How to do Danos


Oct 15, 2004
How can I kill danos, without his adds?

How do I pull danos so his adds wont come or will loose agroo?


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Well this has worked for me...

Well I usually just quit the bg, the group and relog 1 time so Im not assosiated with the group...then the group moves back up the hill (if you want to do it the easy way you just move the healers way up the hill. There is a spot where he wount go so that they can stand there and heal as much as they need too). After that its just basically dependant of what you bring with ya...if you are summ sm just pull and let pet handle him up the hill within range from your seers. If you are aug healer just pull him and stand within range from your seers. If you have tanks with ya you just pull him up too the tanks that are within range from the seers. And lastly if you are a shammy and dont need the encounter you can pull the guards too and just have one of your tanks that are with ya pull danos off off your back and kite the guars around just be careful not to run away from them or get to close to them so they actually kill you. (but easiest way is not to pull the guards ofc:) (Just be out of group out of bg and relogged so you dont have any carryover aggrocode and pull danos himself) (If you get aggro before you pull him remember you have to relog every time or you will have carryover aggrocode from the group and the guards will follow)



Mar 3, 2005
Kite the mobs until only Danos is following you :clap:

you need speed for this somone with SoS :wub:

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