How do you spend ur time



OK. Its another boring thursday. Im at work and have no "work-spirit" in me today. All i wanna do right now, is sit infront of my own computer with DAoC running, doing anything else but what im doing now. I'll even craft ;)

So my question goes:

When you have a day like I have today, where there is no work that HAS to be done by tomorrow, and ur boss isn't around, how do you pass ur time?

I've been reading the forums now, but nothing new and interesting has been posted in the last 30 mins or so. Been checking Allakhazam for items updates ( and looked at the 3 new midgard ones), I've been to Catacombs for yet another mindless What-If-I-Played-This-Char-TO-50 session, resulting in a even greater urge to go home and play.

Am I making any sence here?

I think ill have to get some coffe now, otherwise when my boss comes back, he will find me snoring at my desk.


some1 tell me if this is at all familiar?



Been there, done that..hey i am doing it now :)

ok...i read forums...and luch hour aint exactly hour..more like 4 hours :)



got an exam to revise for and I am sitting here in work staring at the forums :)

The gutter of it is - I am away this weekend so I know I wont get my fix of daoc over the weekend :(




This must the busiest time of day on these forums.

OMG imaging the amount of cash the companies out there pay us to sit here and write trivial things about a game. :rolleyes:

Makes me wonder if there would be anything to gain by making somekind of agrement between game developers and other companies, stating that computer games where prohibited to be too adictive??:D

But in the end, if you can get distracted by a game at work, maybe ur in the wrong line of work? Ahh well NM, the bored mind will make up things to keep occupied.


I'll browse these forums...

then I'll check out the IGN forums... have a laugh at some whiners (WAAAH X IS TEH SUX I AM DA GOD! MY CLASS SUCKS! MY REALM SUCKS! WHY DO THEY ALWAYS GET THE GOOD STUFF!)

then play around with the character creator and cackle evilly at the spells I'll have eventually...

This is unless I have some work to do in which case I kill the browser so I can get on with it...

speaking of which...


Well I am on my summer holidays and didn't find myself a summer job sooo.... I wake up between 11:00 and 15:00, make some coffee after which I browse these forums for maybe an hour or so. This then is followed by the usual shower etc. after which the day begins to vary. So I either...
Bad weather: DAoC
Good weather: Beach for some tanning and beer OR park for some tanning and beer action OR street skating OR beer garden type of thing OR beach for actual swimming (with beer and tanning) OR having a nice coffee somewhere. These all are of course done with friends...
Then after these things I would usually come home, eat dinner if I didn't do so at town then figure out if I go rent movies, go to the movies, go to a bar or actually stay home. This depends on my friends and what they want to do... naturally.
But like most of you have probably noticed I post on these forums when I am bored and couldn't be arsed to leave home or play DAoC ;)
Today... bad weather... ugh...


Yeah ,we all know you really work in a Finnish salt mine and haven't seen the sun or the female species since you grped with that Firborg Druid called 'Easygirl'. I reckon your known to your mates as the tomb creeper.

Jealousy rears its ugly head:)


my favorite pasttime is insulting thanes.

other than that, reading back issues from, shame its only one a day.



Hulbur here it is the same... I just wanna play the game and stop working ;) But I have to finish this work emplacement for school. So I will be finally graduated and have my beautiful paper to show that I'm a software engineer :) Just gonna hang on to the last 3 weeks to go. Then it is DAOC all the way..



I'm already consigned to the treadmill

*turns green with envy at all those student-age lot*


My favourite passtime seems to be taking insults from Infozwerg. :clap:


Originally posted by fingoniel

I'm already consigned to the treadmill

*turns green with envy at all those student-age lot*
Bah, go to the gym, it's great :)


I get in in the morning, read the email, read latest on /. and the Register, then get on these forums. Time inbetween is usually spent talking utter balls to people on MSN/ICQ.

.. Oh and drinking coffee ..

.. and sometimes work.

I tried to persuede my boss to get me a dual head GeForce3 once so I could play DAoC at work. I used to play UO a bit but thats easier to hide.


As a casualty of the post 9/11 dotcom collapse, I'm still trying to get back on the treadmill. I used to have the best job I've ever had, because it was the best company I have ever worked for, and really great people. While I was working there, I went back to school and qualified as a technical writer, and got laid off a week later. Now, I'm in the position of being under-or over-qualified for every job I have applied for. So .. currently, I tend to spend 6 hours most days on job search (still get up at 7:30), I read the forum, then do stuff that needs doing (cleaning, buying groceries), then I allow my DAoC addiction to kick in for a few hours, followed by some TV watching if there is anything on worth watching ... 50 channels and nothing to watch, most nights. I would rather be working.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by infozwerg
other than that, reading back issues from, shame its only one a day.

Crap. I forgot to start reading again after my 2 week holiday...time to go read some more. ;)


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