120 brave Hibernians from Prydwen ventured into Sheeroe Hills again today (saturday the third) with one thing at mind, slay the glimmer king once again.
Suffice to say we succeeded.
Been on 2 raids now and some things stand clearly out imo.
No healing is allowed.
Ressing gets tons of aggro often causing aoe but that's a chance one must take.
ALL ressers wardens/druids/bards must focus purely on ressing, they should do nothing but rest power res and rest again.
Sending more than ½ the army on the dragon is suicide, he's not ment to be zerged but taken down slowly. Usually today we had about 30 people attack at any one time.
All four entrances must be covered by 2-3fgs mainly being ressers and mages since they have no buisness inside the lair. Only tanks should be on the dragon and never all tanks, only about 60% of the tanks, and some mages.
Ressers (all kinds) should not move into the lair except after an aoe then they should find a derserted spot inside the lair, so if they get aoe'd they won't take many down with them, and then res the dead, and move out of the lair again.
a minimum of 2fg at all entrances at all times is a must.
Couriers move at something like mach 3-4 and must be stopped (we managed that today)
Adds will probably come (about 15 came today when dragon was at 40%) when they come it's like on a Legion raid, always get them first!
The key really is to not have many players on the dragon at a time, and make sure his aoe's hits as few people as possible.
If you draw aggro standing outside of the lair the dragon will always aoe you, so stand away from everyone else before ressing from outside the lair. Same goes for inside, keep range to the rest of the people on the raid.
Today (not last time) we had rangers all ungrouped to avoid chain aoe, also all druids was left ungrouped to avoid res group chain aggro aoe's.
Imo this is not required and rangers should be put in groups with a bard for end regain. The other ideas might be good, to keep tanks and druids ungrouped, make sure you have 1 mana mentalist at each entrance to keep the druids at his/her entrance cracked.
Most important really, is to keep 2-3fg at all entrances at all times, staying outside not combating the dragon but focusing on adds and ressing everyone after the lethal aoe's. Solo druids can spread over the lair once the dragon is engaged (pull him with a ranger then send 1 tank grp in to engage him, and rest charge from the other entrances) when attacking make sure you have 4 equal size forces at the entrances, don't have everyone come from the same side. Really you should have a lot more people focused on ressing than attacking the dragon.
Everyone attacking the dragon (except rangers who just keep range) try the best possible to stand behind the dragon and do NOT combat the dragon on his mound, stay away from the mound at all costs (today we had almost every single tank attacking the dragon at one point, he went to his mound the tanks followed and a shit load of tanks all got aoe'd on the mound (hard place to res) almost made the raid fail, so keep people off the mound!
The battle will go as follows... the dragon will move from entrance to entrance mainly fighting tanks but also ressers, aoeing once and a while usually killing about 15- 25 people per aoe. Often the add control groups at one entrance will (almost) all be wiped, but the others should stay at their place and just res a few ressers at that entrance and let it rest, the dragon will always move to a new entrance which will give them time to rest at the wiped entrance.
Anyone not tanking the dragon should stay far away from it.
Most important point is, keep all entrances manned with 2-3 fgs at all times (2 tanks per fg, lot of ressers and mages)
Todays raid was set up by... 6 add control groups (1 at each entrance and 2 at the 2 most exposed ones (NW from the mound and NE from the mound) facing the dragon from the front. Added to this we had 5fg attacking the dragon consisting of tanks and often a warden bard and a couple others. The druids ran around inside/resting outside of the lair, and ressing tanks as soon as they went down. The add control groups was often wiped by dragon aoe as they went to res tanks dead (run in res 1 tank then run back to your entrance and stay there!) This tactic was kept all through the raid (except when dragon got to 15% and all tanks with a bow (in a tank group) was ordered off the dragon so only champs and NS's meleed him, to avoid aoe stun.
Really main points is, have your force spread out all over the lair including 2-3 fgs at entrances. Make sure you get couriers (we had a ranger that had to use his own speed buff to catch one of them, but he managed ) And make sure not to have too many tanks attacking him at once, no reason to rush it, rather play it safe. Mages should focus on adds and all ressers should focus on ressing and staying far away from the dragon, only running in to res 1-2 times then out of lair again to avoid aoe.
http://www.mithril.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/chosen/dragon/dragon.html a few screenshots a mate of mine took on todays raid, you don't really notice (since he is in a tank group) how at all entrances there's always 2-3 fgs sitting ready to res everyone when needed. How only ½ of the raid or so, is inside the lair.
Suffice to say we succeeded.
Been on 2 raids now and some things stand clearly out imo.
No healing is allowed.
Ressing gets tons of aggro often causing aoe but that's a chance one must take.
ALL ressers wardens/druids/bards must focus purely on ressing, they should do nothing but rest power res and rest again.
Sending more than ½ the army on the dragon is suicide, he's not ment to be zerged but taken down slowly. Usually today we had about 30 people attack at any one time.
All four entrances must be covered by 2-3fgs mainly being ressers and mages since they have no buisness inside the lair. Only tanks should be on the dragon and never all tanks, only about 60% of the tanks, and some mages.
Ressers (all kinds) should not move into the lair except after an aoe then they should find a derserted spot inside the lair, so if they get aoe'd they won't take many down with them, and then res the dead, and move out of the lair again.
a minimum of 2fg at all entrances at all times is a must.
Couriers move at something like mach 3-4 and must be stopped (we managed that today)
Adds will probably come (about 15 came today when dragon was at 40%) when they come it's like on a Legion raid, always get them first!
The key really is to not have many players on the dragon at a time, and make sure his aoe's hits as few people as possible.
If you draw aggro standing outside of the lair the dragon will always aoe you, so stand away from everyone else before ressing from outside the lair. Same goes for inside, keep range to the rest of the people on the raid.
Today (not last time) we had rangers all ungrouped to avoid chain aoe, also all druids was left ungrouped to avoid res group chain aggro aoe's.
Imo this is not required and rangers should be put in groups with a bard for end regain. The other ideas might be good, to keep tanks and druids ungrouped, make sure you have 1 mana mentalist at each entrance to keep the druids at his/her entrance cracked.
Most important really, is to keep 2-3fg at all entrances at all times, staying outside not combating the dragon but focusing on adds and ressing everyone after the lethal aoe's. Solo druids can spread over the lair once the dragon is engaged (pull him with a ranger then send 1 tank grp in to engage him, and rest charge from the other entrances) when attacking make sure you have 4 equal size forces at the entrances, don't have everyone come from the same side. Really you should have a lot more people focused on ressing than attacking the dragon.
Everyone attacking the dragon (except rangers who just keep range) try the best possible to stand behind the dragon and do NOT combat the dragon on his mound, stay away from the mound at all costs (today we had almost every single tank attacking the dragon at one point, he went to his mound the tanks followed and a shit load of tanks all got aoe'd on the mound (hard place to res) almost made the raid fail, so keep people off the mound!
The battle will go as follows... the dragon will move from entrance to entrance mainly fighting tanks but also ressers, aoeing once and a while usually killing about 15- 25 people per aoe. Often the add control groups at one entrance will (almost) all be wiped, but the others should stay at their place and just res a few ressers at that entrance and let it rest, the dragon will always move to a new entrance which will give them time to rest at the wiped entrance.
Anyone not tanking the dragon should stay far away from it.
Most important point is, keep all entrances manned with 2-3 fgs at all times (2 tanks per fg, lot of ressers and mages)
Todays raid was set up by... 6 add control groups (1 at each entrance and 2 at the 2 most exposed ones (NW from the mound and NE from the mound) facing the dragon from the front. Added to this we had 5fg attacking the dragon consisting of tanks and often a warden bard and a couple others. The druids ran around inside/resting outside of the lair, and ressing tanks as soon as they went down. The add control groups was often wiped by dragon aoe as they went to res tanks dead (run in res 1 tank then run back to your entrance and stay there!) This tactic was kept all through the raid (except when dragon got to 15% and all tanks with a bow (in a tank group) was ordered off the dragon so only champs and NS's meleed him, to avoid aoe stun.
Really main points is, have your force spread out all over the lair including 2-3 fgs at entrances. Make sure you get couriers (we had a ranger that had to use his own speed buff to catch one of them, but he managed ) And make sure not to have too many tanks attacking him at once, no reason to rush it, rather play it safe. Mages should focus on adds and all ressers should focus on ressing and staying far away from the dragon, only running in to res 1-2 times then out of lair again to avoid aoe.
http://www.mithril.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/chosen/dragon/dragon.html a few screenshots a mate of mine took on todays raid, you don't really notice (since he is in a tank group) how at all entrances there's always 2-3 fgs sitting ready to res everyone when needed. How only ½ of the raid or so, is inside the lair.