how much would you pay for a phoebus encounter?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
ok i know a few ppl needs the phoebus necky encounter, and finds it hard do get ppl to do it for themself. how much would you pay for getting someone to do the entire thing for you?

disclaimer: im not saying that i can do this, or that im selling this.. just that im wondering how much it would be worth..


Can't get enough of FH
May 27, 2004
epends on the one badly needeing it some i gues would pay welll some might not have that ammount of monney


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
well you only need a char with ml9 pet and a bot to do it and it takes about 3 mins, so not much at all


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
not everyone has a bot.. so it'll be the end for those who try to play without one?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
was just checking the water anyway.. i dont condone farming the artifacts at all and selling it.. but i know alot of players who cant get the ppl together to do this.. so i thought of trying to set together a few ppl to do the encounter for them.. but nvm me :) as i said.. was just a thought i had while extremely bored :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
I need it on my mincer, cba doing it my self, so if anyones doing it today or in the week then PM me and i'll give ya 3p :p


Dec 22, 2003
On a random side track, what do people thing about a deposit system for ML raids?
Everybody pays 1p to come on the raid, if you fuck up or fuck about, you lose your deposit and the raid leader keeps it as compensation for the inconvenience, if you behave well, dont cock up etc, you get your 1p back?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
Tilda said:
On a random side track, what do people thing about a deposit system for ML raids?
Everybody pays 1p to come on the raid, if you fuck up or fuck about, you lose your deposit and the raid leader keeps it as compensation for the inconvenience, if you behave well, dont cock up etc, you get your 1p back?
that idea i liked! and i would certainly join any ml raid that had that.. but then it had to have a afk check aswell.. you have 1-2 m8s that is assigned to pm every ppl on the raid checkin for afkppl :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Tilda said:
On a random side track, what do people thing about a deposit system for ML raids?
Everybody pays 1p to come on the raid, if you fuck up or fuck about, you lose your deposit and the raid leader keeps it as compensation for the inconvenience, if you behave well, dont cock up etc, you get your 1p back?

You gotta be fcking kidding me. :eek7:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
So... fucking up a raid only creates inconvenience for the raid leader, not for the entire people on the raid?

And if the raidleader fucks up... then who´s gonna pay for my inconvenience?

Sounds like a nice and easy way to gain some plats. Start a ML raid, collect plats, keep some plats because some people always say something stupid in /bu and if the difference between fuck up or not is all up to the raidleaders discretion, then I certainly wouldn´t want to see the whine threads on FH.

If people fuck up a raid or act like retards, kick them from the raid and ban them from lotto... done. No reason to introduce dodgy pre-pay system that´s a. too easy to abuse, b. only restores the raidleaders "loss" (whatever that is) and c. creates lots of problems because there are no clear rules what exactly is punishable and what´s not.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Tilda said:
On a random side track, what do people thing about a deposit system for ML raids?
Everybody pays 1p to come on the raid, if you fuck up or fuck about, you lose your deposit and the raid leader keeps it as compensation for the inconvenience, if you behave well, dont cock up etc, you get your 1p back?

or just take 1p from every person for using your time leading the raid.. i would join a raid like that tbh ;) I respect the ppl takeing the time to lead stuff an they should get something for it


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Now, a raid where everyone pays a plat to join and then the cash is lotto'd at the end (which anyone who caused people to miss steps or generally acted like an ignorant little shite would be banz0red from ofc). Now THAT would be cool!

Would encourage people to join and not jerk the raid leader about and would mean more people might turn up to raids where the drops ain't so leet (like ML1 and 2) coz there's always the chance to win 100p or so :D

Need credit on my mincer btw, but I'd rather castrate myself with a broken bottle than pay someone to farm it for me. Isn't it bad enough that people farm artis to sell for cash? :p


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
eggy said:
Hmm but I'd make like 199plat per raid

Yeah, but you'd lose your share for wearing silly hats and letting Mids/Hibs take our relics (QQdefendtherealmmejtsforArthurzergzergzergetc.)


Rigga Mortice

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Killswitch said:
Need credit on my mincer btw,...

Gimme a shout in game, I'll bring blockbot/whatever is useful. Same goes with whenever you three want to do AT.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
VampiiricMist said:
ok i know a few ppl needs the phoebus necky encounter, and finds it hard do get ppl to do it for themself. how much would you pay for getting someone to do the entire thing for you?

disclaimer: im not saying that i can do this, or that im selling this.. just that im wondering how much it would be worth..

No-one should ever have to pay for credit. Anyone that charges their own Realm mates is a wanker IMHO :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Paying 1p for a raid wouldn't work unless it was on ML8+ probably.
Who would turn up to ML1/2 (maybe ML3?) if you had to pay 1p to show up... not many, would make them harder to lead if anything. Most people show for mlxp, would you pay 1p for that?
I'm almost certain the raids that don't/wouldn't charge would get more attendance. If you want the raid leader to get something in return for their time, feel free to give them a little bit of cash.
As it is, I am happy to do an ML as long as enough people show up and I have a reason to lead one, say I need credit or someone I know does.
If a raid leader absolutely has to make money from their ML raid and time spent farming the items in advance of the ML raid, then they could always preclaim an item. I am sure much more people would be happier with that, than being charged to come along on the raid. How the hell are you meant to keep track of everyone anyway?
Keeping the deposit or just charging to come along to the raid shouldn't matter, as it is at the moment only helpful people want to lead the raid and try their hardest to get the raid done. If I'm on a raid that isn't my own I try to help out as much as possible, trying to get items for the raid etc. I don't ask for anything in return. I am happy that the raid gets done properly. If you could make 50p+ from leading an ML raid, I am sure nearly every man and his dog would be trying to lead one, people would still turn up to a few well established raid leader's MLs, especially ML rushes I bet, but charging a deposit/ fee is just selfish and does more harm than good.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 28, 2005
Fair enough , people do take a lot of time out to lead raids but charging 1 plat per person,:confused:

What about the players who arnt rich and haven't got plats to spend on a raid , but need arti and ml cred , have they got to miss out? Dont get me wrong i have a lot of respect for the players who lead these raids and i thnk they do a good job but chargin fellow albions is a joke.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Danamyr said:
No-one should ever have to pay for credit. Anyone that charges their own Realm mates is a wanker IMHO :touch:

Let me point out the very obvious flaw in this statement.

I want every arti credit on my level 40 toon by the end of today. If you fail to get me it moaning, your a wanker!!!

If your charging someone for an arti credit your on your way to do anyway, or busy killing when they turn up then your statement makes more sense. If your asking for a small donation to go do something that you otherwise wouldn't be doing to help someone out, then asking for a small contribution is perfectly acceptable. Otherwise why not just go rvr and leave the poor soul with zero chance of getting the credit.
I could charge 1p for going and doing phoebus arti for someone, in which case they get an arti, or I could ignore them (like i'm sure you'd do if I made the above statement at you) and they would keep there plat but not get credit, in which case the plat they have is really rather useless (except maybe for restoring con on failed attempts).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Golena said:
Let me point out the very obvious flaw in this statement.

There is no flaw in my statement, you've just interpreted what I typed in a way other then I intended ;)

I wasn't suggesting that people should openly offer to do it for free, what I meant was that if someone asks to join an encounter for credit then they shouldn't have to pay anything. Additionally, I was stating that I strongly disagree with the idea of paying for credit in an organised raid specifically designed to raise cash for the person leading it at the expense of their realm mates.

Hope that clears it up.

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Back to topic at hand... Why would anyone pay for it? If you know alot of people that need it but cant get it, form a group, farm it a few days, you all have it. No point in paying plats...

And if you have helpful guildies its no prob to get.

Or reason to pay for that arti is if your fucking lazy :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Danamyr said:
Additionally, I was stating that I strongly disagree with the idea of paying for credit in an organised raid specifically designed to raise cash for the person leading it at the expense of their realm mates.

It was this bit that I was refering to. This basically boils down to someone offering to do an arti for someone in excahange for a fee. The person has 2 options, they can either decide that they would like to pay that fee and feel the fee is worthwhile in exchange for credit, or they can form a group and go do it with other people that need the encounter (or their mates).

If you don't want to pay for credit then take option 2, that's your choice and there's no problem with that.
I don't see an problem with people offering the first service, and I certainly don't see how it would make them a wanker.

If you were off leveling a toon and someone turned up with an inf and said, HI, can I join your group then stand and watch you level so I get exp?... what would your response be? Other than the issue with artifacts not being up, as opposed to exp being freely available everywhere, there's really very little difference.
I certainly doubt if the inf pm'ed you and said, Hi, can you go kill mobs so I can get exp you'd rush off to do it for them without getting something off them in return?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Nomans Land said:
Back to topic at hand... Why would anyone pay for it? If you know alot of people that need it but cant get it, form a group, farm it a few days, you all have it. No point in paying plats...

And if you have helpful guildies its no prob to get.

Or reason to pay for that arti is if your fucking lazy :)

Sometimes it's faster to farm the money to buy an artifact than it is to repeat the artifact 8 times in order to get it. Some people may also enjoy activities that get them cash, guild darkspire raids for example, but dislike trying to camp an overcamped arti. Since cash is worthless if you don't spend it, buying an artifact isn't always stupid. Forming a group and farming 80p isn't that much different than farming a 10p arti 8 times :)
There's also many people in the game who don't have a guild with all the required characters to get certain artifacts, so raising money doing stuff they can do is a good second alternative.

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