how to spec my cabbie


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 12, 2004
this may sound like a stupid question lol but atm my cabie is lv 22 and i have speced him to lv 21 in spirit jsut wondering if i should put some points into body for better dammage shield or not ? + this cahr is on camlann btw so want to be able to solo exp and kill peeps thats why iam spirit any sugestions whould be grea thanx in advance guys
Feb 29, 2004
Matter gives u dmg shield not body...

but still put atleast 8 pts into body asap... u get disease (pwns tanks with a pet on em) and Melee combat debuff.. and a better variance on your nukes ofc...

think at 40 i was 8 body rest spirit and stayed that way until 46.. then went all body.. debuff nukes pwn most people...

Not sure if a spirit spec cabbie would be good on camlann.. but then tbh matter and body would suck so i guess its the better of the 3.

usual specs include:

46 Spirit 28 Body 4 matter = 0pts left
46 Matter 28 Body 4 Spirit

or apparently a split spec in NF is good... personally i dont see ANY benefit of going equal in all specs at all... shit AOE dot, shit FDS, shit pet buffs, shit nuke variance.. no 50% debuff... some seem to like it, but im a purist, choose a line and take it all the way.. have to say i love my 25% buff bonus Wildminon 3 pet.. he eats BD's quite easily with crafty healing.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
47spirit 24body 11matter

ye get -50% body/spirit debuff with 47 spirit
24body gives ye less variance, good enough, and some aoe disease and more crap
and 11matter for first nearsight :D

wouldnt know any better for pvp imho, insta caster killer , beware BDs tho :m00:


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Im currently 25 matter 34 body and 33 spirit and its the spec im most happy with after trying about 5 different ones inc all of the above.
Suppose it comes down to personal preference though.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
imo 46 spirit is enough (for best body debuf) then 28 body to strenghten the baseline lifetap rest matter...

so on quickbar u would have this setup with this specc:

body debuff, lvl 50 baseline lifetap, aoe snare and aoe decease (the blue one from body spec)
and best pet buffs except str/con one which is yellow, but in rvr its better to have a strong nuke instead of a strong pet =P (pet is still very good even tho its yellow str/con buff)

got this spec on my caba abd im happy with it.
but when nf comes im considering speccing back to full matter, 3 points in spirit for the recycle golem spell and rest in body (which was my old spec) since there is alot more keep fights on nf.
Aoe dot is fun =P


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Elewyth(TLSOA) said:
have to say i love my 25% buff bonus Wildminon 3 pet.. he eats BD's quite easily with crafty healing.
Heh, I'd like to see that. Any decent BD would be fully buffed (using a BB with +25% buffs) and would laugh at your feeble attempts at pwning him with your pet. The insta LT can easily keep him alive until he roots the pet off himself, and meanwhile he is either interrupting you directly or letting his pets chew at you. In fact, he could probably survive comfortably without even bothering about your pet.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 12, 2004
thanx for the help guys the good thing about pp is there is not that many BBs about so killing ppl is much easyer :) i will put points into 8 body asap then for dease and other stuff thanx guys
Feb 29, 2004
Belomar said:
Heh, I'd like to see that. Any decent BD would be fully buffed (using a BB with +25% buffs) and would laugh at your feeble attempts at pwning him with your pet. The insta LT can easily keep him alive until he roots the pet off himself, and meanwhile he is either interrupting you directly or letting his pets chew at you. In fact, he could probably survive comfortably without even bothering about your pet.

yeah you would think so.. but in the experiences ive had so far against RR3+ BD's its been pretty even... for starters i dont use Amber... its sucks plain and simple.. i use Emerald... for 3 reasons..

1. Disease.. once diseased in open RvR he has no-way to cure himself.. so his healers are healing for less (which is good)(also Assuming solo ofc)
2. I KNOW i have more power than ANY BD who use Lifetap to heal himself.. and to keep up with the dmg my pet does, hes gonna have to lifetap to keep himself alive (as necrofilious found out in DF the other day.. you are my nemesis you git!!! :touch: )
3. Emerald has a higher DPS output than amber and Saph.. plus adding in DOT which is perma interrupt for casters.

Plus your missing the fact i can root his healers and kite him away... funny how many times this works tbh.. people are funny when facing a Cabbie.. also rooting his Commander kite away send pet back so healers are out of range and Commander drops in 2-3 hits.. add in Red border run buff for pet my pet will reach me inside 2-4 secs to start bothering the BD who no longer has any heal except Lifetap left now.. and is diseased so he moves slower.
Add in Nearsight and theyre Lifetap is reduced to melee range... which helps.

Plus the major thing which most people who have never played a cabbie dont know is, we can heal without LOS.. so i can sic pet run and hide within 2000 range and heal away..done this many times from opposie side of AMG/MMG/HMG etc.. and i can heal faster than anyone has dmg'd my pet so far (not including groups in that equation) its not easy.. and im not claiming it works all the time.. but id say 60-70% of the solo BD's ive faced ive beaten.. although id like to fight Bonehead soon... he seems pretty mean.

Givf Duel Bone!!


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Maoni said:
imo 46 spirit is enough (for best body debuf) then 28 body to strenghten the baseline lifetap rest matter...

get the 50% spirit debuff or I'll smite you!

what's the difference in damage from 4 points in base body?
compared to nearsight (if only a low level one) and debuffing for air theurgs?
Feb 29, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
get the 50% spirit debuff or I'll smite you!

what's the difference in damage from 4 points in base body?
compared to nearsight (if only a low level one) and debuffing for air theurgs?

quite a lot... ive tried using varying body specs from 4-28 and its a HUUUGE variance on nukes... at 20 body i was hitting (without debuff) fro around 150-300 at 28 it was more like 300+ all the time.... depends what you want to do i suppose.. nearsight is ok.. but at early levels doesnt give that much advantage.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I'm happy with 46s 28b 4m. Was about respeccing for ns with the upcoming NF but I've been told lvl 11 ns rarely lands =(

ae dot is prolly fun, but you're not gonna kill anyone that way.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Elewyth(TLSOA) said:
or apparently a split spec in NF is good... personally i dont see ANY benefit of going equal in all specs at all... shit AOE dot, shit FDS, shit pet buffs, shit nuke variance.. no 50% debuff... some seem to like it, but im a purist, choose a line and take it all the way.. have to say i love my 25% buff bonus Wildminon 3 pet.. he eats BD's quite easily with crafty healing.

Dmg variance with split specc is lesser than with 46 spirit (assuming 34 body split spec)
Yellow pet buffs are hardly shit
With pierce resist u dont need 50% debuff
Mana cost is way better
Gives decent nearsight

Fine if u dont like it but is far from being shit spec :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Tri spec is nice, specially once NF hits and you can boost the lvl of the spell you are using through RA's. Means your low lvl NS will get resisted a lot less than currently for example.
Regards, Glottis
Feb 29, 2004
Vasconcelos said:
Dmg variance with split specc is lesser than with 46 spirit (assuming 34 body split spec)
Yellow pet buffs are hardly shit
With pierce resist u dont need 50% debuff
Mana cost is way better
Gives decent nearsight

Fine if u dont like it but is far from being shit spec :m00:

yes but resist pierce is getting nerfed down to 10% and that dont come close to 50% body debuff... and seeing as that is my main source of dmg when i nuke no amount of MoF is going to increase my dmg variance.

just to clarify 10% resist pierce is 10% chance to bypass their resists... now compare that with GUARANTEED 50% body debuff (aslong as it lands) you can surely see my point... id rather have that 50% set in stone than have to rely on a %chance to bypass them.. and as for utility, the only thing you get that i dont have is a low lvl nearsight.. which fine yes with MoF will land more often.. but still isnt that good of a nearsight.
Feb 29, 2004
Vasconcelos said:
Dmg variance with split specc is lesser than with 46 spirit (assuming 34 body split spec)
Yellow pet buffs are hardly shit
With pierce resist u dont need 50% debuff
Mana cost is way better
Gives decent nearsight

Fine if u dont like it but is far from being shit spec :m00:

you claim Dmg Variance is lower.. well ofc it is you have a higher spec in body than me.. but tbh using 50% debuff and 28body i hit cap pretty much 80% of the time on yellow/oj..

Yes you do need 50% debuff... resist pierce is only the CHANCE to breach resists.. not guaranteed.. whereas aslong as my debuff lands it will remove them and let me nuke harder.

yellow buffs are shit when u compare them to red... i dont have a BB so i rely on my pet buffs to add some punch to him.. the difference from yellow to red is quite a bit.. esp the dmg add and haste.. that makes a big difference..
Mana cost dont really come into it... the basenukes still cost the same to cast and if your not using the lvl 50 base Lifetap then you need your head looking at.. yez the spec nukes i believe are lower power use.. but less dmg so youd be crazy to use them unless you needed to heal up faster while nuking.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 8, 2004
Elewyth - where on earth do you get this bollocks?


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Elewyth(TLSOA) said:
just to clarify 10% resist pierce is 10% chance to bypass their resists...
Eh, what are you on about? So, not only does your Cabalist have a 3.0 second lifetap (which you incidentally can prove with logs that you so far have failed to produce), you also have your own version of resist piercing? Perhaps you need to learn a little more about your class before speaking, resist pierce will always ignore (i.e. "pierce") the specified amount from the resistances of an opponent, it's not a "chance".
Elewyth(TLSOA) said:
Mana cost dont really come into it... the basenukes still cost the same to cast and if your not using the lvl 50 base Lifetap then you need your head looking at..
No. Spell focus is capped at your modified spec in a spell line (i.e. spec + RR bonus), so at 28 body, you will never have an effective 50 focus (at least not until we get RR12); this means that you will always be casting at full mana cost instead of the reduced mana cost (75%?) if your focus had been equal to or higher than the level of the spell.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Elewyth(TLSOA) said:
you claim Dmg Variance is lower.. well ofc it is you have a higher spec in body than me.. but tbh using 50% debuff and 28body i hit cap pretty much 80% of the time on yellow/oj..

You are messing dmg variance with dmg output. Before continuing i suggest u to clarify that point

Split specc as in 34b 33s 25m provides LESS DMG VARIANCE with LT than the 46s 24b spec.

Elewyth(TLSOA) said:
yellow buffs are shit when u compare them to red... i dont have a BB so i rely on my pet buffs to add some punch to him.. the difference from yellow to red is quite a bit.. esp the dmg add and haste.. that makes a big difference..

No the difference btwn yellow n red PET buffs is tiny n wont win you any battle.
Dont know wot owning a BB has to do with pet buffs

Elewyth(TLSOA) said:
Mana cost dont really come into it... the basenukes still cost the same to cast and if your not using the lvl 50 base Lifetap then you need your head looking at.. yez the spec nukes i believe are lower power use..

Data test:

45+13 body 50 focus: Baseline LT mana cost = 32 mana

34+13 body 50 focus: Baseline LT mana cost = 41mana

24+13 body 50 focus: Baseline LT mana cost = 50 mana

Again i suggest you to check your tests before stating wrong facts.
Feb 29, 2004
Belomar said:
Eh, what are you on about? So, not only does your Cabalist have a 3.0 second lifetap (which you incidentally can prove with logs that you so far have failed to produce)

i dont need to produce logs, mythic themselves said in a grabbag when someone asked why his spell delved at 2.8s but casted at 3 that the delve times that show decimal figures are not accurate..and are not infact casting at 2.8secs but at 3secs...


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 12, 2004
Elewyth(TLSOA) said:
i dont need to produce logs, mythic themselves said in a grabbag when someone asked why his spell delved at 2.8s but casted at 3 that the delve times that show decimal figures are not accurate..and are not infact casting at 2.8secs but at 3secs...

NOT!!!! that ima sideing with the !!!LOON!!! but i herd that somwhere also that the thing says its 2.8 but its not that accurate so its rounded to 3


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Elewyth(TLSOA) said:
i dont need to produce logs
Maybe if you played your cabalist for more than 5 minutes youd realise the difference between the 2.5sec delve lifetap and the various 3sec delve spells is easy to see - even without bothering with logs. All you need is a pair of eyes and half a brain.

You started this bollocks in another thread a few days back - clearly you didnt learn anything from it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
The mage lifetap is 2.5 second cast. Period. I can't believe we're discussing this, are we dealing with children here? :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Well resist debuffs are only half as effective against resists from to compare the 50% debuff and the 30% debuff...

Take a target with 26% resist from items and yellow resist buff (16%)

50% debuff negates the resist buff leaving 34% to debuff items, so removes 17% resists from items leaving target with 9% body resist. Throw in 10% piercing and you are pretty much assured to hit everyone as if they had 0% resists.

30% debuff negates the resist buff leaving 14% to remove item resists, this negates 7% of the target item based resist leaving them with 19% resist. Throw in 10% resist pierce and you will hit capped body targets as if they had 9% resist.

Really this just means that the 30% debuff is viable and its up to you if you think its worth spending all those extra points for the 50% debuff when the lower variance would possibly be of more use.

Oh and to clarify: 10% resist piercing is guaranteed to negate 10% item based resists on your target (unless ofc the target doesn't have 10% resists from items :p ) I think you are confusing the description of arcane syphon with resist piercing somehow.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Elewyth(TLSOA) is right and you all are wrong!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Draylor said:
You started this bollocks in another thread a few days back - clearly you didnt learn anything from it.
owned by draylor AGAIN!
elewythe just so u know, ml9 covoker > all the shit stuff u did to ur pet.
cabalist specc in spirit is for DEBUFF,pet buff is just a bonus when u don't have buffbot.
30% debuff means u need resist piercing to nuke hard, but saves power
50% debuff means u don't have to get resist piercing, but u go oop fast unless u r high rr with rp,mcl2,tartaros charge and play with ppl with jacina.
all the talking of specc cabalist r Based on fg fight, ur experience can hardly convice anyone.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 15, 2004
I havent seen anybody drop so many stupid shit on a same post since Karam days; Elewyth, do you even play the same game the rest of us play¿ (or used to play)


Loyal Freddie
Oct 18, 2004
Influenza said:
Im currently 25 matter 34 body and 33 spirit and its the spec im most happy with after trying about 5 different ones inc all of the above.
Suppose it comes down to personal preference though.

I've got the same split spec and let me tell you, i've tried other specs this one its amazing. Dont forget that cabba has 650 dmg cap ;) GL

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