How would yuo...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Kinda stupid might be, but we all make misstakes ..

Anyhow someone put up a thread about sales at a certain house, ill run off and have look.. been at an ME a for a few mins before that.
At that certain house, I by misstake pressed buy when my intention was too look at stats... So end of story is I get a jewel for 5p that at best is worth 300g, ill pm the owner and polity ask him for an dialog about it, and all i get in replay is "soz i cant help u"

I know its a longshot, and bougt might be bougt, and I should not have pm'd owner, if said jewel were even close to worth 5p nor put up this thread !


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
After re-reading your post a few times, it looks like you have bought a naff gem for 5p that is worth 300g. If you bought it, even by accident, it is bought - and the owner will probably only buy it back, if he was using his CM for "storage space".

Otherwise I think you're out of luck :/ and the CM owner will be happy. Sounds like quite a good tactic putting high price items worth nothing near things that are likely to be bought ^^

And Right click and Shift+I (from memory) brings up the info on the item? no need to even go near the BUY button.

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
just got to be paying attention around CMs.. seen people put up a page with powerpots for 5g each.. then have 2 of those pots priced 5p .. wont mention name(s).

but sadly that was your own and if seller wont help you he is in his full right to not do so ..

stats on jewel? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Yepp i know i can shift+I , but after looking at Me, were info botton is at same place as Buy" button on Cm, so i just by habit pressed it...
Jewel, a qua 94 whit a few resist.. I have my own house, and I would have made a refound whit out any hesitation if by any chanse that same thing would have happen'd
Well well im just abit dissapointed. Life goes on.. :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
It can go the other way too, I put a respec stone out once for 5p or something. Or at least I thought I did that. Returned to CM some days later and found 5g lying waiting for me.. ofc the buyer didn't contact me, I prolly wouldn't either tbh...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
After some DRs i had put 2 exerpise and 2 exeregums for sale.Exerpise is the full respec but because it was around 6am and i was up all night guess what happened...Exerpise 1.5p exeregum 7p.Guess what stones did i have when i woke up ;P


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I sell most junk scrolls for 5s, but thats sort of different. ;)

I think you can kiss your money good-bye, but I guess you could try finding the guy via Duskwaves or somthing (I think they list alts of characters, i'm not sure) - never know, i'd like to think i'd replace it but i've never been in that sort of situation.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Archeon said:
via Duskwaves or somthing (I think they list alts of characters, i'm not sure)

They don't, would be great tho


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Fenderon said:
seen people put up a page with powerpots for 5g each.. then have 2 of those pots priced 5p .. wont mention name(s).
I will, Stormie is one. Have a nice screenshot of the discussion that followed afterwards (no, I didn't buy them, just think it's pathetic; even more so since it was intentional). So if you're buying stuff at his house, keep your eyes open.

Goes for any house really, it's (sadly) getting quite common.

Can't believe how greedy people have become.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I use to put entrance return tokens on my CM for higher ammounts of money, since im returning to entrance quite often. Im taking it for granted that people do not buy the ones that cost a plat. Guess I could change the price to avoid missunderstandings. :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
etcetra said:
I use to put entrance return tokens on my CM for higher ammounts of money, since im returning to entrance quite often. Im taking it for granted that people do not buy the ones that cost a plat. Guess I could change the price to avoid missunderstandings. :eek:

I was actually doing to garden work when sombody came to buy somthing from me and got an earful about selling the return tokens at a higher price. I explained I was only taking advantage of people too stupid to bring their own. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 20, 2004
I bought a random dropped staff with some funky stats day before I got ToA for some insane overprice just to find out similair staffs dropped every 2 pulls from harpies with a salvage value of 10 gold, not the same but anyway...

Also once I tried to sell market return tokens for 20 plat instead of 20 gold... nice profit :) , Ofcourse I would refund such obvious scam price.

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