how to detect hidden when not an assasin



I've found out with my ranger that you can detect assasins or other archers while they r hidden:p

very usefull in keepdefence and larger grps:)

if you stealth/destealth once in a while you will get

You cant stealth because enemy is near if a stealthed enemy is near=)

Saved my butt often hehe. And have pinpointed assasins for larger grps/pbaoe casters:)

Dunno if its a bug or what hehe. but now all stealthers got a new job in grps hehe.


I've been doing that since I started coming out for RvR, but knowing there is an enemy assassin at hand is not always as helpful as you might think. A typical night at the Albion Milegate:

You are too close to an enemy to hide!
Alrindel: "assassin nearby, I can't stealth"
Novamir: "hahahahaha, elf gonna die!"


On the other hand, last night I found that I couldn't stealth while walking through the AMG gates. I first assumed that there was a stealther on the wall, in the room above the gates, but after much PBAOE spam we finally found Troubadur the naughty minstrel hiding outside by the gate on the alb side.

There also used to be a similar bug related to emote commands like /wave. If you were alone in the woods, and you used /wave without a target, the game would say, "You wave". But if anyone was within a certain range, including stealthers that you could not see, the game would say, "You wave to everybody". I believe this has now been fixed. :p


Aye , always do it when keep taking , always seems to catch someone :)


Well, now it can also mean that there is someone with True Sight running anywhere within clip range.


I have such a crap video card, that I can detect any other player just by the frame rate drop,

Seriously this does work, In Thridranki a sudden judder as I'm spinning is nearly always a stealther de-stealthing behind me when I'm alone.

old.The McScrooges

I've found that yelling occassionally as the poison DoTs me and then chewing grass is a good way of finding an assassin.

But I normally tend to watch seated characters out on their own, sort of like the canary principle.

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