How important is RVR to you?



Hi All

Just a quick question - I would be interested to find out - what is your main motivation in playing the game?

RvR? Roleplay? Tradeskills? Exploring your realm? Having a laugh with guildmates or friends?

I guess what I really want to know is how many people play the game more or less soley for the realm vs realm angle - and how many people want to roleplay whilst online?

It would be interesting (I think) to find out whether there is an even mix throughout each realm and server or wheter certain realms and servers are more RP/RVR in orientation.




I would say that with my scout it is most certainly the drive to get ready for RvR and woop some ass. Already done that a few times now (yesterday) and it is just an exhiliarating experience. Especially yesterday when at one point we were hiding in the Hib MG of Odin's Gate just waiting for the hibs to return from their PK. Got killed though (except me until I commited suicide by waving to them so I could release) but we came back in larger numbers and had a blast.
With my friar I guess the drive is just simply getting a good group together and bashing loads of mobs.
Depends on class for me.


I guess being a Minstrel im lucky to be a class that is easy to spec for both:cool:


Originally posted by Baritone
I guess being a Minstrel im lucky to be a class that is easy to spec for both:cool:
RvR: "Hey Bari, mach 4 please" "Ok" "You rule!"
Exp: "Hey Bari, power song please" "ok" "You rule!"
Sounds like fun to me. Be best friends with all people in all situations.


Been playing this game almost since the start and I still love every aspect of this game.. Goes EXP with some friends is just as fun as some serious RvR action when we're feeling for it..
Don't flame me with this one, but I actually finds crafting fun :clap: It's something else than bashing monsters/players and gives me time to chat all the time and it opens up for some great roleplaying also.. not to mention roleplaying, as often as I can I will actively try to roleplay and get the people around me to roleplay also (but it ends with me roleplaying and the other ppl looking strange at me :rolleyes: )

*ick* think I'm pretty high on the fanboy list actually for this game ;)


RvR is main thing for me. Interaction and conflicts between real players are what make this and every other mmorpg so good, if you just want to exp and gather items go play single player games, they do it much better.

edit: ok that last statement is lame, i guess everone plays the game the way he/she likes it... above stated is just my point of view


Originally posted by Svarun
RvR is main thing for me. Interaction and conflicts between real players are what make this and every other mmorpg so good, if you just want to exp and gather items go play single player games, they do it much better.

edit: ok that last statement is lame, i guess everone plays the game the way he/she likes it... above stated is just my point of view
The last point isn't a very valid one etiher. Considering that exping in this game is usually done in groups which is a million time more than for example a game where you have a group under your own control.... plus you get to chat aswell. In this game the xping has a point too, to get to interact in war with other real people.
I must say that in small groups somewhere in frontiers encounters get you seriously nervous.


I thought I was playing my healer for RvR. But sadly the entire RvR experience for me has been dissapointing. As a healer I basically follow people around while they bash other peoples brains out. I drop a mezz or stun whereever possible in order to make that possible. My soloing capability is limted to maybe a skirmish every 15mins or so ( instas uptime ) and only against yellow cons....and then it is a risky business. During mass skirmishes i spend 50% of my time ressing and the other 50% regening power. Its a depressing experience.

Meanwhile, hunters, sbs and runeys etc tear around ( I have recently discovered a trend for these classes to never group in RvR so as to maximise personal RPs ) soloing, getting lovely RPs ( and therefore benefitting from the +skills bonuses for higher realm ranks ). When they do die, its poor me who has to leave the safety of my group and go res them. Cycle repeats....

Healers don't get any RPs for res or mezz or stun or heals.....My only way to get RPs is to stay close to tanks while the gank. Its boring. I suggest either Mythic introduce a system whereby mezz,stuns,heals,debuffs that result in an enemy death earn the caster RPs. I also suggest that deaths that are the caused by a group effort ( i.e. healer mezz, zerker slices and dices, runey debuffs ) are awarded bonus RPs ( much like group bonus's on XP in PvE )

I would like to hear from other healers, specifically middy healers as to what RP count they have, and how much time they have spent in the frontiers gaining it. It would be amusing to compare the ratio to that of a hunter....



I really wouldn't be sure about that, that healing does not get you RPs. It is the equivalent of damage for healers.... just like in exping you get the exp for just that. Same in RvR as far as I know. Are you SURE about this?


Healers get RPs as long as they are near enough their group while they are killing. And healers are very importaint in RvR, much more than you realize. Just like hibernian bards, you are not damage dealers feared by everyone, but your crowd control spells is what wins or looses the battles. Just take a look at US servers, healers are pretty high in realm points up there...


OK I didn't explain myself too well...To clarify :-

I'm sitting regening power at the back of an RvR skirmish in emain. An ungrouped (at least not in my group) troll skald approaches me on 1/3 hp 'Can u heal me please'...I do, said troll speed buffs back to front line to tonk yet more albs/hibs.....repeat process....

He earns uber RPs cos he has a mobile healing unit handy on the rear line. I get....errr.....nothing, oh and even more downtime. Oh yeah, and while I'm ranting, me and the guy have just communicated, should his tonking result in his death (which it invariably does), who's the guy hes gonna msg for a res ? I could sit in emain all day while this happens, the skald will make 1000s of RPs, I will make precisely zero.

And as for in group heals, well you must stay within a radius from your group in order to get the RPs. This is tremendoulsy risky for a healer, as I am meat once the enemy spots me healing. Also the range of my healing spells is painfully short. My RvR role in groups appears to be limited to rush in, attempt to get AE mezz in before the enemy, then rush out. I rarely perform in-battle heals ( unless I am involved in a v.small skirmish, say 4 on 4 ) because its literally is like waving a 'GANK ME NEXT' flag.

Healers need some serious RvR loving...


Originally posted by chesnor
Meanwhile, hunters, sbs and runeys etc tear around ( I have recently discovered a trend for these classes to never group in RvR so as to maximise personal RPs ) soloing, getting lovely RPs ( and therefore benefitting from the +skills bonuses for higher realm ranks ). When they do die, its poor me who has to leave the safety of my group and go res them. Cycle repeats...

Well, solo runeys are often dead before you can blink. The only viable solo RvR classes are the stealth classes.

Funnily enough, for stealthers, it's the exact opposite. In PvE, hunters get treated VERY badly in general, yet they're offered group invitations many times in RvR because the people that shafted them in PvE now want some cheap RPs (which stealthers happen to rake in).

It's not going to work, frankly.


I know about the "gank me next" flag, as a friar you way to often get mixed up with casters and so people tend to take you out first, tough luck

funny thing that can happen though is when a blue con (I'm yellow or orange to him ;)) comes up to melee this poor defenseless caster, and I give him an arse whooping with my staff (only happened once but I was fomsl)

I would just love for that to happen more often

oh btw for you ignorant hibs and mids, friars tend to wear a leather robe, therefore we look like wiz'


I'm with chesnor.

I have a lvl 38 healer in Midguard on Excalibur. I agree with chesnor about all he says about RvR and have stopped doing it.

However, I love PvE with my healer. I have no problems getting great groups, with guildies and in general. I love grouped exp fests and chaising after those elusive drops. Exploring new areas (give us 1.49 please!) Laughing and joking with my group buddies along the way.

So, to improve my RvR experiences I created an alt hunter (what else ;)), my main healer is a great cash cow twinker, lol. My hunter has got a rediculous amount of cash (appart from what I give away). But I've only managed to get him to lvl 9. Why? he's fun to play and is a nice change is styles from my healer.

But I love my healer so much. PvE is great for me. I may be missing something in RvR, but if I am loving how I play now, then thats fine.

Well that's my 2c.


All characters have strengths and weaknesses. I think it is important to know that and accept your role before playing. If you want to own RvR, be a stealth-archer. if you want good grouping, be a supporter. We all can whine about the beating we receive in RvR: Tanks get mezzed all the time etc. Sometimes I feel that people tend to start crying as soon as they find the limits of their character. That may be the cause everybody is now going for scout/assassin alts. But these have weaknesses too. Be content with your character,play it right, and if you really hate it, start another one. As soon as you accept your strengths and play em right, together with some friends in a good group, that is where you can take the game to its fullest. There will never be a character that can do everything, yet every class is important in RvR. I myself in RvR do nothing at the moment except build a ram and kill doors. After that, I am too low level to kill anything. In emain I am easy prey for casters and archers. But that will change once I catch up in level and go out there hunting in a nice well balanced group.
Nobody forces a healer to sit back and do nothing, I mean you might as well go out and fight alongside your group, dont you think? You can mezz, for gods sake, one of the strongest abilities in the game.

And a totally different thing: Try Roleplaying, it takes the game a step further, honestly. I was a bit afraid of thouing and theeing all the time, but that's not what makes nice roleplay. We always stay in character in the guild-channel, and it's so much more fun than talking about the newest Halflife-Mod or the new Starwars-Movie. This kind of talk can still happen in frienchat or /send.

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