Wondering what has happened to Linux in the last year. For most of 1999, I dabbled with Linux on my second hard disk, starting with a free RH 5.2 distro I got free with PC Plus. I upgrade this no end, recompiling kernels etc etc & I became fairly proficient with it, and enjoyed playing around, using Windowmaker as my fave desktop environement. Then unfortunately, I got a Geforce vid card, and Q3/Ut were released, and frankly I lost interest in swapping between the 2 os's.
Now I know since then that a new kernel has been released, along with X 4.0 and new versions of kde/gnome. Would someone give me a summary of where its at atm, in terms of useability. I would like to have one environment, and not have to switch between the two. If linux doesnt yet fit the bill then I'll probably stick with windows for the time being.
How does Q3 run under linux with a geforce?
Are there drivers for my Asus TA?
Has wine progressed to a more stable level, (I used to use this to run Agent in linux as Pan wasnt developed enuff at the time) or has pan developed to "agent" usefulness?
Have the Sblive drivers progressed to a new level?
Whats Opera like, and is it better than Nutscrape (my biggest gripe about linux back then)?
Are there any dvd players about yet?
Basically, I dont have the time to really spend on setting up that I did last time I dabbled in Linux, but given a decent understanding of it, whats it like atm in terms of ease of setup & so on.
TDC, u got any ideas?
Wondering what has happened to Linux in the last year. For most of 1999, I dabbled with Linux on my second hard disk, starting with a free RH 5.2 distro I got free with PC Plus. I upgrade this no end, recompiling kernels etc etc & I became fairly proficient with it, and enjoyed playing around, using Windowmaker as my fave desktop environement. Then unfortunately, I got a Geforce vid card, and Q3/Ut were released, and frankly I lost interest in swapping between the 2 os's.
Now I know since then that a new kernel has been released, along with X 4.0 and new versions of kde/gnome. Would someone give me a summary of where its at atm, in terms of useability. I would like to have one environment, and not have to switch between the two. If linux doesnt yet fit the bill then I'll probably stick with windows for the time being.
How does Q3 run under linux with a geforce?
Are there drivers for my Asus TA?
Has wine progressed to a more stable level, (I used to use this to run Agent in linux as Pan wasnt developed enuff at the time) or has pan developed to "agent" usefulness?
Have the Sblive drivers progressed to a new level?
Whats Opera like, and is it better than Nutscrape (my biggest gripe about linux back then)?
Are there any dvd players about yet?
Basically, I dont have the time to really spend on setting up that I did last time I dabbled in Linux, but given a decent understanding of it, whats it like atm in terms of ease of setup & so on.
TDC, u got any ideas?