how the heck??



you know on voy1 and 2 you have them trenches.
how do you jump out of them?
ive bloody tried all angles to jump out and no avail.
omg been playing the game 2 years and still cant do that

Disco PhoolCat

Good point well made

I've also been trying for ages to no avail, but I suspect scavenger jumping - never could get the hang of that...


Type this in the EF console:

/com_maxFPS 76 ..... or
/com_maxFPS 55

Now u can jump out of the trenches. :)


ok the line what onyx told you sets a maximum framerate. because you have that framerate you can jump the trenches or jump on flag pedestal in kln1. no need for scav jump
You have to type just one of them though. It really depends how good your pc is. Caus mine aint that good i have is

/seta com_maxFPS "43"

or at least that is how i type it. It also helpes if you look down and facing the trench wall

Disco PhoolCat

ok, wut?

I got what the command did, I just don't get the how!

Why should framerate have owt to do with how high you can jump:confused::confused::confused:


dont ask questions how the program GODS work, (shudders) hope it will work after that question.........

You cant jump higher, I think best way to describe it is that you can crawl onto the sides.

Disco PhoolCat

Hey I used to program a long, long time ago, in BASIC & CECIL:p

How did you work out what value to put in? Trial & Error?

What's your machine spec?

Which side do you dress to?



value. first you gotta know your average FPS then cap it somewhere you like but so that you reach your max often enough.
My system (cough) 400 mhz and 64 mb graphiccard

I dont dress....



well even though this is playing up.
this system is a duron 800,geforce2 64mb with 512 of ram.
ive been trying sand cant get the FPS over 32.
on some of the maps when i just left it at the default setting
just showing the FPS it was as slow as 12 on voy 1.
i did set the max then to 76 but still no
way was i getting outta that trench :(
the problem i did
a lot of the parts are quite new but my motherboard isnt.
ive got a sneaky feeling thats where the problem is occuring
with the machine now.


uhmmm whats the easiest way to see what brand your motherboard is? :eek:


hmmm i have:

700 Athlon, 128mb ram, 32mb hercules prophet PCI !!!! and i get like 120 fps on maps ? whats going on there then? LoL

i cap to 54 though... and have all settings on medium/high so i have no idea how u cant get any higher than that.... do u have simple items on? medium settings or is eveyrthing high? :(

i cudnt trench jump until i got my gcard... i had an 8mb one b4 this one! and i got 8fps max :( now i get between 54 & 145ish which is gr8 cos i used to think aboive 30 was good LoL

try trench jumping, u know how to do it right? in case u dont.... just look down then up and jump really fast whilst in the trench, at the edge, and u should jump out, i dont have to look down most of the time cos it does it auto :D


same technics apply for ctf_and1's pit when photonjumping from center room etc.

I use 74 max fps to trench jump since a friend told me how (after 1.5 years of EF, thanks Shy :p ) it is ind33d a good thing to be able to jump out of these. I used to do photonjump with riffle before that and it worked quite well while taking a bit of health in the process.


For those of you who may not know, 25 fps is real time. FYI when you go to the cinema the FPS is 24 fps.

For this reason you want to set things up to make sure that your fps never ever goes below 25, if it does then you will get really bad jerk / graphics lagg. You want to make sure you are always above 25, on any map with any number of players.

If you are curious about what your FPS is in game the load up your "autoexec.cfg" file from BaseEF or your "HMconfig.cfg" file if you don’t have an auto one, load it into MS Word or WordPad.

Then search for:

seta cg_drawFPS "0"

and change the "0" to "1"

or you could paste this line in on a line of its own:

bind F6 "toggle cg_drawFPS" //Displays Frames per Second

This will allow you to switch the fps on and off as you like by pressing F6.

If you are curious about your average FPS then you can run timedemos on demos you may have. If you do not have any demos to run a timedemo on then you can download a couple from here.

What to do is unzip them into a folder called "demos" in your BaseEF folder (you may have to create the demos folder)

Then load EF. Once loaded go into console mode and type the following:

/timedemo 1

/demo fps-test

Once the demo has finished you can press console and your average FPS will be displayed.

Then type:

/demo fps-test

There are 2 demos in the zip -

fps-test = CTF_Neptune from the Expansion Pack, this is a dreadful map for FPS, must be the textures or something. A friend of mine with a GF3 and a 1.3 T-Bird only got 10 fps more than me.

fps-test2 = CTF_KLN1 which runs much better as most of the EF maps do. The Neptune one is just interesting I think.

Here are the results for my fps tests on these demos:

CTF_NEPTUNE 40.1 FPS Average

CTF_KLN1 104.8 FPS Average

FYI My test was done on the following spec:

1.47GHz Athlon XP1700+
Ge Force 2 GTS 32MB

Resolution of the test was 1024x768 with all graphics to full and all game options that improve graphics switched on.

As you may have guessed in the timedemo it disregards the maxfps “76” (“86” default). It runs the demo as fast as it possibly can.

For those of you who don't know about the rocket jump and autoexec.cfg's go to this link.

There are a few scripts here but the only one I use is the Rocket Jump.

Disco PhoolCat

n1, thx m80!

This looks dead useful & I shall give it a try when I get home at the w/e

IF I get chance! Disco Dormouse has been kicking up a bit (understandably!) about the amount of time I'm NOT interacting with my spouse, offspring & canines due to the amount of time I spend on EF/JK2/BW... o hwell...:rolleyes:


You wanted the Techno reason why ?

I know this is for Q3 but basically the same for EF :D

Warning: Long / mathematical post, with pictures.

Well, I dived into the source code to see why your frame rate would affect how high / far you can jump. I will define "wu" as quake3 world units. From the source code, I got the following constants:

Gravity = 800 wu / s2
Run velocity = 320 wu / s
Jump velocity = 270 wu / s

Quake3 has to model your velocity as a piecewise linear approximation to the actual curve, due to limited knowledge. Specifically, it doesn't know if you are going to hit a wall / missile / other player, or if you are going to use air acceleration to change directions. This means it cannot precalculate your entire path and just move you along it; it has to see what direction you are currently going and move you along that direction for a single time step. The time step (in seconds) is approximately 1 / frame rate. Time step is always less than 0.066 seconds.

I also found that, if g_syncronousClients is 0, the server uses the client's frame rate to get the time step for predicting the client's movement! This is probably to ensure consistency between client and server. It is crucial for frame-rate dependent jumps to work.

Recall from physics that gravity is an acceleration. It works on your z velocity vector. Quake3 uses the average vertical velocity over a time step, accounting for the change in velocity between the start and the end of the time step due to gravity. There is no cap on vertical velocity that I could see; air is frictionless, so you have no terminal velocity.

Anyway, I simulated this using floating point arithmetic. The result is depicted in the following picture:

Black = ideal trajectory
Red = 120 fps
Green = 100 fps
Yellow = 85 fps
Blue = 80 fps
Purple = 60 fps
Cyan = 40 fps
White = 15 fps

As you can see, each trajector follows the ideal curve almost exactly. This is not quite what I expected. Then I realized that space in the quake3 world is discrete rather than continuous, so I repeated the experiment, this time clamping to integer values. Using the same settings, I got these results:

So, the framerate dependency comes from two factors:
1) Approximating the actual continuous function with a piecewise linear function.
2) Round-off error.

There is no way around either of these factors. The only thing you can do is make the time step a constant, but that would complicate the client-side rendering.

Okay, I stop typing now.

Edit: Made the second picture actually the second picture.

[This message has been edited by Coriolis (edited 04-26-2001).]

Wise Guy

Posts: 4159
Registered: Dec 1999
posted 08-21-2001 10:55 PM
WARNING: EXTREMELY long post with only 1 smiley -- but it's worth it, as I answer pretty much every physics / FPS question in quake 3.

Earlier this evening, Ctrl told me that he was dissatisfied with my previous explanation of why your fps affects jumping. So, I did some more research. Specifically, I wrote a mod to measure your jumping.

Here are the key points that I discovered:
(1) The final velocity vectors are clamped to integers every time the player movement code is called. This gets called once per frame for fast clients, but never less than 20 times per second.
(2) This conversion is done by the equation (int)x, where "x" is a floating point value.
(3) The integer conversion done by the Q3 vm *IS NOT ANSI COMPLIENT*. ANSI C specifies that integer conversion is done by ignoring the fraction. The Q3 vm does it by rounding to the nearest integer.

This third point explains exactly why DLL's have slower speeds and jump heights than QVM's. In a QVM, the rounding is to nearest integer, so errors will tend to cancel out. In a DLL, rounding is always towards 0, so errors always reduce your speed and will always accumulate. The rounding error in a DLL always acts as extra friction. I expect you can get around this problem in DLL's by rewriting the "SnapVector" macro to emulate the QVM's rounding method.

Now, back to the jumps. In theory, the rounding errors should cancel out over the number of frames in a typical jump. This assumes that the fraction can be any value with equal probability. However, in practice, this is not the case. Each frame tends to be the same time as the previous one. The change in velocity is the acceleration times the frame time. Acceleration is due to gravity, and is therefore constant. Frame time is also nearly constant, so the change in velocity is also nearly constant in each frame. Since velocity always starts as an integer, and the change is always nearly the same, under a constant fps rounding has nearly the same error each frame. With a constant frame rate, Q3's rounding errors will tend to accumulate. For some frame rates, this will always round down; for others, it will always round up.

Based on this, the ideal frame rate for jumping distance is the highest one your computer can maintain that gets a fraction remainder near 0.5, but always greater than 0.5. Q3's gravity is 800, so you want the fractional part of 800/fps to be greater than 0.5. To protect against frame rate fluctuations, you'd also want nearby frame rates to have fractions greater than 0.5. Lastly, you want there to be as many frames as possible, so that the most possible positive error gets accumulated.

This chart gives (1) fps, (2) remainder of 800 / fps, (3) number of frames in 0.675 seconds, (4) maximum positive accumulated error in 0.675 seconds. The table was generated for all frame rates from 20 to 200 fps.



give me my picturesssssssssss cant read.....:p

ok now i will look at it




I would do but i dont know how to cut and paste them ... or even if you do it like that ....

Basically tho.. if your frame rate is set near to .5 as poss you will jump alot higher than most people .. common maxfps is 55,76 and 84...... BUT when you do this you will jump higher than before.. yeah. The only thing is that whilst jumping higher you will not jump very far .. this is why you see some people strafe jumping at about what looks like 500 mph and simply cant catch them running away with your flag .... mind not many can run faster than imod or one of the other rifles ;)

here is the chart

23 0.78 15 3.26
26 0.77 17 3.92
27 0.63 18 6.67
28 0.57 18 7.71
29 0.59 19 7.86
30 0.67 20 6.67
31 0.81 20 3.87
34 0.53 22 10.35
35 0.86 23 3.29
37 0.62 24 9.08
39 0.51 26 12.67
41 0.51 27 13.17
43 0.60 29 11.47
45 0.78 30 6.67
48 0.67 32 10.67
51 0.69 34 10.67
54 0.81 36 6.67
55 0.55 37 16.82
58 0.79 39 8.07
59 0.56 39 17.19
62 0.90 41 3.97
63 0.70 42 12.67
67 0.94 45 2.69
68 0.76 45 10.59
69 0.59 46 18.67
73 0.96 49 2.01
74 0.81 49 9.27
75 0.67 50 16.67
76 0.53 51 24.16
81 0.88 54 6.67
82 0.76 55 13.41
83 0.64 56 20.24
84 0.52 56 26.67
89 0.99 60 0.67
90 0.89 60 6.67
91 0.79 61 12.74
92 0.70 62 18.87
93 0.60 62 24.67
94 0.51 63 30.83
101 0.92 68 5.39
102 0.84 68 10.67
103 0.77 69 16.08
104 0.69 70 21.54
105 0.62 70 26.67
106 0.55 71 32.15
115 0.96 77 3.35
116 0.90 78 8.07
117 0.84 78 12.67
118 0.78 79 17.41
119 0.72 80 22.18
120 0.67 81 27.00
121 0.61 81 31.46
122 0.56 82 36.30
123 0.50 83 41.16
134 0.97 90 2.69
135 0.93 91 6.74
136 0.88 91 10.71
137 0.84 92 14.77
138 0.80 93 18.87
139 0.76 93 22.75
140 0.71 94 26.86
141 0.67 95 30.99
142 0.63 95 34.79
143 0.59 96 38.94
144 0.56 97 43.11
145 0.52 97 46.83
161 0.97 108 3.35
162 0.94 109 6.73
163 0.91 110 10.12
164 0.88 110 13.41
165 0.85 111 16.82
166 0.82 112 20.24
167 0.79 112 23.47
168 0.76 113 26.90
169 0.73 114 30.36
170 0.71 114 33.53
171 0.68 115 36.99
172 0.65 116 40.47
173 0.62 116 43.58
174 0.60 117 47.07
175 0.57 118 50.57
176 0.55 118 53.64
177 0.52 119 57.15

left side is frame rate / right side is jumping curve ... ideally you want as near to .5 as poss and high as your pc will go aslong as its stable/constant



Hi m8,

I thought it was a cool bit of pasting ;) didnt take to long either


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