How the ....



do you get in the ships to drive them?

I know the sub has a spawn point, but I can't seem to get into the ships to drive them (I want to beach one tbh) :cool:


Originally posted by Sniper Vasilli
How do you get in the ships to drive them?

All the ships operate the same go up to the tower and press the use key. Also if the ship has a main gun i.e. Destroyers and Battleships the use key also works on them.

You have to be in the number 1 position to drive any vehicle (i think). Note little tip if you want to move around positions in a vehicle (once you in a position in the vehicle) press the relevant number key for that position e.g. if you want to move from the front guns to back guns just press the '2' key.


The Carrier has a separate position for driving, the Destroyer uses the same position as the forward guns, dunno about the Battleship haven't had the chance.

To enter a ship use "E", you have to be close to one of the entry points, on Battleships and Destroyers this is close to the guns, on the Carrier its either the AA guns or the superstructure on the deck.

You can enter any position and then swap to position 1, the exception are the MG AA guns on the Destroyer, you can swap between AA guns on the Carrier.

Driving is as normal, use ASDW keys.


duh :p

Didn't think about using the quick keys to change position from the gun emplacements.


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