How to taunt effectively? What determines if you hit a mob?


Bedroc the Hero

Hi. im considering my tank template. For different reasons I dont want to put very many points in my single hand weapon. Ill put lots in shield and parry though so ill be a good team tank. I have this question.

I need to hold aggro from the highest and most difficult mobs. How can i acceive this without maxing my weapon skill? Im thinking about stopping my blade/blunt/pierce around 30, which with bonuses will be around 36-37.

A. Is this enough to hold aggro from the highest mobs you hunt? Fins, Knights etc?
B. What determines if you hit a mob? Is it the skill with the weapon? Other stats? Lvls of course.
C. What weapon is best to use if i want to taunt andp ull aggro? Im thinking piercers here. they are fast and I should be able to taunt more often. The damage inflicted will be less though but do this matter? Ive pulled aggro when using taunt attacks even if I miss. What if I put 10 points in quickness for my celt and go for piercers? I should be able to use a taunt move much more often than if I put points in str for a firby and go for blunt? Comments?

THank you!



A. Dunno, it sounds alittle low
B. Specc in weapon, and strenght for blades & blunt, str/dex for pierce
C. With high quickness i would prefer blades with spd of 2.5 - 3.0 (as an elf im caping attackspeed with any weapon speed 3.0 or faster)

This is only based on my experience with my champion (lvl 48)



A. It will depend on what ways your class has of generating aggro. While you have endurance for taunt styles youll do fine, but if that runs out you may start to struggle.

B. I dont believe to-hit is affected by weapon skill (which only affects damage). Level, to-hit bonus styles and dex (for all damage types) are the relevant stats.

C. Faster weapons will allow you to land that taunt move faster, which is important, but check out the styles of the speclines first - some have better taunt styles than others. Also the taunt styles of slower 2-hand weapons appear to me (lvl 48 slow polearm user) to be more effective than the quicker to use 1-hand styles.

Ive never understood (and seen it verified in game) exactly what quickness controls, so Ill leave that part of the question alone ;)


quickness affects weaponspeed, tho marginally


A. Not so sure, on this one.

B. Its just level to the best of my knowledge.

C. Shouldnt make too much difference whether you go piercing or crushing or slashing I dont think, just get a good playercrafted weapon :> Just dont go for a really slow weapon. But taunting all the time gives you a defensive penalty which isn't too great when trying to be a defensive guy.

and in the beginning stats Id go for a celt with 10str, 10 con, 10 dex. Firbies are pap shield/parry users because of their lower dexterity.

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Meatballs
Be a paladin, healchant will keep the mob on you almost constantly :>

and btw Saracens make the best shield/parry users

He's a treehugger :m00:


aye martin I changed my post a couple of aseconds later cos I reread it :>


A. I have heard of Tanks holding aggro with weapon specs in the single figures (just high enough to get the taunt style for the weapon type they use - I'm assuming they just spam the taunt style continuously). On the other hand, a lot will depend on what the rest of your group is doing - insta heals, for example, tend to really upset monsters :D

B. According to Mythic, the only things that affect your chance to hit are your level vs the level of the mob, the bonus % of your weapon vs the bonus % of your opponent's armour, and styles with a 'to hit' modifier.

Various people claim that stats make a difference, but I have never seen this demontrated through log analysis. Weapon Skill only affects the damage you do, not the chance to hit.

C. Check the styles for the different weapon types, and pick the one with the taunt style that has the biggest to hit bonus and the lowest defence penalty. Then use a fairly fast version of that weapon, so you can get a lot of taunts in.


A: as long as your protecting the aggro people... and taunting enough :)

(lower damage means less personal aggro.. but enough taunts will make up for that)


Spec dosent matter that much, just get up to taunt in pierce and get the fastest piercer, then spam the taunt style. Nothing will out aggro you.


Another thing affecting to-hit chance is the number of people in combat with it...

up till 1.52 that includes your whole group (no matter what they're doing)

not so sure about after 1.52 (might only be people actually shooting/fighting/casting at it) but the more the merrier :)

(this includes pets btw... so that crappy little Cabalist pet is actually making you hit better ;) and it's taking far far less xp than another tank would :))

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