How to fix TFC 1.5 and possibly counterstrike


Atomic Rammer

Since tfc 1.5 and new netcode there have quite rightly (imho) moans about hwg and sniper 0wnage. This is because in new netcode server prediction + client prediction means that u hit where u aimed.

Proposal so far to correct this is class restrictions, but I have seen another option.

The shady server is running the server command sv_unlag 0 which disables server prediction so it doesent check ure ping to predict if u hit from u're point of view. so this removes the hwg 0wnage that hpbs can achieve and sniper too (and sshotgun).

This also eliminates the frags where u think bugger that I was behind the wall. And also those medic infections where u are nowhere near them on your screen.

Only problem for this is the sniper dot is still on ure crosshair but if u use cl_lw 0 then the sniper dot lags ure aim just like old netcode.

So if u use

sv_unlag 0 on server
cl_lw 0 on clients connected to server

Then the game behaves exactly the same as old netcode and then theres no need for class restrictions at all since the classes are exactly the same, its just the aim is improved by new netcode making them better classes.

U still get the improvements in netcode like lower bandwith usage and smoother model movement, but u get the old netcode style of play which was better coz u dont feel cheated by behind wall hits and infections from miles away.

Only problem I can see is ppl not using cl_lw 0
Can this be forced by the server when they join?

If u run a CS server u should try this out too.


Yes..Ive played on the shady server and must say it plays just like 1016 (but without the concs)

I MAY recommend this to be put on ONE of the server just to see how it turns out and see what people think.

But we have to wait until next week before the servers come back :(


wouldn't realy bother me, i was soo called owning with a sniper and a hw, long before the code, i prefer the old code, i realy did, before they just called me a lpb, so i had no skill, now im just a newbie, because i play as so called newbie class's. I personaly prefer newbie, the ping thing realy bugs, me as there are many a hpb's i know that has cleaned me up, ohh well long live the new code(cough), your hero Kurt_ the Newbie_ Angle, it's true it's true!!

Atomic Rammer

Yer I gather that lpb's 0wned with hwg b4 the patch which makes sense. Since all the netcode has done is simulate ping 0.

I dont know if its as bad for lpb's but I am getting infections when running backwards from a medic and there is clear air between us then I'm infected. This really isn't a good thing to have.

I think the old way of running things was much better/less frustrating. U knew when u had dodged something/somebody.


Yeah true, i agree i h8 the new code, but my point was, some players are better than others, no matter what the ping or what the class, it may have not come across to well last night, as i was drunk as f-ck when i posted it :)


I think its pretty funny how lpb's feel justified constanly saying "Noo, please make it so I can OWN purely because of my ping again"

Although I agree the HWguy needs to maybe be toned down/tweaked a tiny bit, CS is pefect with the new netcode, sure getting killed when you run behind a wall can be annoying sometimes, however all it means is that really you got shot while you were still in the open, so the end result is no diffrent.

For the majority of people the servers are far better now where everyone gets a fair game than they were a month ago where ones 'skill' was determined largely by how much they were willing to pay for there internet connection, ...a tad lame imho.

[This message has been edited by Motev (edited 27 June 2000).]


Yeah, I agree Motev. I'm an LPB (at least, while I'm at university :) ), and to be honest I don't find CS any worse at all. In fact, I got my highest ever score the other night. I guess that's mainly because I've always been careful to make use of cover, etc. in CS, and always assumed that the enemy can hit me.

Maybe the difference is more substantial in TFC, since CS's weapons are more deadly. It only takes a couple of lucky bullets to kill someone, whatever your ping. Also in CS, a lot of the firefights take place in cramped areas where people can't exactly circle-strafe or whatever very effectively (which is good for the game), and the movement speed is slower. That makes the gameplay very different to TFC, which is probably more ping-dependent.

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