atos said:Do not add MoS on low RR. Save it for higher RR.
atos said:How does MoS3 help you when they do find you? You will still be easy to spot at a low rank still.
Best thing you can do is augment passives as much as possible and then build up on MoS3. That is was VN advices atleast. xD
atos said:How does MoS3 help you when they do find you? You will still be easy to spot at a low rank still.
Best thing you can do is augment passives as much as possible and then build up on MoS3. That is was VN advices atleast. xD
Chance said:if you dont have any mos at all on a hunter you will get killed soooooo many times since hunter stealth is poxy compaird to a sb,scout,ranger ect
Chance said:if you dont have any mos at all on a hunter you will get killed soooooo many times since hunter stealth is poxy compaird to a sb,scout,ranger ect
Chance said:if you dont have any mos at all on a hunter you will get killed soooooo many times since hunter stealth is poxy compaird to a sb,scout,ranger ect
Babybanana said:Low rank hunter sucks in melee.
Impossible win assassins, so if they catch u, u are dead.
Strange no aug str?Babybanana said:Low rank hunter sucks in melee.
Impossible win assassins, so if they catch u, u are dead.
i recommen spec 45bow,35stealth,39spear,32bc to all hunter who are rr5 or lower rr.
ras i would take in next order:
now is great change to kill solo caster with rapid fire even if he mezz or stun u, just purge and continue rapid fire and he is dead.
now can get lots kills when defending towers or keeps
this is point where can choose to be melee hunter and if want use sword, then take str instead of dex.
if try melee earlier gonna miss too much cause of too low weaponskill.
well atleast i started win melee duels in this rr
minimum melee weaponskill is 1500, but better go over 1600.
i´m rr9 atm and my ws is over 1700
Purge is most important thing when dueling with infils and other assassinations
so go for purge3 so fast than possible and can drop augdex away that get it, but rememember that your ws is atleast 1500.
my rr6l5 spec was 50spear,35bow,32stealth,32 bc and that work at rr8 too
and ra´s mos3,purge3,ip2
After this point u need test other abilities and learn what abilities fit to your play style
my ra´s atm: purge3,ip2,mos3,lw2,pd4,aom2,lw1
Hope that helps some
Darkmack said:lifter 5 veil recovery 5 if all else fails spec 50 beastcraft for imber speed getaway and hardcore pet
Soha said:Thats the Ra i would go for if i was a hunter..... and u will still beat me
pip said:Strange no aug str?