How To Specc a Luri NS



Hello guys,

I wanna make a Luri-NS, i wanna go piercing weapons, but i dont know the specc for it, can u help me a bit, and write down some specc, till 24, till 35, till 50 :)
Hope i make the 50 with that char but i dont think so :(

Greetz and Goodluck!
Cymdonic 23th Season Bard:)
<proud member of Jupiter>:):)


depends on if you wanna focus on BG

if you do get your stealth up to what ever max lvl of that BG with +stealth gear, also youll want high envenom to use it well

Plus you would be better going peirceing as its STR/DEX based and dex is our main attribute with str being secondary

If you going to 50 remember that RR5 is a good goal to attain as this gives +4 to all skills on top of items bonuses

check this out

I use this religously and its helped get my shade to were he is

Currenltly im RR3 so i have +12 to skills which means that the envenom is already capped which means i can use lifebane :)


I wouldnt suggest following Luckies guide religiously at imo the envenom and stealth are too high and the guide gimps you for BG aswell - it is a good starting point though ;)


aye the env and stealth are a wee bit high i must admit as ive capped envenom already wich means that as i go higher on RR ill be over 50 which aint that important

just meens ill use the free respec with 1.62 :p


If you look further down he suggests different specs for different realm ranks. They are quiet solid specs, it's just a case of how long you wish to wait for lifebane or how long you think you can handle slightly lower stealth in rvr. The guide doesn't account for bg's at all, but think Vodka's suggestion in one of those links above gives a pretty good example. Skip the bg's if your going to take it to 50 though imo :)


Originally posted by Ch@meleon
Oh oblivion_6, twas your ns at fins yesterday with the list! Hope your head didn't explode in the end ;) heheh

it was mental lol the guy who had it before basically messed it up so bad, he wasnt really holding it and was just doing a /who when peeps needed rep

In the end i had a big txt file going on during pulls and kept gettin pms and stuff so was losin aggro lol

btw i know will never say "get aggro" to a tank again as i realise just how f00king irritating it is lol


Oh dear :( Bit off topic, but .....

a couple of times recently people have said "there is no list or list holder at the moment cos no one will take it". I guess it's obvious why, but if everyone had it in a text file like you did and then email it to the new holder, maybe that'd make it easier. Dunno, just a thought.

I used to just /stick and jab the taunt style constantly at fins ;)

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