How to be über in BG, heeh!



Quite simple;

Go to the telepad ask a lvl 50 Damage buffer to buff you, just before you are ported. When you arrive in BG, you have 10 mins of Freeeenzy killing. I did it and soloed 1 red Troll just coming out of his telekeep ( so he was not low on endurance).
Some may consider this cheating and I agree, that is why Im posting it so all know that it can be done. As soon as I get home from work, I will suggest Mythic that they remove the possibility of bringeing any buffs to BG.
By the way, Im an offensive armsman, and could prolly have killded the red anyway. OMG i love polearms, I rule.


hmmm, how to be uber,

/em puts on god mode


Will only work with castable, time limit buffs, conc buffs get wiped when zoning till a future patch.

However since you brought this subject to light, I'm sure they'll start wiping all buffs on porting to a BG


I certainly hope they wipe the port-timelimit-buffs, it disburb the balance in BG, which we all like.


I think the Mids have already done this, or on GORRE at least...... It just made it very unfair/unfun to play.

Im not planning on doing that any way.....with my mage :p


Originally posted by zilch
I think the Mids have already done this, or on GORRE at least...... It just made it very unfair/unfun to play.

Im not planning on doing that any way.....with my mage :p

Perhaps you should come play mid, before you acuse us, i never seen a high lvl caster buff up any mid goin to BG's. Perhaps it's happen, but then i'm sure its happen i all realms. But again mid are the bad guys becuse we kick your ass, cept when you hide behind you pk guards.

If we start poitning fingers witch happens regular here, then make sure you dont have skeletons in you closet.

Something thats still goin on in rvr, chars standing on the roof of the gatekeep, nukin the hell out of the attackers, happend last time yesterday outside our borders when we attacked.

Two chars hiding inside a tree, but i killed one of them and then the zerg mids killed the others....

Yes there are cheats in all realms, but dont point you finger at the whole realm.....

And the game cant be fun 24/7... I cant even count on my ten fingers how many times i've been killed by albs/hibs, me lvl 3X-4X
against atleast 8 enemies rtm. Thats all a part of the game, get used to it. We kick your ass, you kick our ass.

Death to the cheat


But again mid are the bad guys becuse we kick your ass, cept when you hide behind you pk guards.

lol. Didn't see you owning when we attacked your keep 3 days ago. Well we took down the first door before you knew what was happening. Guards constantly attacking us, as you'd expect.

Then about 1 min after the first door had gone down a large force of mids (same size as the attacking force) attacked us from behind. We wiped them out with about 5 people leaft. Before the one rezzer got a chance to rezz anyone, about 10 albs attacked us. the 5 leaft got wiped out, just as we destroyed the second door. The albs ran in and got slaughtered by the guards. Everyone was dead outside. Albs, mids and hibs. It was hilarious :)


Fafnir - Chill

I dont think Zilch was pointing fingers at you only..I think he ment that he had witnesed Middies doing also

Everyone gets so sensivtive when anyone makes a comment on cheaters in others realms...

And they guy even admited to doing the same thing!


Bahhh as we mid's barely have any buff's on timer's at all , they all bleeding Conc's , only hib and alb have any real time buff's so there goes the theory on who uses this to "cheat" :rolleyes:


Darkness specced runeys get a 10min dmg add thats not conc based. Shame theres only like 5 dark runeys in Middy ;) (it is the biggest dmg dealing line btw bolt freaks :p)


By the way, Im an offensive armsman, and could prolly have killded the red anyway. OMG i love polearms, I rule.

I hate to burst your bubble but with that polearm you'll never burst my bubble. :)


I've buffed people on the pad many a time with damage buffs, be they going to the battlegrounds or going to the other realm's frontiers, I fail to see how a lvl50 buffing a lvl24 going to a battleground is different than a lvl50 buffing a lvl24 going to a frontier from a "cheating" point of view - it isn't cheating in the slightest.

The battlegrounds aren't important anyway... :p


Remind me on , at what point were mids ever owning? . Dont flatter yourself. There are very few classes that can own full stop at 24. Its always about superior numbers.


yes you are right about it all coming down to superior numbers. But telepad buffing can be organised on a large scale:))


To meatball:

Ok, lets not call it cheating.But, an obvious goal of BG is to have a balanced rvr place for lower lvls, imo the telepad buffing is a way of disburbing that balance. I just don´t think that the dev. dep. had taken this topic into mind.
As I have said before, I too used this kinda buffing, I haven´t started this thread to say that someone in specific are doing anything wrong, I just wanna hear if you also feel that we should´nt have this in the game. Please be constructive!
Fafnir and Alliandre you have missed the point in this thread, please read again and reply.


well i dont suppose any of the level24 players in the battlegrounds actually build their own rams or have their own cash to buy ram parts except for being twinked etc...

the buffs last for only 10 minutes and you can put a melee out of action for ages in a battle with a mezz and nuke him for way more than damage buff is going to help him. I doubt it really affects the major outcome of the battlegrounds, ok so a group of 20 buffed albs run in, kill the middies, the middies then port back in and albs havn't got buffs anymore...


Originally posted by Meatballs
well i dont suppose any of the level24 players in the battlegrounds actually build their own rams or have their own cash to buy ram parts except for being twinked etc...

Hhmmmm, then who builds the rams in Thidranki??? Is it a higher lvl player??? Yes cash are given since a ram costs a few gold, or they pool the cash together.


Originally posted by old.Galieran
To meatball:
Fafnir and Alliandre you have missed the point in this thread, please read again and reply.

Well i dont see the point in getting buffed up by lvl 50 chars and go out and kill everything in sight. It will only end up with either all players do so, then most of the effect will be canceld, or there will only be you guys runnin around out there lookin for targets.

Or there will be even more pk camping goin on.

And i dont think this was the idea, when mythic put up the lvl range in the BG's otherwise they can just let everyone go to what BG's they want. The BG's is more for peoples to learn what their char can do in rvr, and learn siege warfare, guess thats why there is a keep in the middle.

But if you feel like you need thoose buffs to be able to go out in the BG, please feel free.


Originally posted by Fafnir

"Or there will be even more pk camping goin on."
"BG's is more for peoples to learn what their char can do in rvr"
"or there will only be you guys runnin around out there lookin for targets."

For the first 3 months of rvr it was just middies camping pk, running around looking for targets, so its good experience imo.

and er I've never been to thidranki (only the er 30-35 one with my warden) and not had any timer'd buffs on so I dont see the need for things like:

Originally posted by Fafnir

But if you feel like you need thoose buffs to be able to go out in the BG, please feel free.

Originally posted by Fafnir

Hhmmmm, then who builds the rams in Thidranki??? Is it a higher lvl player??? Yes cash are given since a ram costs a few gold, or they pool the cash together.

When I said "i dont suppose any of the level24 players in the battlegrounds actually build their own rams" I meant I don't suppose many of them actually craft the parts from ram's themselves.

btw I reckon a trebuchet is going to absolutely eat through lvl24 characters if someone sets one up which would be completly unfair unless it was set up by lvl24 main chars without being twinked with cash/given the parts...


Originally posted by old.Galieran
To meatball:

Ok, lets not call it cheating.But, an obvious goal of BG is to have a balanced rvr place for lower lvls, imo the telepad buffing is a way of disburbing that balance.

If someone can solo a red, the reason the level range has been restricted is so everyone should have something to fear from someone else, and they aren't going to be able to do it for too long before the buff runs out.

A melee character is not going to have a huge impact on the course of the battle by killing 2-3 higher conned characters, when an ae mezzer/nuker is going to change the course of the battle a whole lot more.


I agree that the impact of the buffs are limited. The place where it will have an effect imo is in BG20-24. And yes, I suppose that the ppl who goto Bg with rams, get it financed by their guild or higher lvl characters. Maybe we should leave the topic to dealt with by the buffers and their judgement. Thanks for the feed-back

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