How the hell to post attachments?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Heh, not exactly daoc related but more of a freddyshouse related post. I want to upload a screenshot onto a thread, however when i try to , it tells me that the file is too large to fit and upload onto the page. I seen people thumbnail stuff b4 onto the threads, but ive also seen full size screenshots posted on here, and this screenie is about half the size of that.

How do u actually post screenshots onto here ? some explanation plz as im thick as pig shit when it comes to pcs and changing file sizes , compressing ect.. thx


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
If the file is of a small size, then you can click the "Manage Attachments" button alil scroll down of the posting page, when you've posted the msg it will have a lil attachment section underneath what you've writen.

Larger files are usualy hosted else where and linked to the post by tags.

A simple quick way of lowering the file size of DAoC screenies is to open them in Paint and just save them straight off as jpg, quality seems to stay the same, but file size seems to drop from around 400-500kb to 60-90kb.

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