but a veggie so there's another no-brainer :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
adorf said:
if they do ban it, ill go burn the house of parliment up, and if they do, it will take years cause they will put it through the european house, and the waiting list for that is at least 8 years. but tbh fox hunting should not be band cause the foxes kill other things, therefor they should die! also kick labour out of it cause there shit :D put toury in :D

The foxes kill for food, ill be damned if ive seen a hunter eating a fox. o_O


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Is it not actually only illegal to kill foxes? (or is that just the way I understood the law) and not actually hunt them. So being right wing, and having very strong views and opinions on most things (Sociology/Philosophy of religion/psychology do that to you ><) I would say stop whining about a few foxes being killed every month. Do foxes actually provide anything? Can you ride a fox? Do people eat them? And so on...

Its pathetic to much PC/animal rights etc.. bullshit these days why not sort out the important issues rather than wasting valuable money on laws to stop some one killing a useless animal why not provide shelter for homeless people or wives/woman being abused or beaten by there husbands.

Taken from the "Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill" proposed for the Scottish Parliament by Mike Watson MSP said:
“It will not stop farmers using dogs to flush out foxes and then shooting them”

Right so farmers can no longer protect there livestock (chickens/sheep etc..) from fox attacks, seems like we’ve got are priorities wrong to be honest.

Animal concern said:
motor vehicles, that kill perhaps 200,000 a year (foxes that is – Lorra)

Why not ban cars?

My views, criticism welcome, but please don’t turn it in to a flame fest (e.g. OMFG your cruel bastard etc…)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Lorra said:
Its pathetic to much PC/animal rights etc.. bullshit these days why not sort out the important issues rather than wasting valuable money on laws to stop some one killing a useless animal why not provide shelter for homeless people or wives/woman being abused or beaten by there husbands.

Errr. Fact, the reason the majority of people agree with a ban on hunting foxes with hounds is because its a frivolous way to kill foxes. This 'sport' isn't perceived as either efficient, necessary or humane. Most people won't object to a farmer shooting foxes who threaten his stock, pheasant shooting, or some guy fishing on his local river.

Fact, Labour pledged in their last manifesto to ban hunting with hounds, the public voted them in, parliament voted to ban it on a free vote. End of debate.

And this issue may appear frivilous when compared to others, but it is an issue that is very emotive, on both sides. The protests by the countryside alliance are testament to that. Okay, its not up there with homelessness or domestic violence on the 'whats really important' scale. But it is an issue that people generally have strong opinions about, and has now finally been resolved (I hope.)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
i thought it was legal to hunt them as long as you dont kill them, i could of course, and am most probably wrong though :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I dont shoot stuff i am not going to eat, except stuff that eats what i am supposed to shoot. Uhm, that would include almost everything.

But, i am a scandinavian :cheers:

But, atleast i go 1vs1, dont use an army of dogs and horses, or whatever they use. Thats not fair play, useless englishmen :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
Meeks said:
I dont shoot stuff i am not going to eat, except stuff that eats what i am supposed to shoot. Uhm, that would include almost everything.

But, i am a scandinavian :cheers:

But, atleast i go 1vs1, dont use an army of dogs and horses, or whatever they use. Thats not fair play, useless englishmen :)

Albion = England mate we have to zerg with dogs, just wouldnt be Albion if we didnt :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Ban hunting full stop.

Want to hunt? go to stupidyankland :/


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Lorra said:
Right so farmers can no longer protect there livestock (chickens/sheep etc..) from fox attacks, seems like we’ve got are priorities wrong to be honest.

Nerf really should re read my stuff, what i meant to say was that if farmers are still alowed to use dogs to kill foxes then whats the point in the ban..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Hansmoleman said:
i thought it was legal to hunt them as long as you dont kill them, i could of course, and am most probably wrong though :)

Yea, m8 thats what i thought too... not sure though


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Problem is, this is no longer really about the ban on hunting with hounds, but now about the rich minority imposing it's will on the government, proving once again that money > all in their eyes.

The govenment has probably taken the decision not to oppose the legal claim because there would be an element of the people in favour of the ban who would still object to "taxpayers money" to enforce the ban, as well as the Tories using the "taxpayers money to enforce an unpopular ban that is opposed by a majority" card in the elections. (yeah, we know that the majority is in favour, but consider who the tories actually count and it's a majority :p )

It's changed from the original concept to now just alot of political bulls***.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The funniest quote came from some 'toff' as we call them, a young girl on a horse who spoke so posh she made the Queen sound like cockney barrow boy.

She said 'why should some people from 'LONDON' tell us what to do?'

OK so in her mind everyone who doesn't live in the countryside is from London.
and she felt that coming from the countryside (she means daddies estate in the country) she and her mates were exempt from the tiresome 'laws' that those 'Londoners' (common people) think up.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
Job said:
The simple fact is that fox hunting is performed and supported by the rich and powerfull and our so called democratic government is afraid to upset them.

'we shoot problem'

WRONG .. a lot of fox hunting is suported by rural communities (Farmers especially) . yes a lot of snobs do also support/run it. but its mostly for farming community .

as for shooting .. IMO Hounds are a lot more effective...
with shooting it is VERY easy to miss unless your a highly trained marksman. fox's do get shot VERY often. but not killed instantly. hence the fox runs away injued . bleeding to death and dies a slow painfull death..

as for traps. they are bad also... i have seen fox's that have been snared and had eaten through there OWN leg to escape.

poison wont work because of all the other wildlife whome may eat it (badgers , weasels , stoats , rabbits etc etc)

so IMO and i HAVE been on many hound fox hunts.. it is the most effective way of culling them. and IMO IS the only way fox' numbers should be controled.

Most people who are against hunting with animals are townies who aint got a fookin clue at all how fox's effect the countryside. via killing livestock etc etc. farmers these days have a hard enough job as it is without stuck up people who have probably never even been to countryside. let alone done there homework as to what happens on a hound hunt.

yes i know animal lovers are against it and will know more than most about how fox hunting works... but they would protest about zoo's ... safari parks ... circus animals , slaughterhouses etc etc if they had to . just to cause a fuss.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Jpeg[LOD] said:
Most people who are against hunting with animals are townies who aint got a fookin clue at all how fox's effect the countryside. via killing livestock etc etc. farmers these days have a hard enough job as it is without stuck up people who have probably never even been to countryside. let alone done there homework as to what happens on a hound hunt.

yes i know animal lovers are against it and will know more than most about how fox hunting works... but they would protest about zoo's ... safari parks ... circus animals , slaughterhouses etc etc if they had to . just to cause a fuss.

Not really.

Although slaughter houses are completely cruel towards animals they are used to help humans live(yes i know we can live without meat before anyone says that) this is also just like foxes hunting for food just that the farmers totally hate it.

Some people just hate foxhunting or bullfighting for example, like myself, i really do not like foxhunters at all, i find them arrogant *****.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Why would i if i do not like it? i seen them in action but haven't been on one and do not plan to at all either.If people like it then fair enough but i am strongly against it, just my opinion.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I really couldn't care less about any of it. The government spends far too much time on petty things like this without sorting out the bigger problems that this country has. Let's face it, this country gets shitter and shitter every year and spending time worrying about a few foxes isn't going to help the situation at all.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Tehe problem is both side preconceptions, the statement 'stuck up townies'
hardly represents the vast majority of people opposed to it.
I think fox hunting probably is an effective way of pest control
'pest' being wildlife that threatens to take 'money!!!!' from farmers

As for farmers being under pressure, that is such a fuckin joke, I know and speak to farmers, they are frekin coining it these days, many farmers retired for life on the back of the foot and mouth epedemic
NONE and I repeat NONE of them lost out, they were compensated way beyond the market value for their livestock with our 'townies' tax money.

Anyway back to point, it's not about foxes or whatever, it's about 'bloodsports...i.e. enjoying killing things, you know like hunters, and fuckers who shoot tigers for a laugh, scum of the Earth, enjoying killing is a dark dark part of the human psyche, don't defend it ever..ever.

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