Hungarian Hussars Guildhouse Robbed :[


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Wyndham 2070
well its a real shame...

Yesterday we noticed, today its is confirmed, no members of HH cleared the guildhouse vault, but someone was tricky from outside. xD

Heres the details : we set up a new guildvault several days ago, and i think something with the authorization was done wrong (its wasnt me, who set the rules for guildhouse guildvault etc) so anyone from outside had access to that vault, as it turned out. (sad to experience it this way)

So we lost 3 belts of suns (stlong BotMoon pharming sideeffect:[)
Kalaras Necky
Zahur Crown
and some scrolls (havent checked yet, but i think those that worth money had dissapeared xD)

so u guys who read this might think its out problem or we did it for ourselves, and it is correct somewhere, because we didnt checked so badly. anyway those stuff in that vault were the "spare guildstuff", meaning any1 in guild who needed this or that could take it away, so nobody lost anything very important (god blessus), even if someone comes and takes a look and /PM outkhast i saw 3 belt of suns in your guildvault, and im such a fking noob i cant farm 1 for myself can u give it to me? im pretty sure id gave it away..

its a bit embarrasin those stuff worth money (if little but money) and im pretty sure ill see them at the listmerkant (or even its there now) because whoever did that, must be a fucking annoying rude retard ingame/irl whoever stole those stuff. I know i wont getting them back, and tbh i dont wanna meet with the ppl who stole them, because im very angry on this...

Well i had to write this down, our guildhouse was always opened for visitors, we designed it in a nice way so visitors may have fun in coming&seeing, we have forge, master traders, portalman, vaultkeeper inside, with no restriction for any1 to use them, but midgard changed,

consequences :
close your doors and watch yourself, because u cant fucking trust anyone.

advice to fellow guilds :
check your auth rules, because we may have some tricky ppl who may go tru the housing zone and stealing this and that xD

soz for language,
thanks for reading


Dec 24, 2003

i very much doubt u will see that stuff ever again though.

If u find the offender, give him to me and ill keep him in my basement in a gimp outfit.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sh*t happens :(

Herjulf said:
If u find the offender, give him to me and ill keep him in my basement in a gimp outfit.

Too much Postal2 imho :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bah don't close your doors, especially if you've got a consignment merchant outside. There's nothing worse than running through 2 zones to buy someone off a merchant then finding you can't get into thier house to use thier aegir portal merchant!

No don't ban people from houses just be very very careful about the settings you have for vaults and decorating etc.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
there are a few very sad people out there.

A few months ago someone within my current guild completely cleared out the vaults of everything of any value. We always used to have a very open policy whereby anyone in guild could borrow whatever they wanted which was cool and due to the actions of 1 person we can't do that any more. We can't confirm who it was but we have suspicions. There are also 1 or 2 reasonably well known thieves running around midgard who join guilds then steal stuff, can't remember the names offhand, but they usually pm guild members and say they are the friend/brother/alt of one of the members to get membership then strip the vaults. I know they have done it to at least 2 guilds...

Unfortunately GOA can't do anything about it though as it's down to guilds to protect their own stuff. SO just a warning, it's sad you have to do this, but keep vaults very restricted. I wouldn't be suprised if there are actually individuals who run around the player housing too going into every house and checking all the vaults to see if they aren't secured correctly.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Herjulf said:

i very much doubt u will see that stuff ever again though.

If u find the offender, give him to me and ill keep him in my basement in a gimp outfit.

hmm, you sound like Buffalo Bill.. be carefull now :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Aye was irritating, thank god I didn't put my stuff into that vault /em iz stlong HH member with his own house etc. My house is also open to visitors but after this incident I double-checked the settings :)

Still, I don't know why someone steals items from a vault he Can, sure there's the temptation but I wouldn't do it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Happened to RD's original house too - several plat of furnishings removed obviously not on the scale of arti's and scrolls etc, but still someone's hard earned cash....


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Takhasis said:
Happened to RD's original house too - several plat of furnishings removed obviously not on the scale of arti's and scrolls etc, but still someone's hard earned cash....
Was still annoying to see all our trophies, tables n chairs etc gone.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Fiver said:

Agree, how extremely sad the person(s) are who actually tries to steal items in a game instead of getting itself in a better way which IS the meaning n playing it in the first place. It shows how much that person/those people need some real treatment or medicin.

Experienced same incident myself once and once prohibited a repetition of it. Listening to how the thief explains her/his actions and slowly struggles deeper into his/her own lies is pretty satisfying though..

When(if) I get back to DAOC(My pc died, Im borrowing my gf's laptop now) I'd be glad to help guilds/ppl farm some more of the eq they lost if needed.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
Sad people can do this stuff :(

Happened to Aquamarine guild aswell(not THAT big but i kinda see them as an extremly friendly newbie guild who really helps people, they used to have an open vault policy then someone robbed the vault of drops etc. that would have come to big use for some of the new players to the game)

Hope someone feals dirty when reading this thread and the stuff comes back :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
Herjulf said:
just saw my chance at getting a new one, my old one escaped.
and i´m still on the loose:p

Really sad to hear these things........
and i will prolly never understand how ppl can be so f*ckin stupid they do it..... sure it´s a comp game but still criminal behaviour


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
House vaults are closed to all by default, so you must have set it to all have permission to take from it.
While I'm sorry for your loss, I can't help thinking this is like leaving your wallet on your doorstep and being surprised it's gone in the morning.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
tis a small child who goes by the name of Cliillebh or Ailelulid, i know him irl and he a little ass tbh, i shouted at him so much that i think and his theif brother quit the game or moved realms, Purple Warriors emailed GoA about them. i think 1 got his acc banned ^^ so check all ur recent new recruits too as it maybe one of them. ;)

*edit* these people have been in Aquamarine too, there is 2-3 who do it, 2 brothers and a m8 of them.

They are Noobs and complete idiots ! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
thanks for your replies. i agree with the posts

the thief isnt in guild, cuz we all know each other and its a really small guild with ~10 ppl in it (all hungarian noobs ofc xD).

anyway it was a shame, the bugger i hope will rot in hell and all others are welcome at Wyndham 2070, and have a pleasant stay :]


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Himse said:
tis a small child who goes by the name of Cliillebh or Ailelulid, i know him irl and he a little ass tbh, i shouted at him so much that i think and his theif brother quit the game or moved realms, Purple Warriors emailed GoA about them. i think 1 got his acc banned ^^ so check all ur recent new recruits too as it maybe one of them. ;)

*edit* these people have been in Aquamarine too, there is 2-3 who do it, 2 brothers and a m8 of them.

They are Noobs and complete idiots ! :)

I have a feeling those were the ones I was thinking of. But I can't remember exactly without checking my logs.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 14, 2004
Lothandar said:
I think its good you got nothing to be more happy at. ;>
** send your proof to GOA if not dont accuse people without proof **

GOA said:
Users are expected to show respect for one another, to contribute to the cordial atmosphere of the game.
that includes other ppls properties imo!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
** original quote removed **

rofl cry more - takes more than 1 person to kick someone out of group, and frankly, no one wanted to have your 400 hp sm in it xD


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Zaphira said:
** send your proof to GOA if not dont accuse people without proof **

that includes other ppls properties imo!

What are you talking about? :) Who did I accuse and when?

Edit: Kk, have absolutely no idea what is going on ><


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2004
PaqMan said:
Agree, how extremely sad the person(s) are who actually tries to steal items in a game instead of getting itself in a better way which IS the meaning n playing it in the first place. It shows how much that person/those people need some real treatment or medicin.

Experienced same incident myself once and once prohibited a repetition of it. Listening to how the thief explains her/his actions and slowly struggles deeper into his/her own lies is pretty satisfying though..

When(if) I get back to DAOC(My pc died, Im borrowing my gf's laptop now) I'd be glad to help guilds/ppl farm some more of the eq they lost if needed.

I'd rather steal items than farm them tbh, then again i dont consider the meaning of the game to be itemfarming.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
inviteme said:
I'd rather steal items than farm them tbh, then again i dont consider the meaning of the game to be itemfarming.

your parents didnt teach you to respect other ppls work / property?

shame... :<


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Dorin said:
your parents didnt teach you to respect other ppls work / property?

shame... :<

Just you wait, he'll come with the 'omg it's just a game, its oook to steal!' text, or sumit ><


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2004
Dorin said:
your parents didnt teach you to respect other ppls work / property?

shame... :<

Actually i had many discussions regarding both ethics and morals with my parents.

Edit: Since i have sympathy for the mentally challenged ill add this:
omg its just a game, its oook to steal. Xx:)(D

(Go tell your caretaker you where correct Lothander, hope you recieve a cookie)

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