Job said:I'm sure people from Scandinavian countries are thinking
'we shoot problem'
adorf said:if they do ban it, ill go burn the house of parliment up, and if they do, it will take years cause they will put it through the european house, and the waiting list for that is at least 8 years. but tbh fox hunting should not be band cause the foxes kill other things, therefor they should die! also kick labour out of it cause there shitput toury in
Taken from the "Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill" proposed for the Scottish Parliament by Mike Watson MSP said:“It will not stop farmers using dogs to flush out foxes and then shooting them”
Animal concern said:motor vehicles, that kill perhaps 200,000 a year (foxes that is – Lorra)
Lorra said:Its pathetic to much PC/animal rights etc.. bullshit these days why not sort out the important issues rather than wasting valuable money on laws to stop some one killing a useless animal why not provide shelter for homeless people or wives/woman being abused or beaten by there husbands.
Meeks said:I dont shoot stuff i am not going to eat, except stuff that eats what i am supposed to shoot. Uhm, that would include almost everything.
But, i am a scandinavian![]()
But, atleast i go 1vs1, dont use an army of dogs and horses, or whatever they use. Thats not fair play, useless englishmen![]()
Lorra said:Right so farmers can no longer protect there livestock (chickens/sheep etc..) from fox attacks, seems like we’ve got are priorities wrong to be honest.
Hansmoleman said:i thought it was legal to hunt them as long as you dont kill them, i could of course, and am most probably wrong though![]()
adorf said:put toury in![]()
Job said:The simple fact is that fox hunting is performed and supported by the rich and powerfull and our so called democratic government is afraid to upset them.
'we shoot problem'
Jpeg[LOD] said:Most people who are against hunting with animals are townies who aint got a fookin clue at all how fox's effect the countryside. via killing livestock etc etc. farmers these days have a hard enough job as it is without stuck up people who have probably never even been to countryside. let alone done there homework as to what happens on a hound hunt.
yes i know animal lovers are against it and will know more than most about how fox hunting works... but they would protest about zoo's ... safari parks ... circus animals , slaughterhouses etc etc if they had to . just to cause a fuss.