How can I jump higher in CS?



During one of the games, someone typed on how you can jump higher than the standard space bar allows. I sometimes get frustrated at how other team members seem to be able to ascend to higher areas than I can.

Any help?


There's a deliberate feature in halflife (i.e. not a hack/ exploit/ anything else) where you can jump slightly higher than normal by jumping then crouching immediately.

You even get taught to do it in the HL tutorial, iirc :)

The feature carries over into CS .. you can jump onto slightly taller crates by jumping then crouching.

In Q2 there are various little exploits to do with changing your FPS to "trick" the game engine into letting you do things that you wouldn't normally be able to do, so maybe it's something like this you're thinking of?

my typing sucks ;)

[This message has been edited by SimbobX (edited 19 July 2000).]


I think what lilybeg saw is the old strafe jumping trick

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