Hunter speccing



Hi there, I will be jumping the pond soon to your snow-bound shores, and will be starting a hunter. I was wondering what a good spec for one is. I as considering making a kobold with the following at 50:

Stealth 22
Bow 50
Spear 40
Beastcraft 35

Any opinions?


Id drop spear a bit.. maybe to 34 for the style.. and bow to 42-43 (will still be 50+ with items/rp) or so. U might wanna put beast up to 40 for the dex/qui buff.. and then that should leave u 35ish in stealth


if i were to respec i might go something like:

44 bow
44 spear
32 beastcraft
30 stealth

that is a very strong spec,
44 bow = 55 bow + realm ranks(-1), which is nice for that extra little damage in every shot, combined with smaller variance.

44 spear = 47 spear with epic helm, and with realmrank 4 you get 50 spear (which in my opinion will be a MUST after patch 1.50)

32 bc gives you a nice dex/qui buff, + allows you to charm level 41 megafelids and great lynx's.

30 stealth =41 + realm ranks(-1) stealth is poor by my standards, but after See Hidden it wont matter much, even after Camoflage it wont matter much..


sounds more or less how I was planning my hunter. There isent realy a reason to drop spear to much since you can always use the extra damage to punch a hole in that plademail. And on the other hand bow level 50 isent going to do much for you, if you stop within range like 44 and let items and realmrang top it for you, you cna save the points. Last critshot is at levle 27 anyway.

Stealth .... well get in high but dont wast to many points on it as the see hidden will ruin the ideer of it anyway.

BC some people wanan go all the way to the last sprint ... dont stick with the buffs. And spend the points on either bow or spear.

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