How do you tanks do it



How do you get to such high RR with such crappy RvR that we have?

Virtually no orginization from what I've seen, loads of zergs, loads of bug abusers, loads of overpoweredness from the other realms, loads of highly overpowered nukes.

I really don't know how you do it, I'm getting sick of playing me friar cause of it :(


a man in a dress and a stick is not a tank imo


As pointed out above, your not a tank even though you can inflict alot of damage all you wear is leather and a stick... Friars can be good in RvR for inflicting lots of damage on a enemy i suggest trying to get into a casting group i was in one yesterday with a friar and all the rest were casters we did great :) survived and beat several mid zergs.


mate, not a flame, but you're being ignorant about friars.

I personally have 1900 hp, 629 af, chain armor (10% absorb +15% absorb self buff) and sometimes plate armor (+9% necro absorb buff), 50% evade.

I am definitely a tank, just as good, if not better than, a merc.


Originally posted by Trinilim
How do you get to such high RR with such crappy RvR that we have?

seek and ye shall find good rvr ;)

altho its becoming increasingly difficult these days :mad:

not had any really classic rvr for such a longtime, altho todays 1fg NP v 1fg LA v 7 FC meeting at bend of road on way to Excal was shaping up that way until 1-2fg of random albs crashed the party and spoilt the ending :(

and the rest of the evening was entire dogshit. zerged, zerged, zerged and zerged again.


Originally posted by Trinilim
How do you get to such high RR with such crappy RvR that we have?

Virtually no orginization from what I've seen, loads of zergs, loads of bug abusers, loads of overpoweredness from the other realms, loads of highly overpowered nukes.

I really don't know how you do it, I'm getting sick of playing me friar cause of it :(

Well the simple answer is play alot ;)
The more you play the more rps you get, the time of day is also a factor, being able to play weekdays before prime time (before about 5pm) gets you more rps than playing after 5pm and on weekends.

But at the end of the day tanks, more so non-shield tanks, don't generally turn the tide of battles. You can run in and try to stop casters and healers but if you don't have a group that can support your actions then you're just going to die, horribly. So getting rps as a tank is more about how good your group is than how good you are. If your group setup changes alot (like pickup groups do) your success will vary wildly, if you have a fairly consistent group (like a solid RvR guild group) your rps will be fairly consistent.

The other factor is whether you want rps over contribution. It's possible to stay alive longer and hopefully gain more rps if you hang around and wait to see how things are going, but you'll have done little to help your group/realm. If you contribute more to the outcome by getting stuck in first, you'll probably not see as many rps. The classic example being the first in a charge, you know you're going to die but someone has to be first.



Originally posted by Trinilim
How do you get to such high RR with such crappy RvR that we have?

Virtually no orginization from what I've seen, loads of zergs, loads of bug abusers, loads of overpoweredness from the other realms, loads of highly overpowered nukes.

I really don't know how you do it, I'm getting sick of playing me friar cause of it :(

Typical tank:
1) Buy hib medallion
2) Get a group
3) Ensure that you have at least 4fgs with you
4) Stick the nearest compentant sounding person
5) Go afk till you reach amg
6) Upon engaging the enemy spam /stick + f8
7) Whether they are mezzed or not is no consequence - their class does not matter either.
8) Once you hit the target move on to another
9) Keep doing this for the entire fight
10) When things go wrong attempt to run back into zerg
11) When all enemies killed you should have leeched a few hundred rps

Rinse + repeat ;)


Tril, if you think you'd beat a buffed merc, you really do have another think coming ;)


Hit short weak people, they fall down faster.

I recommend StormriderX


Originally posted by alithiel50

not one merc has beat me in a duel yet ;)

nor armsman

well, one merc did, he used dirty tricks though, dueled him again, promptly put him in his place ;)

:sigh: I'm not able to get on until 11pm gmt most of the time :(

oh well..

edit: all mercs were buffed

and one used IP


Originally posted by Trinilim
not one merc has beat me in a duel yet ;)

nor armsman

well, one merc did, he used dirty tricks though, dueled him again, promptly put him in his place ;)

Buffs > Class ;)

Give the Merc some base buffs and try again :)



Originally posted by Chuffy
Hit short weak people, they fall down faster.

I recommend StormriderX

Sounds good to me :)


Originally posted by Trinilim

edit: all mercs were buffed

nerf edits :)

OK get the merc to face the right way and try again ;)



I'm not entirely sure why people think duels in any way represent what happens in rvr...the situations are entirely different.

Anyway to answer the original question tanks get rps by playing in well balanced groups same as most other classes. Tanks are not solo rvr classes (but then there aren't many that are), but time spent in rvr and balanced groups = rps.


Aye what Frosts says. Protect the ones who do damage and slap some enemies while they try to kill em. But basically a good group. Funny thing is a group without tanks can work but can be slapped down fast also..


Originally posted by Talifer
nerf edits :)

OK get the merc to face the right way and try again ;)


rah, they were /stuck of were /facing


Originally posted by Trinilim
not one merc has beat me in a duel yet ;)

nor armsman

Stop telling porkies! ;) We're about 4-6 (to you) when Im not buffed, and I always whup you when Im buffed :D


Re: Re: How do you tanks do it

Originally posted by Talifer
Well the simple answer is play alot ;)
The more you play the more rps you get, the time of day is also a factor, being able to play weekdays before prime time (before about 5pm) gets you more rps than playing after 5pm and on weekends.

But at the end of the day tanks, more so non-shield tanks, don't generally turn the tide of battles. You can run in and try to stop casters and healers but if you don't have a group that can support your actions then you're just going to die, horribly. So getting rps as a tank is more about how good your group is than how good you are. If your group setup changes alot (like pickup groups do) your success will vary wildly, if you have a fairly consistent group (like a solid RvR guild group) your rps will be fairly consistent.

The other factor is whether you want rps over contribution. It's possible to stay alive longer and hopefully gain more rps if you hang around and wait to see how things are going, but you'll have done little to help your group/realm. If you contribute more to the outcome by getting stuck in first, you'll probably not see as many rps. The classic example being the first in a charge, you know you're going to die but someone has to be first.


What he said.


Group with an aoe dotter like Cerdin, hole up in a keep....

and leech away :)


Originally posted by Trinilim
not one merc has beat me in a duel yet ;)

Fight a decent RR merc then. Konah would murder you....


i leeched all my 1.18million rps off Grymulv :D

mostly i just knock back a few beers and bitch when i get caught in a insta mezz ;)


Originally posted by Trinilim
not one merc has beat me in a duel yet ;)

nor armsman

well, one merc did, he used dirty tricks though, dueled him again, promptly put him in his place ;)

:sigh: I'm not able to get on until 11pm gmt most of the time :(

oh well..

edit: all mercs were buffed

and one used IP
I've duelled quite a few friars, since everyone seems to think they're quite tough and I was curious to see if it was true....

All duels were fought with me being unbuffed, and no active RA's being used by either combatant.

Only ONE friar has actually beaten me in a duel, and that was Quicksilver.... and it was a close fight! ;)


There isn't any class that can win 100% of the time against any other class of any RR, if there was then theres something seriously wrong with the game and everyone in that realm would be playing that class.

Sure its fun to brag but no ones unbeatable and whilst you may fair better vs a certain class theres always going to be someone that can win you, anyone that duels alot will know that theres still alot of luck involved.

But anyway getting back on topic.

As mentioned earlier, if you look for it you can find good rvr, but as a tank your not going to find a satisfying fight in the middle of a zerg.

For me a good fun fight is something like 4 vs 4, and thats people not groups, zergs you cannot make a differance but small scale skirmeshes, are intense, close and every single person there is making a differance and vital.

Most fun battles i've had have been whilst roaming Odins with a cleric and a few tank friends. Theres an increased risk of getting zerged at amg, but once your past there things get easier.

As for two-handed tanks not turning the tides of battle, that may be true in zergs but again, in smaller fights and fg vs fg the most successful groups i've been in have all been pure tank damage groups. In fact best group I had consisted of 2 clerics with bof, 1 minstrel and 5 tanks (1 paladin, 2 thrust polers, 1 reaver and a merc), and we attacked and killed 1fg of mids a few times without losses. casters are not the be all and end all of damage despite what they like to think.

If your not satisfied with a tanks perspective of rvr at the moment, get someone to let you have a go with there caster for a bit or roll up an alt and take it to the BG, then see how much more intimidating a tank is when there running you down.


Originally posted by Kagato.
There isn't any class that can win 100% of the time against any other class of any RR, if there was then theres something seriously wrong with the game and everyone in that realm would be playing that class.

great post mate, very encouraging, but I just had the overwhelming urge to point something out with this section (not a flame!)

A necro using a wall bug can and will destroy absolutely anything of any rr :)

Pbaoe and GT might be a problem, but with insta life tap and hp regen, even if the caster has MoC, it'll run out eventually, and the pet will still have a lot of hp left.

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