How does.... Xp Figures / Dmg Figures / Group Xp



A few things that a group of us were discussing tonight and couldn't agree on, can anyone clear these up...


1. When you receive XP, you get something like:

1,200,000 xp (100,000 camp bonus)

Now what xp did you actually receive was it? 1.2 mil (eg 1.1 mil + 100k) or was it 1.3 mil (eg 1.2 mil + 100k)


2. Similar, with damage.

You hit BigBadThing for 128 (-20)

Now what did you hit for? 128 (eg 148 - 20) or was it 108 (eg 128 - 20)


3. This is something loads of people can't agree on. YES it's xp in groups.

Group1: A level 40 and a level 20 are grouped.
Group2: 2 level 40s and a level20 are grouped.
Group3: A level 40 and a level 35 are grouped.
Group4: 2 level 40s and a level 35 are grouped.
Group5: 2 level 40s are grouped.

A lvl40 mob is killed.

Said mob fetches a level 40 player a cool 1mil xps in solo (no camp, lets keep it simple hehe AND yes it is low xps for a lvl40, be quiet).

Someone please explain what happens. Here is my rather confused explanation.

When there is a large level gap, such as level40 & level20. XP is split weirdly. The lower level simply receives similar conn mob xp divided by the group number.

When the level gap is not as large. The lower level player receives high xp (eg red/purp conn xps) but this is still divided by the group number.

When very closely matched levels xp together they receive conn type xps divided by group number. If anyone does reach their xp cap, that amount of xp over the cap is lost (eg it does not go to the highest char in group).


Any ideas guys. Please try to keep this thread on topic. Ta ;)


To answer 1 and 2 the numbers in brackets are already included in the total displayed on the left of that line.

So in 1 you receive a total of 1,200,000, and in 2 you hit for 128.

As for 3 - its too late at night to start answering that one ;)


3. yer about right as to the effects...
I think there's a "challenge code" that says 'this group of 2 people should be taking on bigger monsters, lets nerf the xp for them'

- Pathfinder -

Two people killing an even con would get the same amount of XP, provided they're the same level. Now, if one is 40 and one is 20, the level 20 gets half of what he'd get for that con at his level (this is anti twinking code :p). XP is always split evenly between all party members; if some are too low level it'll simply not be dealt out. Thusly having a single high level char in a low level party means you kill XP - unless it's a tangler style XP session :)


I'm really shocked actually, 1 & 2 worked backwards to how I thought they did. :eek:

As to 3, did I actually get that right? :D

From those groups, you would probably think group5 the most efficient, followed by 4 then 3. If there were more in group 2, of that high level, that groups would be ok. Group 1, errrr nevermind :D

Powerleveling is a bit of a myth really, UNLESS: (a) the group you are in aren't too far apart in level (thus the powerleveled person receives good xps, as the xp nerf code doesn't kick in) OR (b) the group are taking on stuff very challenging, eg high in conn to the highest in group.

Thanks for your responses. :)


There's several factors.

At a basic level, the xp is taken and split equally between the number of people in the group, up to their individual cap (any excess is lost, not returned to the pool for the others).

However there's a penalty in the form of "challenge code". The idea of that is to assess 1) the difficulty of the mob the group is fighting and 2) the chances of individual players contributing significantly/at all to a kill. If you're very low level, and you're grouped with very high level(s), you're going to get crap experience, whatever happens. That's because a) if you kill yellows/blues to the high level(s), the challenge code determines that the mob is not particularly challenging, and penalises you, and b) if you kill reds/purps to the high level(s), the challenge code determines that you had no real chance of contributing to the kill, and penalises you.

The current "optimum level band" (ie the levels that can mix in a group without getting penalised) is fairly narrow - I think about 5 levels end-to-end at level40. I know that in 1.53 one of the changes is to relax the challenge code slightly, to allow more diverse groups. The thinking I guess being that the code was originally put in place to stop people getting powerlevelled, but that it was a bit too harsh and restricting on perfectly legitimate groups where lower level characters (eg healer, runey) could still have a fairly decent impact on higher level groups and kills, but not get the reward for it.


I've found the best way to powerlevel seems to be killing lots and lots of oranges to the highest level... seems to level up the littleuns real quick :)

If you kill purple++++++++'s not only is it dead hard, but the littleuns hit the xp cap :(

This is with just 6 or 7 levels difference max though, no idea what it's like with 20 levels between :)

- Pathfinder -

Duo gobbo camp, with a cabalist :p Both get cap XP for every goblin, yey :)


From what sanya (mythic) said:

For 2 player groups, take (high) yellows for the highest player
For 4 player groups, take (high?) oranges for the highest player
For 8 player groups, take (high?) reds for the highest player

That way its a 'challange' (doesnt always work) for the group and the lower player will be near XP cap each kill...

If a level 40 can take down yellows/oranges without a lot of effort, that level 40 could 'powerlevel' (silly idea in DAoC) 1-3 lower levels...

Thats why a Fire-wizard is SO good at 'powerleveling' because a Fire-wizard can easely solo yellow's and oranges without a lot of downtime... Advisors in barrows is a nice place for this, since advisors hate fire and are casters and dont have a lot of HP... (and are yellow/orange to 50's, I can 1-shot advisors if I crit :D)

Anyways, the reason I said 'powerleveling' is a silly idea in DAoC is because there is no such thing in DAoC... A level 20 fire-wizard with a level 20 <insert class> can level as fast as the level 50 fire-wizard with the level 20... Its faster to do reds/oranges in a group of 8 equal levels (if they take down reds/oranges really fast ;))...

The only reason you'd want to do something like this is to help certain classes through certain (difficult) level ranges... Scouts, Infiltrators, etc...


Around about 5 levels below seems optimal. My skald and a buffbot went though 20-40odd together. Generally I (as the skald) killed oranges whilst buffed up to the max and let the shammy heal when necessary. As long as the shammy was less than 5 levels behind it got really great xp and soon caught up to the skally. Then when the shammy got with 1 or 2 levels, I'd ungroup them, still keeping the buffs, and effectively get solo-orange-killing xp which lvl'd the skald pretty quick. Got the skald to 42 and the Shammy to 39 with about 6 days played on each, which of course I did at the same time, saving me 6 days or so \o/

Anyway, about 5 levels seems to be the power-leveling range before xp gets nerf'd in my experience.

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