How open console in TCF and CS ?



I am a new Half Life fan....i have downloaded a few maps( TFC,CS ) and i cannot find the way to play them without going online. basically i want to pratctice them first, but i cannot open them. I tried to open console in both TCF and Cs by typing hl.exe -console in dos but nothing happens, Not even when i tried ~ key. Please help.



ummmmkay, here we go, explaination time..

alright, there are (perhaps) 2 ways of enabling the console Nº1;

1. Make a shortcut to "hl.exe"
2. right click; properties; stare at the Target box.
3. this should have the path to hl.exe; now put " -console" (without quotes) on the end of this, this should result in the ability to use the console from within HL.*

*This is done by using the key left of "1" (¬ on UK keyboards, tilde on others I believe)

the other, I haven't verified, but is to include a line such as "enableconsole" in yer cfgs - I dunno if thats the correct command, nor if the correct command actually works

Kez the l33t


Also if you want to practice the maps without going online, you'll have to create a lan game.
Activate TFC under custome games, then select multiplayer.
Select LAN game and then create game.
You should then be able to select the map you want to practice on.

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