how to spec a CS inf?



How should I spec my backstab inf?

I wonder if thrust and cs has anything to do with each other?

Do I need anything in thrust if I just wanna do a backstaber?

Uncle Sick(tm)

YAY!! Infil no. 1.223.342 reporting for duty.


Crit Strike, Envenom, Stealth, Slash/Thrust (thrust being the more popular for the level 50 Dragonfang style)

Crit Strike 40 gives the last of the PA line - Perforate Artery (High Damage Bleed Crit), Creeping Death (6 Second Stun), Stunning Stab (High Damage attack)

Thrust 50 - Dragonfang style (9 second stun off Evade)

Envenom - entirely upto you, but suggest at least 30

Stealth - at least 36 (make upto 50 with items at level 50)

(auto train in stealth for the free points you gain)

Dual Wield - (optional for the increased chance of landing the second weapon - 0.5% chance per point)

But that is me, as I always say, your char you spec it how you like, else you will be like every other one in the game.


50thrust 39CS 37envenom 37stealth rest DW.

Autotrain stealth/take Env/Stealth lower to gain more specs in DW.

Styles to use = Dragonfang, PA+CD, Tranq so you evade.


oops sorry 39 Crit Strike being Stunning Stab not 40 sorry


Thanks for the answers but it was not exactly what i was looking for. I have someother questions that needs to be answered.

Do the skill thrust have anything to do with the damage i will inflict when I backstab someone? or is it only the CS skill that matters then?

ex. if i raise my CS skill to 50 and have 0 in thrust can i still hit with backstab and do great damage?


If you have a Thrust skill of 0 (which won't happen as you always start with 1) you will probably miss most of the time as your skill in a weapon is used to determine your chance to hit along with other factors ie. Dex, Qui, Str

CS is just just that, Crit Styles, it does not improve your chance to land your weapons, that is where your Thrust skill comes in, the higher your thrust skill the better chance of hitting, hope that helps you


Crit Strike - Immense Damage and Pain

Thrust - are you going to land it

Generic Poster

I believe this calls for a 'lol'?

Backstab is the lv2 CS style, Backstab 2 is superior and is the lv10 CS style, it has a short stun aswell. PA comes at CS-21 and hits very hard.

One wonders why you would train CS to 50, only to use a lv2 style?
It's an original template and I respect you for that. Certainly not a cookie cutter, oh no.

CS determines your maximum damage.
If I'm not mistaken slash/thrust works your minimum damage. You should have slash/thrust at 2/3 of your level and your damage will be at 75%-125% of your peak.


If you really only want to do a backstab style you could try this template

Stealth 29
Thrust 50
Dual Wield 50
Crit Strike 6
Envenom - Remainder

You may laugh but it works :)


eh? the lvl 50 cs style "ripper" is the last style in a chain that starts with an evade.


if you want a 'real' Backstabber, you want slash.
slash has slower weapons = higher PA damage.
Slash is better on SBs, which will be your prime target along with casters (everything is neutral on cloth though).

You want Augmented strength 2 (at least) due to slash being strength based, and due to Mastery of Pain, which you will want at high level (+5% chance of a crit hit per level).

you want Vanish, for a extra backstab, or a get-out-of-jail-free-card.

You want see hidden, for archers. Juicy targets too.

if you plan on getting several millions of RP, i guess you could go for some Dodger as well, but slashers dont really need it all that much.

For spec, you want

50 CS: gives you the last Evade chain style, which is fairly good. It also gives you the highest possible PA damage.

44 Slash: you want high slash as well, to make your damage variance small. this will allow you to actually melee stuff to death.

Envenom 38: this will give you lifebane fairly easy.

Stealth 36: you will get near max stealth with items. rest from RRs which is easy for the first couple

this leaves about 5-6 for DW.

use a Bastard sword for stabbing. prefferrably crafted. you want 99%+.

use Jambiyas for melee, they are fairly fast, but has a nice damage out put too. You could go for hand axes if you want speed, but.... Jambiyas look more classy.

Good luck

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