Hufner! In my help topic, you said to look up Purple Warriors 
Well, I should have DAOC by Monday night, and would like to join PW as soon as I reach a suitable level to help the guild sufficiently
I have yet to decide a class, but I shall be going for an offensive type class
Quite possibly now, yes, a Skald (and maybe a Thane later
hehe, let me know!
My e-mail is: eric.mitchell@pwnewmedia.com
P.S. Altho I am very interested in PW, I am still open too suggestions, but PW is right now, the guild I am thinking of! If they'll have me
Well, I should have DAOC by Monday night, and would like to join PW as soon as I reach a suitable level to help the guild sufficiently
I have yet to decide a class, but I shall be going for an offensive type class
hehe, let me know!
My e-mail is: eric.mitchell@pwnewmedia.com
P.S. Altho I am very interested in PW, I am still open too suggestions, but PW is right now, the guild I am thinking of! If they'll have me