How does this sound

  • Thread starter Madonion Slicer
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Madonion Slicer

Just been using a character build and trying to sort out the spec for my armsmen, now this was my first character and being i did not put points in good places i may have gimped him, but i can get him to this by LVL50 is it good i should i scrap him

Slash 50
Shield 29
Parry 29
Two Handed 39
Crossbow 9

Now i am using Sword and Sheild when solo as it gives me good protection and then 2H Sword when i have some back up for healing.

Is this ok or am i lacking in places? dont want to us polearms i dont like that style.


Damn my Wizard is so much easier, ermm Fire then click accept


I'd go 50 slash and 42 shield minimum methinks as slash styles are based off blocking or something :)

Madonion Slicer

Well ok taking you advice i could go this

Slash 50
Sheild 42
Parry 31
Two Handed 21
Crossbow 12

How does that sound, with the ability to maybe respec in later patches i may dump two handed all together and put it into Crossbow.

I really need some help with this character like i say it was my first and i need to sort him out so at least he is some help and fun again.

Dont really fancy scrapping him 22lvls took some time to get.



If you dump crossbow could you get 29 two-handed? The reason is, the level 29 two-handed style is pretty nice (good damage plus stun) and 12 crossbow will make little difference. Also are you really that bothered about diamond slash? ?Why not take slash to 40 ish and boost with items then have more points to spec elsewhere.


Not really sure, I just know most slashers go to 42-50 shield :)

Madonion Slicer

I have always had the understand to make sure you primary attack was always the same as you lvl hence taking Slash to 50.

I am going to have to give this chatacter a good working on to sort it out, i have ignored him in place of my wizard.


50 weapon
42 shield
39 polearms or 2-handed
6 parry
2 x-bow

Sounds good to me, works well in PvE and doesn't lack in damage output badly in RvR.

Madonion Slicer

Bit late to say "Dont go Slash" when you lvl24 and have been specing points in it from the beginning.

At lvl24 my armsmen looks like this

Slash 24
Sheild 16
Parry 10
Two Hands 10
Xbow 8

and some other points scattered about, as i did not know what i was doing at the start.

I figure if i keep Slash at my lvl and get sheild up to 3/4, then keep parry and two hands at 1/2 i should be ok.

End of the day it is for fun and i am sure he will do fine in RvR, there will be mids and hibs that i can kill and ones i cant, that is just the way it is.

Madonion Slicer

Right this is how i am going to have to go untill GOA bring in the re-speccing, how does it look

Slash 44 = Sapphire Slash + Items to lvl50
Sheild 42 = Slam + Items to lvl50
Two Handed 29 = Bone Breaker + Items 35+?
Parry 34 = Good for when i am 1h or 2h
Xbow 8 = Pulling only + Items 10+?

Think it should work out ok

Madonion Slicer

You think it better to have 2hand higher then parry? guess it does make sence, ok thanks for the tip


The 34 style for 2-handed sounds good:

34 Obfuscate Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Fury, medium bonus damage, Causes heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit

Parry -> Fury & Obfuscate. Propably allows you to get a "free" hit in before they can hit again.


Im just curius about respeccing

a little OOT but hey ho.
As a cleric i went mainly heal to help my guild/group get to a fairly high level but now RvR is more popular and would like to trim down on rejuv a little and try to get smite to 49 for the awsum AE smite (at lvl50)

How is respec gonna work? can you do it every level?

Fundra, lvl40x cleric (specced 29,11,25 for no apperent reason)


no you get respec "points" as it were
you get 1 "point" at lvl 20 and at lvl 40
everytime you respec you use one "point"

basicly you get 2 chances to respec... and if your happy with your char at lvl 20 you can keep the respec until later

think thats how it works anyway :)


I think you should decide wether you go 2h or 1h/shield and not spec in both.
as you'll ultimately just stick with one of the two and wasted the points in the other

my defensive armsmen plan

Crush(yes, I like to be different): 44 (Body Masher)
Shield: 50
Parry: 37
Crossbow: 5(I had points left :p )

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