Hunter Spec


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
I'm looking at the following spec for my soon to be 50 Hunter.

50 Bow
50 Spear
28 Stealth
6 Beastcraft

Is 28 Stealth (+ SC) to low?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 24, 2004
imo 50 bow is a bit too much point spent.. the gain shouldn´t be that much compared to say 45 bow..
raise BC some as the speed shout is really nice and getting a blue pet (32 BC) also is very useful..

I´ve recently respecced Roweyn from 39 spear, 45 bow, 33 stealth, 34 BC to 44 spear, 40 bow, 33 stealth, 34 BC and I must say that lowering bow didn´t make much of a difference WS-wise nor damage-wise, but raising spear has helped me to gain some much needed WS.

As for bow abilities I only miss the low end RF.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I've tried a few spec's recently

40bow, 44spear, 32bc, 35st. This for me was the best all round spec, good utility and good damage with both bow and spear. Blue pet is great to take a minstrel or caster out for part of a fight.

32bow, 50spear, 32bc, 35st. Loved the spear on this spec, but bow damage was just to puny to be worht while and lost lots of fight that I should of won with it.

45bow, 50spear, 7bc, 35st. Love this spec atm, great fun, awesome bow and spear damage, yes i miss the pet, but I hurt people and hit hard. No decent doggy though, and only the lvl1 speed shout

All in all I would say my first spec is best, espically for a newer hunter, as it offers so much utility compared to other specs. Another spec is 39spear, 45 bow, but this for me gives up to much weaponskill

RA wise, i would say the ones to go for depend on your playstyle, I end up geting into many fights with infs, so with that in mind, i went, truesight, purge, ip, and am not stacking up on passives til i can afford Avoidpain, which makes you a very tough target when used with IP

I also use a heat spear V leather, and Sun spear or a cold V other targets.

One last thing, going 28stealth means you will be PA'd constantly by infs, and you'll find it frustrating very fast. The only hunter i know with low stealth is Kipu, and she eats infs alive but that is due to her high RR and the fact she plays so well.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
in frontiers 45 bow will give you volley 3 i think .. 50 is way to high imo ..

45 bow 39 spear 32 bc rest in stealth .. should be 30 something i think ... been a while since i played my hunter ..

Looking to the future that seems to be the nicest spec .. isnt perf arrow 2 at 45 bow as well ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
45 bow (PA2 RF2)
32 BC (last wolf pet)
39 spear (rear stun and 50 with items)
35 stealth (easy 50 with RR and itamz)



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
my current hunter spec is

44 Spear

45 Bow

35 Stealth

25 BC

for this spec u deffently need a buffbot but the rewards are very nice good spear and bow dmg can hit infswith me spear for like 400 dmg if i hit them ^_^ that is with a 99% spear 16.5 DPS still rr2L8 so it really does 15.9 DPS. With my spec i do lose the lvl 32 Pet but my current pet isnt so bad still does its job can uncover and irriate people

i reckon 28 is way to low i got 35 + 12 and infs can get me np


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
my hunters current spec is 45 bow, 39 spear, 32 BC, 35 stealth, at rr2 however its very frustrating getting spotted easily by other stealthers :(

however since i dont rvr a huge amount and i solo alot my rps come in pretty slowly so ive been thinking of a more "alternative" spec

41 spear
40 bow
37 stealth (since im 2l9 and will then have 50 stealth at rr3 which i can see myself stuck at for a looooooong time :p )
34 BC

the 34 BC also gives yo a slightly better speed burst, going on dragon raids regularly so will have plenty of stones to test it out with, ive only got AP2 atm though since i was a muppet and need to learn how to count :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
With 28 stealth u will be a plain sight. 35+ is a must imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
u can go for shit stealth when u got
a) Ap 2-3 ip purge
b) before that ur toast
c) go higher stealth ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
Thanks for all the info peeps.

Going for :
45 Bow
50 Spear
35 Stealth
8 BC

For now anyway =)

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