How is the current situation in DAoC?



Hi there i just a few quick questions.

I used to play DAoC when it was first realesed in USA, but with the release of Shadows of luclin i headed back to EQ. After spending to much time on SoL and now PoP i have now decided to stop my EQ days, and closed my accounts.

So after looking around on what to do now, i decided to go back to DAoC. But i am gonna switch to the european version, so i can play with people in my timezone and try something new ;)

Well so my question is, how are things on these 2 english servers?. Will it take me forever to catch up, and are everyone allready 50?
What realms is are in need of more (no fun in joining the winning team:) ), and is there a site like the camelotherald that offers statistics, and online view of how the realms are doing?
Are the server still live and kicking or are they starting to die out?

Would be happy to hear some thoughts and hope to see some of you soon online :)

Ex Fat troll warrior on Xev


Hib prydwen is in need of people and Middie excal is looking kinda empty aswell or you could try the PVP server, on second thoughts don't it's packed already.

old.Trine Aquavit

A lot of people are level 50 these days, but not all (I'm not). Levelling will be easier in some respects (more people to help you out with gold, items), and harder in others (fewer people to group with, fewer still to group with regularly as often you'll be playing with other peoples alts). It's not too painful, though, and you'll probably still have more to group with than you did playing at US off-peak times.

Not sure about Excalibur, but Prydwen is pretty even, I reckon. Mid and Alb have more numbers, but Hib has better classes.

European equivalent of Camelot Herald is GOA's DAOC Europe site.

There are a couple of good "Alternative Chronicles" sites which I use: and
Tiwaz's Emissaries Chronciles

Hope you join us. Euro DAOC is fun and has a good community.

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