How to get my Cleric to do more Damage?



I have a 14th lvl Rejuv, CLeric on Albion, Excal.

I know that being a Rejuv Cleric, I'm best suited to team combat rather than soloing.
But sometimes I like to solo, if I don't have a much time to sit down and play for a long time.

I have a pretty decent Armor fact or with my Studded leather and I use the hammer with cons yellow to me, it does pretty good damage, but is a bit slow...I guess I could swap back to the flanged mace..

Anyway, I can take out Blues no probs, but Yellow take me out pretty easily..

What am I doing wrong?
I have the following spell specs..
13 Rejuv
5 Enhacement
2 Smite

I do want to concentrate on REjuv, but should I be putting some more in Enhanc or Smite?
Am I getting my Weapon/armor combination wrong?
Am I missing some functionality of the spells I DO have somewhere..
The insta heal I gained a level or two back helped, but I still have probs with soloing yellows..:(

Someone please help :(

- Pathfinder -

Heh, non smiters do not solo yellows :) As a rejuv cleric you'll either want to group, or do KTs to 20 (at which point you'll really want to group) as these mostly present bluecon targets.


Yeah, I was beginning to figure that about them simply not soloing yellows...
Oh well, I've generated an Armsman which is REALLY good at soloing yellows, in fact he barely hits half hits (sometimes on 3/4 hits) fighting yellows..

I'm tempted to try an Orange, he's that good...but it slows down my Cleric's progress tho...


While we're on the subject of my Cleric.
I'm constantly strapped for cash.
Is there a good way to get more money in game?


Supposedly you're meant to be able to solo a blue monster and lose half your hp. That's what the balance is meant to be at.

With good equipment/luck/using all your powers you should be able to kill yellows but with lots of downtime (also if you get things with -ves on your armour and +ves from your damage)

oranges can sometimes be possible if you're lucky and have all the factors in your favour.

For pet classes this goes out the window :) as theoretically they're a group.

Rejuv clerics solo can't do the damage/take the punishment but they get very little downtime due to heals. So if you kill blues then heal up you can probably get similar xp to your armsman who's fighting yellwos then sitting on his arse for an age.


I have speced a Rejuve (45) / Enhance (27) cleric with a little smite (12) and find it dead easy to farm 2-3 yellows in a row with very little problems.

Currently lvl 16 with 12 Rej, 7 Smite, 7 Enhance.

1. Use all the buffs you can. Use both the Enhance spec and the base spec.
2. Make sure your damage buff (hammer of the pious) is running
3. Pull using the base lvl smite, you should be able to get 2-3 of these in, or 3-4 if the mob tries to cast a spell on you (wind mephys etc)
4. Whip out you hammer and bash it.
5. Use the AoE Shout every 20 seconds (the 1's one does not do a lot of damage, but it's an extra hit)

After the mob is dead a quick heal then pull the next.

Even if I forget step 2 a yellow will go down with no problem, esp when you have the first targeted 40% heal shout.

Also I tend to use the Flanged mace as it is quicker.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Supposedly you're meant to be able to solo a blue monster and lose half your hp. That's what the balance is meant to be at.
An interesting point here, but it SEEMS to me the difference between Blues XP and Yellows XP is quite a bit.

So if you kill blues then heal up you can probably get similar xp to your armsman who's fighting yellwos then sitting on his arse for an age.

Except my Armsman quite often ends up with greater than ½ of his XP after fighting a yellow.
and he heals pretty fast as well.
Although you do have a point to a certain degree.


Originally posted by Elvewen
I have speced a Rejuve (45) / Enhance (27) cleric with a little smite (12) and find it dead easy to farm 2-3 yellows in a row with very little problems.

Based on how you chose your Specs, you have spread out your points more than I have..
I have spent the vast majority of my point on Rejuv, a little on Enhance and hardly anything on Smite.

I keep my Rejuv spec 1 level below my current lvl, whereas your Rejuv is 4 lvl's below you 16th lvl character..
Maybe I should bump up my Enhanc or Smite a bit to power up my character a bit?
Is 4 lvl's difference too much if you want to maintain a decent rejuv cleric?


Bear in mind you get extra spec points between lvls 40 and 50 ...

but 12 smite at lvl 50 ain't that much better than 2 smite at lvl 14 ....

I'd say mibbe let your rejuv trail a small amount and get some more buffs or smites
(the buffs will keep your group viability still right up there, and even a little bit of smite will make soloing that much easier)

the difference between 14 rejuv and 13 rejuv at level 15? no idea :) probably not very much.

But don't listen to me: I've got a mercenary, a matter/body split cabalist, and and earth wizard :) I am gimp! hear me beg for a ress :)


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Heh, non smiters do not solo yellows :) As a rejuv cleric you'll either want to group, or do KTs to 20 (at which point you'll really want to group) as these mostly present bluecon targets.

Try undead yellows...

If you have good equiped armor (yellow, orange) and a good weapon (epics are good and Yog's Fist is nice to get) you can do yellows easy (bearing in mind to have some points in smite to have stun as well)

But teaming goes much quicker..


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Bear in mind you get extra spec points between lvls 40 and 50 ...
I didn't know that....thanx :)

I'd say mibbe let your rejuv trail a small amount and get some more buffs or smites
(the buffs will keep your group viability still right up there, and even a little bit of smite will make soloing that much easier)
Yeah, I guess I could sacrifice 1 level's rejuv when I hit 15th and do a 3/2 split of the points into Enhance and smite.
I'll have to look at the spell development to see what i get if I increase my smite to lvl 4 and my enhanc to lvl 6.

the difference between 14 rejuv and 13 rejuv at level 15? no idea :) probably not very much.
Yeah maybe, as it seems the spell development is more choppy the higher level you get, regarding gaining new spells.


From what I gather... until we hit 1.51 (when they overhaul the healing system) there's little point in using the spec-line big heals...

everyone just uses the small baseline or the medium baseline heals...

so having 13 instead of 14 is just gonna be improving your variance a tiny amount.


Originally posted by Khalen
If you have good equiped armor (yellow, orange) and a good weapon (epics are good and Yog's Fist is nice to get) you can do yellows easy (bearing in mind to have some points in smite to have stun as well)
I have Yellow Armor/weapons, but I'd llike to upgrade to Orange, however, my Cleric is dead poor right now..
Thus my other question about how to gain money more effectively.

But teaming goes much quicker..
sure does, In one gaming session, I was in a 8 member party.
We went off fighting giants and stuff like that, by the end of the night, I was up 2.5 lvl's!!...
(It WAS a LOONGGG session, from 7pm to 5am the next morning with 1 hour break in between.)


Originally posted by Fingoniel
From what I gather... until we hit 1.51 (when they overhaul the healing system) there's little point in using the spec-line big heals...

From what you're inferring, they're gonna improve the high lvl heals..

everyone just uses the small baseline or the medium baseline heals...
True enough there.
I generally only use 2 heal spells.
A low lvl one if the party members aren't getting hammered too badly (because it's cheap on mana, thus I get more spells off )
Or in emergencies an expensive one which heals a LOT..
Oh yeah, plus my free instant self heal.

so having 13 instead of 14 is just gonna be improving your variance a tiny amount.

True enough, I think from what people here are saying, I'm pretty convinced to up my Enhanc and Smite a little nxt lvl to boost my ability to deal damage.
It sounds like I can make up (some of) the difference anyway with the extra points I get when I hit 40th lvl.


Ok I have an armsman already on 50 who got me most of the items and money.. Money won't be sufficient until lvl 30+. In the beta I soloed a lot in Tepok (main reason was that it was most of the times quiet there. Got a lot of money from there. But now it is patched and has drops.. Just a couple of lvls more and you can play in Keltoi and find Dusk Walkers chain (AF 42). That should at least save some money. After that you can get Mithril (AF 50) from Howling Maidens and Knifeman in Snowdonia. Then after that you can do Arawnites for Arawnite Chain (Af 68)... Just to show you some drops :))

People will love you mostly for your healing. I don't know what your template is but mine will be 40 rejuv, 30 smite, 20 enh. I've brought rejuv first to 23 (for instants) and then I did some points in Smite and Enh. (for buffs). Gonna increase Rejuv again when the other 2 are at their template max.


Originally posted by Khalen
Ok I have an armsman already on 50 who got me most of the items and money.. Money won't be sufficient until lvl 30+. In the beta I soloed a lot in Tepok (main reason was that it was most of the times quiet there. Got a lot of money from there. But now it is patched and has drops.. Just a couple of lvls more and you can play in Keltoi and find Dusk Walkers chain (AF 42). That should at least save some money. After that you can get Mithril (AF 50) from Howling Maidens and Knifeman in Snowdonia. Then after that you can do Arawnites for Arawnite Chain (Af 68)... Just to show you some drops :))
Wow, lots of useful info here..
So maybe some more quests for now to gain stuff..
Also, It's my understanding the Dops of items have beeen increased in the latest patch?

People will love you mostly for your healing. I don't know what your template is but mine will be 40 rejuv, 30 smite, 20 enh. I've brought rejuv first to 23 (for instants) and then I did some points in Smite and Enh. (for buffs). Gonna increase Rejuv again when the other 2 are at their template max.

My template will look similar to yours, but swap around the Enhanc and Smite points development, as MOST of the time I group, so I want to keep useful as a group character.
But if I'm gonna get anysuccess in kill taksks, I better up my Smite a bit next lvl. (and my Enhance by 1)

- Pathfinder -

Avoid mithril chain off Maidens :p It is incredibly poo (af 50 with 80% quality eeek) :)


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Avoid mithril chain off Maidens :p It is incredibly poo (af 50 with 80% quality eeek) :)

Can I sell it for a decent price then? is good too..:)


Originally posted by Khalen
We all know that crafted armor is very good :)

Yeah, but it costs money, which ATM I don't have...:(
Do kill quests give money?


Originally posted by danskmacabre

I'll have to look at the spell development to see what i get if I increase my smite to lvl 4 and my enhanc to lvl 6.

I think the smite that you will get is pants, the only reason to put it into smite at the low lvls is for the other spells, AoE, DD and Mez Shouts along with the self buff. I think I used the spec smite once or twice but it takes an extra second to cast and does less damage than the base lvl, though it does use less mana and so is usefull as an opener.

But then again these become prety useless after 20 or so and I only speced to 12 to get the 3rd lvl DD, I might even drop this to 11 but I dont think I can get another spec lvl is anyting else for these points. They just make life easier at the lower lvls and stop you HAVING to group with all the complete idiots who get to 10 or so then quit cause its too hard :)


Originally posted by Elvewen

I think the smite that you will get is pants,

so, maybe I ought to put 2 points into Enhance instead?...(must check spell lists when I get home)...

Brannor McThife

Just a quick word on Tepok. Itemised? Yes. Money reduced? Not really. ;)

At high 20's, in a 2 person group drawing regular pairs of blue-con's (or yellow/blue), making +-1 gold cash off the pair + items. Better than Keltoi for that. But a tougher dungeon because everything (except the undead miners) is aggro.

HINT!! Rest in amongst the undead miners at the deadend. Occasionally a small goblin (L20-24) may wander in there, as well as a cave fisher(L24-26). But it's your safest bet for resting, ESPECIALLY when the high level gimps that decide it's time to try the Overseer aggro the whole pit and try to run for the exit, having the Overseer & Co. aggro on everyone as they go past both ways.




Originally posted by danskmacabre

so, maybe I ought to put 2 points into Enhance instead?...(must check spell lists when I get home)...

Use your baseline smite damage spell with a lot less variance...

my earth wiz uses his ice nuke which does reasonable damage even though he spends only the odd spare spec point in ice.

it's the difference of doing 40-80 damage or 1-80 damage :)

little bit of smite will help you solo, I salute your main aim of rejuv/enhance though :) need more healers!

thinking that at lvl 15 you can get one point of rejuv, or you can get 2+3+4+5= 4 points of smite...

don't overspec into one line, spread it a little (but not too much).

Only class that seems to get very little benefit from a broad specialisation is the wizard... (earth wizards excepted.. but there's not many of them :)) as they get little from the other spec lines (ooh I can do ice instead of fire damage!)


Go here

If you want to solo decide on ur spec at 50 then get the smite to ur final lvl asap.

The higher u get the more ur going 2 use the base smites and forget the spec ones if u follow a rej/enh path but it should help you solo at lower lvls.

Other option is to hammer the enh/rej and forget soloing, cause there should be a huge demand for u in grps as the lvl14 grps are all minst, infs and scouts atm.

SoulFly Amarok

Dumdiduu *whistles*

Xample #1

rejuv 40
enhance 11
smite 35

Xample #2 TEH battlecleric

rejuv 23
enhance 9
smite 48

*walks away*


Hmm, looking at the spell progression, I think it's best if I spend my points next level getting my Smite up to lvl 4, I'll get the 1st 3rd lvl mez spell and the 4th lvl increased hammer of faith.
That should increase my damage potential.
Then spend the rest increasing my Enhance to lvl 6 to get the increased AF buff..

Then concentrate on my Rejuv thereafter.
As at lvl 14 I get the Big heal and lvl 15 the Group heal, which will be dead useful, As I still want to be a rejuv specialist.


For those who are interested.
I bumped up my Smite and Enhac a fair bit in one lvl progression and now, I can solo much better.

I still have a high rejuv tho (lvl 20 cleric with 18 in rejuv, 6 smite and 5 enhanc)

It's all working quite well now, and can smite monsters to about ½ hp before I bash them....


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