how to navigate DF



right, as i found out tonight, DF is a complete **** to walk about in cause i have no idea where i am usually, although best tip in alb part, going up = exit :)

so heres my handy guild to navigating the beast:

first of all, some fun:

download this file:

and open it with this viewer:

look! DF IN 3D!! its a viewer, so hold L mouse and drag to mess about with it, ninja eh? now you can see it a little better, youll probably want this map:

or PDF

so, have fun kids :) - and abuse your work printer, no one will know! due to the agro i seem to accumulate by just sitting, DF should be called Death Follows if you ask me, cause i died sooo many times its not funny tonight (although bizarrely made a bub)


That place is a hell hole of the worst kind, why a realm would want to fight for it to have it kill friends and family is totally beyond me. Wandering aggro's purp to high 40's and various baf mobs for a soloist then theres the various screams of help coming from all directions.

This place is just a pretty dungeon with the highest levels of death its unbelievable. Sort of like a venus fly trap is to a fly.

May go in there when Im 50 just cause it wont matter so much loosing the hard earned training.



the dungeon looks nice, the monsters are nice, and a new xp zone certainly helps at high level.

Taht said, i think its VERY bad for the game, as such..

Dartmoor, Barfog raids will be close to obsolete now. Lyonesse will be emty.

the Seal system completely ruins every aspect of a loot run, since 4 hours in DF will net you evil xp and a glow sword.

level 40+ from now on: DF or Keep raids..

Hope it improves MASSIVELY


Dartmoor, Barfog raids will be close to obsolete now. Lyonesse will be emty.

Not only that, but you're all playing your main characters now. Far fewer alts for us lowbies to group with. There were three people in Mithra's earlier, and seven in the Salisbury Plains. :(


Intersting levels they have... I see some L99 mobs but then Legion is only L83? I guess the L99 are some unkillable friendlies or something? Strange...
Angelic Visage and Behemoth.
Where is that big worm located? Anyone know?

EDIT: If Behemoth is L99 then why is there a separate port into Behemoth's lair? Some quest type thing or what?


Behemot is the worm.
I think darkness falls is great, something for the high levels to do. And a bit of a challenge with those wandering aggros with flaming swords. Got me killed several times yesterday though, not much to say about it ;)

In mid at least, I'm pretty sure the epic zone gives better xp than darkness falls, so no change there.


Must agree with Erl, the place is *wonderful*.

Wicoa and Liste - don't be so quick to jump to conclusions chaps! Early days yet, things will settle down.

Apologies to my group yesterday. We were heading down the Cthulic Knight corridor, having great fights all the way. My map showed a commander & lieutenant as being in the next room (sounded good :) ) - thought I'd just investigate this multi coloured doorway.

Bang! Was back in Camelot Hills. Oh dear. Learn how to read maps properly m'boy :(


Originally posted by old.Mu.

Not only that, but you're all playing your main characters now. Far fewer alts for us lowbies to group with. There were three people in Mithra's earlier, and seven in the Salisbury Plains. :(

It'll calm down after couple of weeks and people will play their alts again...

I have 3 alts and play them quite a bit, although it's true I was using my Main all last night, but I wasn't in the DF.


The angelic visage is a realm guard... the only lvl 99 mob is behemoth. and hes neutral anyway (although sometimes know to hit people for the fun of it.)

Brannor McThife

The only time I have come close to seeing so many graves in one place, was at a failed dragon raid, and at the EoB around the undead spawn areas.

One thing, people. Please, FFS, don't think you can "just run to the exit", there is NO escape without a fight. I saw so many people draw aggro from 10+ mobs trying to run out. Remember, here, some of the mobs hang around up above you in the air... ;)

I am having my doubts about it being a good XP place. Too much death, but then, it was the first night, and people seemed to forgot how to play...mages drawing as much aggro as possible from the word go, mezz breakers galore, Thane's in large groups AEing and causing huge BAF for poor soloers. I hope it will calm down, I'll be stockpiling emeralds (and maybe sapphires), and everytime I hit 100 I'll give them to someone. ;)

Now, to try get back in.



I like it, there are some cool places for a Scout to solo. Just the sheer size of it means I can shoot mobs from maximum range, tonnes of high blue/low yellow mobs.

BUT HOW DO I GET FREAKIN' ARROWS!! Mythic are scoutist .. hrmf!


Just give it time.
Last night was the inevitable Headless Chicken night with all the 3 realms running around looking at all the shiny things and then dying horribly.
Give it a few days to settle down. Then people will start being a lot more organised and I'm sure DF will be a lot more manageble, and the other area will become repopulated once more.

Brannor McThife

I can also see why they say assassins don't excel well at RvR (solo) in DF. You can CS someone...but when you turn to run, 5 mobs jump you. :p


Catnip Lightpaw

It's fun

At last a challenging environment where you can't just rest, pull, rest, pull

Great items for casters at last, I now have a glowing knobb :)

Yes lots of deaths, wow flying mobs, very purple(mobs and decor)

And best of alll, you can run into the other realms, wow how can this not be liked, it's everything in one little(well not so little) package

If you don't want to die, don't go in there, to the rest of you see you in there dead or alive :)


Enjoyed it immensly , only problem I have is the same old thing , was still being refused groups , I keep forgetting I'm only a 41 Ranger . Oh well looks like all I'll be good for is farming Emeralds for my alts . But enough of my problems :) go enjoy , we waited long enough for it , and it's already been said , things will calm down eventually :p


stop killing the merchants ^^ *punches the air*

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by erl
Behemot is the worm.

erh, no :eek: the worm is Beliathan is agro but doesnt attack you (weird huh) :p

and to get to behemoth you have to fight legion, when hes at about 25% he will teleport some ppl out, and at 5% again, those ppl will then find themselves in behemoths "cave" or whatever you cal it, to get out of there they need to take the teleport oposite to behemoth (wich will teleport you to the legiob chamber)


Originally posted by Catnip Lightpaw
I now have a glowing knobb :)

Are you going to flash that around in DF to distract all us females?



Well, where were you then? I was just in there .. part of a big group that killed all three princes, but I didn't see you flashing it around. :p

Catnip Lightpaw

Sorry, i will be on tonight some time :) i will flash it for you then


Ive been having a great time personally..

Solo'd a bit, gathered emerald seals for guildpals and grouped both in a camp style and a wander about explore style. Died a few times.. gained 2.5 bubbles of xp..

Had a lot of fun, been in there since alb first got in (although lack of repair and bolts will drive me out eventually). I think DF along with the new epics are a good addition to the game. The only negative impact is the lack of players in traditional xp spots.. and thats fair enough considering the newness of the place.

Id sum it up (from an albion perspective) as a mix between Dartmoor (for the crazy agro/BAF) Emain (for the gankage :) ) and the barrows (because its an.. er.. dungeon).

Hope to see/slap you all there



Originally posted by Catnip Lightpaw
Sorry, i will be on tonight some time :) i will flash it for you then

Oh dear ... I'll be playing my little Luri LW Champ tonight, and at lvl 10, she is far too young and impressionable to see such things. :p


Been in . . . died repeatedly . . . lost more XP than I care to think about . . . back to Barrows & Lyonesse :)

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