Hunter information ?



Im wanting to start a hunter what would be the best to spec points in to ?


I guess it would depend to some extent on your race but I remember reading a guide for Hunters on a site (Alakazam maybe?) that suggested Bow and Spear as good to spec in


Regardless of what race you are, you wanna spec Max Bow and 39 Stealth (may change soon as Hunters and Stealth are a hot topic on US)

AFter that it leaves you with Spear and BEastcraft.

I was gonna tae Beastcraft up to about 43-46 for the self buffs, but it seems spear is way more important as has been pointed out by many level 50 hunters on Prudwen.

I am now gonna spec Pietro as follows:

39 Stealth (lets you attain 50 Stealth through +items)
30 Beastcraft (3rd to last Self Dex/Qui buff)
45 Bow
37 Spear (gets you 3 chain Lancer-Stab-Raze combo as well as Whirling Spear aggro style)

This is a balanced hunter IMO, although I wold like some comments



I'll give ya the same tip I give every aspiring hunter:

It all depends on what hunter you want to play.
2 Examples:
1) 100% Archer: Follow tip above
2) 50-50 Archer / Spearman: Bring up Bow / Spear to around 35-40 each, then divide rest on BC and Stealth

Or as I play...
At lvl 50:
MAX Spear, 40 bow, 34 BC, 24 Stealth.

A questionable char, I reckon...But I don't get whooped when you get charged by blue tin cans, thinkin youre just an archer, incapable in melee. Plus, just standing back and firing is not my idea of total fun. I wanna get up and close...eventually =)


Gimpfarfar (great name, coulda done Gimpbyfar)

Your build is ONLY really valid for a Norse or Dwarf Hunter, kobolds and melee dont go well unless they are a warrior.

A dwarf is ideal for you build IMO, but as a Kobold I wanna make best yous of my advantage, which is high dex and quickness, and my Bow utilizes tis perfectly.

Still food for thought for the original poster 2 very vialble builds


There's a few sites out there that deal with Hunter info, but I've found the IGN Midgard/Rogue board to be the most useful, and most up to date so far:

It's also where you can find the 'Official' Hunter FAQ, as maintained by Braninn, which is a MUST READ for any Hunter, beginning or already playing. It has everything up to and including 1.48, so it's great for us. :)

You can find the FAQ here:

Enjoy reading. :)


Im going to start a Norseman for my hunter i think with the 30 inital spec points mainly going in to Dex and Qui as the str will allready be high enough

Im planing on geting most out of dex and qui for the speed and accuacy of the arrow's as i dont intend on too much melee only what is needed as a beast will help.

When i start to spec i will go
50 Bow
40 Stealth
40 Beast Craft
10 spear

im going with the thinking that i will always be able to buy arrow's, spear, armour that will always be the max for my level due to my other charecter's haveing quite a bit of cash

Dwarf 60 80 50 50 60 60 60 60
Kobold 50 50 70 70 60 60 60 60
Norseman 70 70 50 50 60 60 60 60

Working on these stats i will upp the 50 dex 62 and qui to 63 with the 30 points availble
with end result lvl 50 = Str 85, Con 70, Dex 107, Qui 86

What does any hunter's think about this lvl 50 template ?


Bearing in mind the changes up and coming...
going for 50 stealth no longer gets you your
'cloak of invisivincibility'

you won't be able to stand in the middle of an open plain and be unfindable, whilst sniping greys - you'll have to watch your back for assassins.

If I were going to start a hunter now I'd go for an 'Archer' rather than 'Sniper' tactic... (might do this actually :))

Bow: 49 (archery is the main idea)
Beastcraft: 43 (gets you the last speed line)
Spear: 39 (gives you razor's edge - nice for catching anyone running away - assuming they can beat your speed buff )
Stealth: 7 (what was left)

Can still hide from the masses (albeit walking at a snails pace) but this fellas strengths are more in shooting from behind the lines of an army, or shooting and running.

Can anyone with some experience tell me how viable this is?


Nice, but personally I think you're in big trouble when you get into close combat with that (and you will, eventually.). The spear is a powerful weapon, and by only going to 10, I fear you might make it hard for you to survive close encounters.

My hunter's not using BC at all. The one thing interesting in there (the buffs) are taken care of by a shaman (who buffs better anyway), so those points will be put into spear, maxing both Bow and possibly Spear, leaving Stealth at 28, the rest of the points making BC 6.

Bow 50 (+items, +realmrank), making it 61 - 72
Spear 50 (+items, +realmrank), making it 55+
Stealth 28 (+items, +realmrank), 35+
BC 6 (Runbuff, but who cares. :)

One problem might be getting +Spear items, as these aren't very plentiful. The introduction of Epic Armour in 1.49 will ease it a bit, but still the epic gear only gives +5 Spear, while it gives +12 bow (one point lost, since you can't get more than +11 from items.)

Item bonus is bound to your level, too. You can have (lvl/5) + 1 bonus from items. Level 1-4 receive +1 from items (regardless of the item's actual bonus. If it's +4, you still only get +1). A level 50 would get 50/5 + 1 = 11 points, or the max possible. :)

So far, this hunter's been great to PvE with. Will have to see if it works in PvP as well. :)


Would there be any advantage in using Sword instead of Spear?


No, it's a disadvantage at that. Sword is pure STR, while Spear is Dex/Str. Hunters get Dex as they level, but never Str. Most hunters end up with much higher Dex than Str, hence a spear would be wiser.

Also, there's most spears around than swords. Midgard is a notoriously sword-unfriendly realm. :/


im definetly wanting some stealth as i want the smallest chance of being un-covered right in the middle of hibbie land :D

so i want at least 30 stealth then i can get items to bump that up


INC! BW forum noob :)

Hello all..

My Alt (Nip) currently a lv 27 Hunter. This is my skill lvl aim for lvl 50. I feel that stealth is very important, and range attack tatics for my Kolbold fella is a must.

Stealth 37 (50 including items and realm rank bonus)
Beast 50 (This will give the last Dex buff)
Bow 42 (50 including items and realm rank bonus)
Spear 12 (Gives dismisal for detaunt while xping)

Like to hear what you think :)


PS. My friend tells me that its only possible to get +11 bonuses, is this true?

Shabish Zerk 40 Seasons
Nip Hunter 27 Seasons


Considering the nerfs of 1.50 stelth is next to useless if an assasin is close and if one does attack you need high spear to deal with them.

low spear is a big big mistake, the days of sniping are nearly over and you need to compensate.

My currrent spec is 41bow

i would respec to


I think that is the best possible setup available to our now gimp class :p


From items its +11

but realm ranks stack with those, mythic has stated that overspecing does have effect on certain skills although they might change this later as its seen as a bug, melee for instance you can spec to 50 and get full bonus for +11 you might have in items, meaning that you will do more damage for each point over an item gives you.

Realm ranks are a seperate issue, being as mythic wanted players who rvr to be stronger than ones who dont participate, then those bonuses are supposed to stack, meaning you can spec a weapon line to 50, get +11 from items and +10 from realm ranks meaning 71 skill.

hope that helps



It's worth mentioning that my hunter (max spear etc..) is actually a kobold =) I'm aware of that a dwarf would be better...but I just couldn't do it! *sob* =) I just love that kobold model!

Plus...with a high lvl shammies str buff, I HURT ;)
I'm very happy with my char so far. It's me reincarnated!
(Except for the blue skin...or...*looks in the mirror*...CRAP!)

Cheers =)


Heh gimped... amusing :)

Archer classes are far from useless after 1.50 they're just no longer RvR Gods.

An amusing whine on the IGN boards said "I had to get a group to get to the mile gate now!".

Alas it seems Mythic's idea of DAoC is as a team/realm/group based RvR rather than solo snipers killing everyone CS-stylee.

Archers need to find a new role - they can still hide from most classes, just need to watch out for the assassins in the undergrowth.

(and incidentally, despite what some people might think you don't start glowing bright red neon when someone uses 'see hidden' - you see them in their translucent outline form.. so if yer in the trees or something or not standing in the middle of Emain golf course you might still avoid detection. As some sort of recompense the archer classes get 'True Sight' which lets them get their own back on the Assassins - not as good as 'see hidden' as it's not passive but it's still nice :) )


Mine was going to be

Stealth 37
Beast 35
Bow 39
Spear 39

but I deleted it ^.^

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