Yesterday in the RvR around the alb invasion on crimthainn I was taking a dirt nap, soon after I got rezzed I waited inside the castle in case any more albs would come and waiting for my mana to come back.
Then I suddenly see a purple briton stealthed behind me hoping for a easy kill and I reacts by falling off the wall, looking around I see no friends but do a /yell anyway. I start throwing a PBAE no effect, start throwing another waiting for getting the "you was hit for 600 damage message".
But then instead I get "you hit purple briton for 20 damage" and see how loads of NPC archers guns him down. With me standing no life loss.
So whomever that purple stealther was, better luck next time you going for an easy kill!
Then I suddenly see a purple briton stealthed behind me hoping for a easy kill and I reacts by falling off the wall, looking around I see no friends but do a /yell anyway. I start throwing a PBAE no effect, start throwing another waiting for getting the "you was hit for 600 damage message".
But then instead I get "you hit purple briton for 20 damage" and see how loads of NPC archers guns him down. With me standing no life loss.
So whomever that purple stealther was, better luck next time you going for an easy kill!