How do they work out RP's?



This topic has prolly been covered before so many times, but i am thick and a noob, so just bear with me please? :eek:

How do you work out ( or whoever ) how many RP's you are worth if...better change that :) ... WHEN you are killed?

I keep getting 1 for purp cons and up to 100 for yellow/orange/red cons. I dont understand this at all. :confused:

Oh and one last thing. How many RP's do ppl get when they kill me and have I ever killed anyone? I think I might have got the kiling blow on Bee but I aint sure. :(


Well first of all you don't get all RP for the kill... It's the amount of damage you do. So let's say a yellow was worth 100 RP (don't know how the RP system works for how much you would get for certain people with certain ranks and what they con). And you would have damaged him 50% and others ganked him also. You would get 50 RP (maybe some slight adjustments but it's the closest easy explanation I made up).

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