How important is framerate ?



Just reading about a few people who play Q3 pretty well and they're all saying "framerate is king".
I'm curious to know what people think about this and what sort of compromises they'll make to get the framerate they want.


[This message has been edited by DevPac2 (edited 05 January 2000).]


Framerate is important but i suspect that 'framerate is king' came about because a lot of people don't have the luxery of powerful machines and they have to make serious compronises. When someone with a P300 talks about squeezing an extra 15fps out of their setup it makes a major difference. If they've got a P450 and are already running at 60fps then it doesn't make any real difference.


A decent framerate def gives a good advatnage, especially with the rail etc and tracking people in close combat.
I have 2 settings bound to 2 function keys that exec an script with vis tweaks and a vid_restart. Normally I play on a high vis setting and get a nice framerate, I always try to get a steaddy 60FPS if poss, if I'm on a map that seems to lag down with framerate I exec the faster one, textures look a bit blander, but apart from that still nice.

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